Curriculum & Instruction » Textbook Adoption

Textbook Adoption

Granbury ISD Families,

This message is to inform you of the proposed adoption process of new instructional materials. Each program that follows was voted in by a committee of teachers as the district's new science curricula for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade.



Public Review of Science Programs

  • Online Viewing: The K-12 science materials are available for public view online. Each program’s access codes are listed below.


Board Approval of Science Programs

  • The Board of Trustees will consider the approval of the new instructional materials at the monthly meeting on March 25, 2024. 



  • Should you have any questions about the materials or the adoption process, please email the curriculum coordinators:

Belinda Linker (K-3) [email protected]
Kristina Sosebee (4-8) [email protected]
Denisa Mendel (9-12 Science) [email protected]
Stacy Roeming (9-12 Social Studies) [email protected]


Estimadas familias de Granbury ISD,

Este mensaje es para informarle sobre el proceso de adopción propuesto de nuevos materiales educativos. Cada programa que sigue fue votado por un comité de maestros como los nuevos materiales de instrucción del distrito para estudiantes desde kindergarten hasta el grado 12.

Revisión Pública de los Programas de Ciencias

  • Visualización en línea: Los materiales de ciencias para K-12 están disponibles para su visualización pública en línea. Los códigos de acceso de cada programa se enumeran a continuación.

Aprobación del Consejo de los Programas de Ciencias

  • El Consejo de Administración considerará la aprobación de nuevos materiales de ciencias en la reunión mensual del 25 de marzo de 2024.


  • Si tienen alguna pregunta sobre los materiales o el proceso de adopción, por favor envíen un correo electrónico a los coordinadores del plan de estudios.

Belinda Linker (K-3) [email protected]
Kristina Sosebee (4-8) [email protected]
Denisa Mendel (9-12) [email protected]
Stacy Roeming (9-12 Social Studies) [email protected]


K-5 Science


Website: HMH Into Science 


Link for Community Feedback Form

6-8 Science


Texas Experience Science


UN: ExperienceScience68
PW: Savvas2024


K-8 Technology Applications

Website: Log in to

Username (Grade K): TexasKinder 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024 


Username (Grade 1): TexasFirst 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024


Username (Grade 2): TexasSecond 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024


Username (Grade 3): TexasThird 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024


Username (Grade 4): TexasFourth 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024


Username (Grade 5): TexasFifth 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024


Username (Grade 6): TexasSixth 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024


Username (Grade 7): TexasSeventh 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024


Username (Grade 8): TexasEighth 

Password: Texas2024 District: Texas Demo 2024


9-12 Science


Biology - Savvas

Chemistry - Savvas

AP Chemistry - Savvas

STARS HS : Biology, Chemistry, and Physics - Savvas

IPC - McGraw Hill

Physics - Myriad Sensor

Aquatics - Cengage

Environmental Science - Cengage

AP Environmental Science - Cengage




Username: ExperienceScience912

Password: Savvas2024


Myriad Sensor (Physics)


Email: [email protected]

Password: CAsample24




McGraw Hill: Go to 


PW: Vote4mhtxscience


Personal Financial Literacy & Economics
Ramsey Education (Dave Ramsey/Lampo)


Career & Technical Education

Child Development

iCEV Child Development (Individual Course)

User Name: TXSReview_ET1

Password: Proc24001s


Principles of Education and Training

iCEV Principle of Education and Training (Individual Course)

User Name: TXSReview_ET5

Password: Proc24019s


Instructional Practices

iCEV Instructional Practices (Individual Course)

User Name: TXSReview_ET3

Password: Proc24012s


Anatomy and Physiology

McGraw-Hill - Texas Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, High School Edition, (2nd Edition) with APR

Username: TXSciencePublic

Password: TX2024


Health Science Theory

Goodheart Wilcox - Health Science: Concepts and Skills 2e

Username: txhst#review

Password: txreview#2024!


Medical Terminology

Goodheart Wilcox - Introduction to Medical Terminology 2e

Username: txmedterm#review

Password: txreview#2024!


Forensic Science

Cengage - Forensic Science: Fundamentals and Investigations 3rd Edition

Password: proc2024


Savvas Learning Company - Forensic Science: An Introduction 2nd Edition

Username: K-12SavvasReview

Password: Savvas1


Fundamentals of Computer Science

Compuscholar, Inc. 

Username: tx_review2024

Password: Public2024


Computer Science II

CodeHS, Inc. 

Username Email: [email protected]

Password: teatest1