Granbury ISD Education Foundation Corporate Documents
Granbury ISD Education Foundation - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - April 8, 2021
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
April 8, 2021
Granbury ISD Administration Building
217 N Jones St
Granbury, TX 76049
The following board members were present: Kirby Doshier, Suzanne Francis, Sara Galvan, Dr. Jeremy Glenn, Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Ruth Matheny, Brian Miller, Stacy Mitchell, Lisa Peregrino, Nancy Peterson, Heidi Pippin, Michael Ross, Chelsea Thompson, Ann VanDuzee
The following board members were absent: Suzanne Childers, Menielle Donahoo, Ronnie Hansen, Steven Kuban, Holly Martin, Paula McDonald, Jeff Meador, David Orcutt
The meeting is called to order at 1:36p.
Jincy Ross and Sonja Chastain from Brawner Elementary joined us to speak about the grant they received for the Climbing Wall.
The minutes are presented to the board. Michael Ross makes a motion. Lisa makes a second. The minutes are accepted as presented to the board.
Stacy presents Kirby Doshier as a potential new board member. Ann makes a motion to accept Kirby Doshier as a new board member. Suzanne seconds. The motion passes.
Superintendent Report
Dr Jeremy Glenn presents the superintendents’ report. We are on track to have all the events that we had to cancel last year. Prom went off without a hitch. Graduation last year was held at the football stadium. He said a group of juniors came to him after last year’s ceremony and wanted to do their graduation event at Pirate Stadium. He considered that request and was able to purchase a stage to make it happen. This year the graduation will be held at Pirate stadium. Teach for Greatness will be after graduation. School will end on the 20th. Graduation will be on the 28th. Sports camps are on, summer school is on. Summer activities will resume as usual.
Treasurer’s Report
Blake presents the financials for January and February. In January, we deposited $10,481. In February we deposited $5,000 for F1 Racing and $3,451. We have $54,714 in our investment account. Lisa makes a motion to approve January and February financials. Nancy seconds. The financials are accepted as presented to the board.
Stacy says we may end up moving our investment account into something more high risk so we can potentially make more money. Our “rainy day fund” was created for something like COVID and we ended up with a great turnout in fundraising without having an event.
Programs Committee
Nancy doesn’t have anything new to present for the Programs Committee.
Ruth says she is still working on the grant spotlights. She will ask all the teachers to email pictures of the grants in action throughout the year.
Events Committee
Michelle shares a list of things she needs for the Academic Recognition Banquet:
- Emcee for the event – Chelsea volunteers
- 2 readers
- Will need about 5-7 board members to attend
- 1-2 checking in
- 3-4 helping seat
- People start coming in about 6p. Ask Board Members to come out at 5:30p.
- Joe’s Pasta agreed to cater.
- CTE is bringing desserts and drink station
Development and Marketing Committee
Minelle sent out the luncheon invitation. Will do a small tour of the CTE wing and work our way to the culinary department to have lunch. We have received a few RSVPs but not very many. Stacy has the folders for the tour.
Potential sponsors or groups to invite to the tour: DR Horton, Pinnacle, EECU, Mike Brown, Tri-County Co-Op, United Co-Op
Unfinished and New Business
Airplane vote passed. Will give kids the chance to get flight hours. It’s a different project than what the students have been working on with Eagle’s Nest.
Potential Board members. We have talked about a few people. Stephanie Hyde is a possibility. Lori Williams Cox used to teach at one of the middle schools. Sara mentioned another teacher who would be good. Randy Leach, Sharon Williams are both good possibilities too. Tri-County or United Co-Op?
Our next meeting is May 13th. Stacy entertains a motion to adjourn. Michael makes a motion to adjourn. Blake seconds.
Meeting is adjourned at 2:34p
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 18, 2021
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
March 18, 2021
Granbury ISD Administration Building
217 N Jones St
Granbury, TX 76049
The following board members were present: Menielle Donahoo, Kirby Doshier, Sara Galvan, Dr. Jeremy Glenn, Ronnie Hansen, Steven Kuban, Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Holly Martin, Ruth Matheny, Paula McDonald, Brian Miller, Stacy Mitchell, David Orcutt, Lisa Peregrino, Nancy Peterson, Heidi Pippin, Michael Ross, Chelsea Thompson, Ann VanDuzee
The following board members were absent: Suzanne Childers, Suzanne Francis, Jeff Meador
The meeting is called to order at 1:36p.
Kirby Doshier, Robert Doshier’s Daughter joins us today with an interest in joining the board.
The minutes are presented to the board. Jeremy Glenn makes a motion to accept the minutes. Steven Kuban seconds. The minutes are accepted as presented to the board.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Glenn spoke about the vaccination clinics. If you want a vaccination, they take walk ups. If they can’t take you at that time, they will schedule one very quickly. The vaccinations will close in May. They applied for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine but have not been approved for it yet. The total process takes about 30 minutes. You can book it on the Hood County Health Services website.
There are 40 more days of school. It’s been a hard year for teachers and students. Lots of topics to face: masks, virtual learning, etc. Next year will be a better year.
Next Thursday the soccer team is playing in the playoffs.
Treasurer’s Report
Blake speaks about the treasurer’s report. We don’t have January or February info so he will go over November and December. We ended December in $222,000 in assets. Total assets $222,086, liquid assets $215,242
December total assets were $183,465, liquid was $176,222
Ronnie makes a motion to accept November and December financials. Michelle seconds. Financials are accepted as presented to the board.
Programs Committee
The bus ride and delivery of the grants went perfectly. Nancy thinks we need to purchase a bullhorn. The grants that we were not able to accept were because a name was on there. We need to be able to get word out there to keep names out of the grant requests. Blake says that maybe a current board member who isn’t on the grant review committee can do a preliminary review before it becomes an official grant. Stacy says it may look suspicious if we have a board member review it at all. Dr Glenn says he can make the rules clear as well as allow time at in-service days, and teacher orientation to speak on it.
Ruth has been working on grant spotlights. Spring break and upcoming testing dates have put a hold on her planning. She said she will get some spotlights before summertime.
Events Committee
Michelle spoke to Cleo Brown at La Bella Luna who will let us have the Academic Banquet for only $500. Thursday May 6th at 6:00pm. Michelle will bring a signup sheet for board members to volunteer for different things at next month’s meeting. We are borrowing purple napkins from De Cordova. We don’t need tablecloths or chair covers. They do have plates and silverware, but they charge $4 a set for them. We can do nice plastic plates and cups. Culinary Department can order it from their vendor at cost. We may choose to do that part. CTE will do drinks and desserts. We can talk to Joe’s Pasta to see if they would be interested in donating or giving a discount to a catering order. Chelsea will bring apples for the centerpieces.
Items Needed Quickly
- Lettering on picture frames – Let Stacy know if you want to do this
- Emcee for event – Blake has been volun-told by the majority of the board
We have the 50 Fellas sponsor sheets. If someone wants to give to potential sponsors they may know. Stacy will bring the list of previous sponsors to the next meeting.
50 Fellas is Oct 16th at the reunion grounds.
Development and Marketing Committee
Last meeting Stacy asked for people to join the development and marketing committee. Minelle and Lisa joined. She wants to schedule a luncheon at the culinary center for the donors and have a tour in late April. If there are potential donors, we can invite them to this event. They will also make the folders for the donor packets.
Unfinished and New Business
Stacy asks if the current board members know of anyone who can join the board. A few names are brought up. Stacy needs someone to help with the 50 Fellas silent auction area. Sara Galvan and Louise did it in 2019 but Louise cannot. Can someone help Sara?
Robert Doshier’s daughter Kirby would like to offer a $1k or $2k scholarship in his name. Stacy entertains a motion for the Robert Doshier scholarship. Minelle makes a motion to accept. Nancy seconds. The motions carries.
Kirby will let Stacy know the amount when that is decided, and Stacy will let the GISD counselor’s office know. Stacy would like to offer her a position on the board and to help with 50 Fellas.
Michelle makes a motion to adjourn. Minelle seconds. The meeting is adjourned at 2:35pm.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 11, 2021
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
February 11, 2021
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
The following board members were present: Menielle Donahoo, Sara Galvan, Dr. Jeremy Glenn, Steven Kuban, Michelle Lucero, Holly Martin, Ruth Matheny, Paula McDonald, Brian Miller, Stacy Mitchell, David Orcutt, Lisa Peregrino, Heidi Pippin, Michael Ross, Chelsea Thompson, and Ann VanDuzee
The following board members were absent: Suzanne Childers, Robert Doshier, Suzanne Francis, Ronnie Hansen, Blake Marion, Jeff Meador, and Nancy Peterson
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:31pm.
Stacy presented the minutes from the last board meeting. Lisa Peregrino makes a motion to accept the minutes. Ann VanDuzee seconds. The minutes are accepted as presented to the board.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Glen spoke about the cancellation of school for today due to inclement weather. Granbury roads look great except for one incident. They city did a great job making sure the roads were in good shape. Stay tuned to the school district on facility and school updates.
COVID cases – numbers have levelled off across the county. Hospitalizations are down to 15% which is a lot lower than the weeks leading up to Christmas break. We are hovering around 50 cases per week which is good compared to the number of students and staff we have on campuses every day. Vaccine hub is happening and is successful. We have over 2,000 people vaccinated – round 1 of Moderna vaccines. 45-minute wait maximum for the Vaccine hub at GISD. We don’t know how many shots we will receive next week. 40% of staff are being vaccinated using doses left over from each day. Teachers that want the vaccines can get them so not doses are wasted. Shout out to the trustees for allowing the vaccines hub to happen at GISD Admin, it has been very successful.
Growth continues to be a huge issue for GISD. Other school districts have seen drops in growth but GISD hasn’t. Dr. McDonald says finding homes for people to move here have been a struggle. Lots of people want to move to GISD. We want to make sure we have adequate facility for that growth.
Programs – Right now, we are still on track to host prom, graduations, programs, etc. Graduation will be a Pirate stadium.
Treasurer’s Report
Blake hasn’t joined yet but may pop in later. Not a whole lot to update on treasurer’s report.
Programs Committee
Prize party was awesome! We awarded over $86,000 to teachers. Ruth was going to try to get grants spotlight going. Someone has gone out to interview teachers who received grants. Ruth will have more information by the next meeting. There is a struggle for teachers to try to come up with innovative grant ideas. Stacy wants to entertain outside perspectives on how to bring in new ideas for principals and teachers. Videos are welcome too. For future grants, remind teachers and principals not to include names and schools in their grants, those will be disqualified. We keep getting the same grants each year and we would like to get new ideas. We have brought in people who have been rewarded grants in the past to join us at meetings to share updates on their grants. We are working to get previous grant recipients to present to us in future meetings.
Marketing Committee
Michelle says the Academic Banquet will be on May 6th. We have previously held the banquet at the DeCordova Clubhouse but they are undergoing a remodel, so we aren’t able to host it there this year. We have tossed around ideas for other locations. La Bella Luna, Warren’s Backyard, High School/Culinary students. Ideas are floating around but haven’t narrowed down any solid plans yet. Last banquet had 178 attendees. Michelle is waiting to hear back from Cleo at La Bella Luna if that could be a plan. Dr. Glen says all school facilities are open and the culinary department can be a plan if needed. Michael Ross says he can look into using the City Convention Center but will need to ask City Council first. Michelle will send Michael the event details so he can run it through the Council. Mi Familia or Joe’s Pasta has catered in the past and we could ask them to do it again. Stacy asked if the hospital can underwrite the event? It’s about $2500 or $3,000. David will talk with his team to see they are able to sponsor the event again. Charter has sponsored in the past, Michelle says the First National is interested in underwriting the event if the hospital cannot this year.
50 Fellas Foodfest: Event is happening this year. We’ve talked about different venues outside of the Reunion Grounds. But the Reunion Grounds is easier to get to and works logistically. We raised $110k last year and we should do something just for the sponsors and donors to show appreciation for such a successful fundraising year even without hosting an event. Heidi will make a new sponsor sheet for 2021. Can add H-E-B logo to the marketing materials for this year’s event. Date is October 16th at Reunion Grounds. We want to still do the Donor recognition event, but Revolver is not open, we could ask to do it at Sledge.
Development Committee
Amy Clarkson was over the Development Committee but had to leave the board. She organized the donor tour and luncheon each year at the CTE building. She would schedule, invite, print brochures, and programs for the donor luncheon. We need a new person to lead that event. The donor lunch and tour usually had about 20-25 people attend. DR Horton, and Car Dealerships would be great potential attendees for the tour. Think about board members who could take Amy’s place on this. The job would not entail a lot and Dr. Glen would help schedule the tour through Mr. Dawson.
Unfinished and New Business
Taco Casa Fundraiser – Blake still hasn’t joined one thing he was going to talk about was future funds. We made about $700 on the Taco Casa fundraiser. We didn’t have to do anything for it. Great way to partner with United Way.
Unused Grant Money – Trisha Suitt has taken over for Amy and Sharon. Teachers have asked how to use the funds allocated for field trips this year. Since field trips cannot happen. They have been asking if they can find other things to use it for. Some would like to purchase incubators; the board doesn’t think that is an innovative way to use the funds and Trisha says we can find different funding to purchase incubators.
Trisha says: What are your thoughts for field trips carrying over another year?
Stacy: I’d hate to take away the grants and the money we have given there is just sitting there.
Dr Glen: We will eventually allow fieldtrips but not this school year. It’s not because we don’t want to do them, it’s because the places we want to go won’t allow groups of students and can only allow small groups at a limited capacity.
Dr. Glen anticipates next year to be a better year for fieldtrips. Dr. McDonald suggests bringing in virtual speakers to present to students. There were 4 or 5 field trips scheduled that needed to be cancelled this school year. Maybe we can see if those fieldtrips we were going to do could present virtually. We don’t want them to use the funds for something different so we should try to use the funds for something similar.
Next meeting is scheduled for March 11. Spring Break has now been moved to that week and the Admin building will be closed. Can we move our next meeting to March 18th at the Admin Building? Board agrees to move the next meeting to March 18th at the GISD Admin Building.
Stacy entertains a motion to adjourn. David makes a motion to adjourn. Holly seconds. Meeting is adjourned at 2:18pm.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 12, 2020
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
November 12, 2020
Granbury ISD Administration Building
217 N Jones St
Granbury, TX 76049
The following board members were present: Menielle Donahoo, Suzanne Francis, Sara Galvan, Dr. Jeremy Glenn, Ronnie Hansen, Michelle Lucero, Ruth Matheny, Stacy Mitchell, Lisa Peregrino, Nancy Peterson, Heidi Pippin, Chelsea Thompson
The following board members were absent: Suzanne Childers, Robert Doshier, Steven Kuban, Blake Marion, Holly martin, Jeff Meador, Brian Miller, Mike Moore, Kevin Meyers, David Orcutt, Michael Ross, Ann VanDuzee, Louise Willett
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:36pm.
Jimmy Dawson (Director of Granbury High School CTE) proposed to the board to shift the annual $7,500 gift from the Optimist Club for CTE Certifications to be used going forward to tuition for Technical Dual Credit Courses. Chelsea makes a motion to approve CTE funds to go from funding the CTE Certification to Technical Dual Credit Courses. Nancy seconds. The motion carries.
Lisa Peregrino introduces herself. Michelle makes a to accept Lisa to the board, Michelle seconds.
Stacy presented the minutes from the last board meeting. Ronnie makes a motion to accept the minutes. Lisa seconds. The minutes are accepted as presented to the board.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Glen presents the Superintendent’s Report. He says the district is experiencing a lot less spread throughout the school. Most cases are transmitted through families and not “community spread.” At the time of this meeting there are 108 total positive cases since August. There are 7500 total students and staff on campus every day and there are close to 30 active cases right now. The district is now encouraging 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade students to also wear masks.
Goals for the year – academics are the main focus this year. The biggest issue we have here is a little over 50% poverty, there are a lot of different types of poverty as a school system – we are now investing heavily in early childhood education.
Growing on enrollment. AES has almost 1,000 children. Looking at possibly bringing in portable buildings for some elementary schools.
Ronnie presents the financials from September and October. $213,571 net assets as of 10/31. There hasn’t been a whole lot of activity other than money coming as donations. At the last meeting, Blake mentioned that we may be fined due to misseding the First National Bank has offered to pay the fine if we do get one. Jeremy makes a motion. Ronnie seconds. The financials are accepted as presented to the board.
Nancy presented about the grants. 23 grants were approved and will be given out on November 17th. H-E-B will provide snacks, ice, and water. Everyone who wants to attend will meet at the GISD Admin building at 8:00am. Those who feel comfortable can ride the bus.
Donors – Stacy will send out an updated donor list.
Taco fundraiser before the football game. The kids at the Galley are putting it together. Students are running it to the cars. Heidi created a one-pager with GEF info to include at the event. United Way will also put in a flyer. Since this is a joint fundraiser, we will be sharing the proceeds with United Way.
We will not meet again until February. We usually always take December and January off.
Lisa makes a motion to adjourn. Michelle seconds. Meeting is adjourned at 2:50.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - October 8, 2020
GEF Meeting
October 8, 2020
Call to Order
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:33- location was the Lecture Hall at Granbury High School in the CTE wing of the building.
Stacy called for a review of the minutes from the September 10 meeting.
- Michael Ross made a motion to accept
- Ronnie Hansen seconded the motion
- Motion carried
Board members in attendance: Stacy Mitchell, Suzanne Francis, Sara Galvan, Jeremy Glenn, Ronnie Hansen, Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Ruth Matheny, Nancy Peterson, and Michael Ross. Via Zoom: Robert Doshier, Heidi Pippin, and Louise Willett. Chelsea Thompson by phone conference.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Jeremy Glenn reported that things continue to go well, and teachers continue doing a good job.
- Covid cases continue to climb with over 45 cases total, 156 close contact, and 13 active cases.
- Goal is for schools to stay open
- Meetings continue by Zoom
- District goal is to be normal after Christmas
- Hope to no longer have virtual learners in Spring semester
This weekend is Homecoming versus Copperas Cove. The game is sold out, and the Homecoming Court will be presented at half-time.
School Calendar will probably be changed after the next School Board meeting:
- Building in more Covid days (14)
- Five days added to Christmas break
- School will end a week early
- Professional Development for teachers will occur at the end of May
- More time will be allowed for Summer School
- Virtual learners are not doing well
- Correlation between low income and failure rate (60%) with virtual learners
- Child Advocacy Center reported that when schools closed in March child abuse cases rose, but when schools reopened in August case loads went down because no one was there to report cases
Graduation will be at Pirate Stadium again this year with added attention to details and security.
Thank-you to Jimmy Dawson for hosting this meeting so that GEF board could see some results of previous grants.
Treasury Report by Blake Marion
The July and August reports were presented; everyone had printed copies; no questions were submitted.
Taxes which were due in July of 2019 were not filed
- Possible fine by the IRS, but it may be forgiven
Taxes for 2020
- Accountant has completed the form
Blake received a called from First National Bank asking if we wanted to keep the account open
Motion to accept by Ronnie Hansen
Motion seconded by Michael Ross
Motion carried
GEF Grant Report by Nancy Peterson
Forty-four grants were received by the deadline Grant Committee will have at least ten days to read the grants, and it will meet on October 19 to vote on which grants to accept.
Prize Patrol is planned for November 17 with possible modifications of presentations due to Covid protocols.
- An anonymous donation for a climbing wall at Brawner Intermediate for $12,818 will be presented this year.
Motion to accept by Michelle Lucero
Seconded by Suzanne Francis
Motion carried
Development and Marketing Report by Holly Martin and Michelle Lucero
Due to cancellation of Fifty Fellows as the primary fund raiser for GEF, an online auction had been suggested. However, it had been decided that there would not be an online auction.
- Sponsors from 2019 will donate again in 2020
Committee is interested in receiving videos from teachers who have received grants and tell how the grants have impacted students.
- “Testimonial Tuesdays” – weekly videos from teachers showing how the grants have helped students
- Danielle Parsons, Director of Technology, will be asked for assistance.
Ronnie Hansen explained that Capital Plains Bank held an online auction which raised 20% more money that last year’s traditional auction. A program was purchased for this auction, and he said it worked quite well. Discussion of the possibility of an online auction for GEF resumed.
Gift Bags will be presented to all 950+ GISD employees on November 12 prior to the GEF Board meeting.
- Chelsea Thompson reported that HEB will donate all the items for the gift bags
- Volunteers are needed on November 10 to assemble the gift bags.
Becky Mauldin from United Way has offered to cooperate with GEF for a tailgating fundraiser before the football game on November 14.
- Proceeds will be split 50/50
- Food provided by Taco Casa
Motion to accept by Michael Ross.
Motion seconded by Ruth Matheny
Motion carried
Ribbon Cutting for The Anchor
Board Meeting adjourned to watch the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Anchor School Store by the Granbury Chamber of Commerce
- Mike Scott, President of the Chamber of Commerce, presented
- Kylee Peterson explained the purpose and functions of the school store and the responsibilities of the students.
- Each student spoke to the crowd and explained their role at the store and DECA
- GEF Board members were presented a T-shirt which students printed using a machine received from a 2016 GEF grant.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - September 10, 2020
GEF Meeting
September 10, 2020
Call To Order
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:32 pm.
Stacy introduced High School Counselors Cindy Holt and Doug Barnett who gave the Board a brief explanation of this year’s college tours program. Because of Covid, the tours will be virtual and will most likely be held in the lecture hall at CTE. The colleges presented will be UNT and Tarleton. Approximately 40 students will be invited to attend. This year the Counselors plan to track the students to see how many actually do go on to college. GEF usually holds $3000 for this program each year.
Michael moved to approve last month’s minutes (Aug. 13, 2020). Holly seconded. Motion carried.
Board members in attendance: Stacy Mitchell, Robert Doshier, Suzanne Francis, Jeremy Glenn, Steven Kuban, Michelle Lucero, Holly Martin, Ruth Matheny, Mike Moore, Nancy Peterson, Michael Ross, and Ann Van Duzee.
Board members in attendance through Zoom: Sara Galvan, Heidi Pippin, Chelsea Thompson, and Louise Willett.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Glenn reported on the Covid Dashboard. Out of 7000 students, there have been 26 total positives, 60+ close contacts, and 6 active cases. He reported that more kids were coming back to school from virtual learning. There have been very few disciplines issued regarding the wearing of masks.
Dr. Glenn reported on AMS and symptoms of Covid. If a student goes to the nurse with any Covid symptom, ie. a tummy ache, the student is immediately isolated for 10 days until the student comes back with a doctor’s note, saying the student did indeed have a stomach ache. When a student is isolated whether by symptoms or close contact, classrooms have to be sprayed with disinfectant. So far this year the number of times rooms have been sprayed at AMS is 473.
Holly suggested GEF present all faculty and staff with gift bags to thank them for their service to GISD and students. Chelsea will get ideas together for Oct-Nov gift distribution.
Committee Reports
Finance: Blake was absent and no financials were presented.
Nancy presented her team members with a listing of possible dates for grants to be accepted, reviewed, and finalized. A Prize Party will probably be awarded but in a format different from previous years due to Covid stipulations. As of today, GEF has $64K available for grants. Optimists plan to give another $15K. $17,700 has been rolled over from last year, and GEF usually receives $20K in teacher donations.
Michelle and Holly recommended that 50 Fellas be cancelled this year. The main concern was that the event could be a big risk factor with Covid, and GEF would want to keep its reputation clean and not be criticized for holding the event, especially since most of the other Hood County organizations have not been able to hold galas.
Some ideas floated were an online auction with 10-20 bigger items, an ad in the Hood Co. News to thank the community for their support and to say “See you next year,” using social media to show videos from teachers talking about the grants they received last year and how they have impacted classrooms.
New Business
Stacy presented the idea of sponsor gifts. We have between 115-130 sponsors. Some ideas presented were wooden spatulas with 50 Fellas lasered on them, 50 Fellas masks, cutting boards, personalized notes, things to display in places of business. Michelle moved GEF spend up to $3,000 on these gifts. Holly seconded.
Michelle will speak with Revolver about a potential gathering in the Spring for sponsors and cook teams. Perhaps the menu would be street tacos and beer.
Robert moved to adjourn the meeting. Steven seconded. The motion carried.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - August 13, 2020
GEF Meeting
August 13, 2020
Call To Order
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:36 pm.
Michael moves to approve last month’s minutes (May 14, 2020). Ronnie seconds. Motion carries.
Potential New Members were introduced. They are:
Ruth Matheny
Suzanne Childers
Menielle Donahoo
Suzanne Francis
Michelle moves to accept the new members. David seconds. Motion carries.
Roll Call
The board members in attendance: Stacy Mitchell, Michael Ross, Jeremy Glenn, Steven Kuban, Ronnie Hansen, David Orcutt, Sara Galvan, Michelle Lucero, Mike Moore, Blake Marion, Nancy Peterson, Jeff Meador, and Ann Van Duzee
Those present through Zoom: Chelsea Thompson, Brian Miller, Robert Doshier
We went around the room and each member introduced themselves to the others.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Glenn reports that the first day of school was great, but not perfect. There are those parents in the district who are anti-maskers, thinking the pandemic is a hoax. There are those parents who feel the district isn’t going far enough to protect students, and then there are the parents who have virtual learners at home.
At present, the district has 7400 enrolled students with about 1400 of those students as virtual learners. Many of those waited until the last minute to register and therefore their log-ons were not ready on the first day. The staff has been very helpful, but the parents who are facilitating from home will not be able to give the same quality of education to their students as those students who are in a classroom with our teachers. Virtual learners have synchronous learning at their own pace.
Dr. Glenn and David Orcutt gave us information on the procedures for sterilization of school facilities. David predicts a mini-flare-up of Covid 19 in 1-3 weeks. This, he strongly states, will not be the fault of the school district.
Dr. Glenn is predicting that UIL will push to open athletics in the Fall, basically because it is the main source of income for UIL.
Financial Report
Blake gave the financial report for June 2020. He led a discussion on the Hill and Shiner scholarships. We have an operating balance of $54,000.
Steven moves to approve the report. Ronnie seconds. Motion carries.
Program Committee
Nancy suggests that GEF give the staff several weeks of school before initiating the grant process. Hopefully grants will be due September 25 with the grants finalized the last of October. Some grant money from last school year was not used because of the pandemic. That money is still available in GEF account and will be rolled over to this year.
Marketing and Events
Michelle led the discussion on the problems facing 50 Fellas this year. There are 26 teams interested in cooking if the event is held. There will not be a silent auction, though a live auction may be optional via Zoom. The main difficulty is holding the event outside where there is less rick for exposure to Covid.
Chelsea said HEB policy rules out putting its logo on large gatherings. Therefore, HEB logo would be replaced by GEF logo. HEB, however, will continue to fund it’s $10,000 pledge.
Aprons will be ordered but without the year.
Stacy wants to talk to bigger donors, like Morton or American. She wants to set a goal of $100,000 this year.
Stacy also suggested that the $7500 for CTE and $3000 for college visits be continued.
Realignment of Committees
Finance Committee—Chair, Blake
Program Committee—Chair, Nancy
Suzanne Childers
School Board Trustee Barbara Townsend.
Events and Marketing Committee—Co-Chairs Holly and Michelle
Suzanne Francis
Blake moves to adjourn the meeting. Michael seconds. The meeting is adjourned at 3:00 pm.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - May 14, 2020
GEF Meeting
May 14, 2020. ZOOM MEETING
Call To Order
Staci called meeting to order at 1:31 on ZOOM
Ronny motions to approve last month’s meeting minutes. Holly seconds. Motion carries.
Roll Call
The board members in attendance: Stacy Mitchell, Ann Vanduzee, Brian Miller, Michael Ross, Jeremy Glenn, Holly Martin, Steven Kuban, Ronnie Hansen, David Orcutt, Sara Galvan, Heidi Pippin, Michelle Lucero ,Robert Doshier, Chelsea Thompson, Mike Moore, Blake Marion, Amy Clarkson, Nancy Peterson
Superintendents Report:
Dr. Glenn: GISD announced 2 teacher finalists: Jairo Martinez (Elementary from Mambrino) and Culinary Department GHS. Both awarded gift cards-Reata and 2 tickets to comedy club. District appreciates this! Strange year...can’t celebrate with peers.
Has meeting with Commissioner this afternoon about parameters of this situation. Serving over 1000 meals a day to families. Delivery and satellite locations through summer. Put out nearly 3000 Crome books. Trying to retrieve those next week.
After virtual learning started, (amazing!) routine has set in to get through until end of year. Trying to get guidance on summer school. Would love to have small groups for strength and conditioning camps,ACT/SAT camp, etc.... Achievement gap will be significant. Hoping for clarity today for June 1 summer school start.
Fall-commissioner has concerns about what fall may look like. Not clear guidance yet. We are preparing to bring them back, at least half day. But behind that, we are preparing on line curriculum just in case. Graduation ceremony can occur. May 29th outside at 8:00PM is graduation ceremony at Pirate Stadium. 4 tickets per family more than likely.
What will happen with Emma Roberson’s full day preK? Right now it is on hold. We bid out the job. Had close to a dozen look but only two actually turned in bids. Contractor companies didn’t know about labor and didn’t want to bid. We decided to have full day pre k Oak Woods, Bacchus, Mambrino and Emma. All other major renovations are on hold.
We are proud of our teachers! Staff has stepped up along with community, to take care of kids. We are ready to get back. All staff is coming in on June 1. We take all precautions. We have teachers and staff that are scared, and others who are ready to start now. Delicate balance. Parents need to get back to work. We have worked closely with county and city, police, sheriff...... Everyone has worked well together. There are a lot of positive things happening in county. Leadership is responsible. Don’t forget hospital. Phenomenal resource!
If given opportunity by the state, we will reopen with safeguards for everyone. Hospital has offered to be a great resource to assist.
Blake emailed financials. Blake will be joining us late - but not much movement since last meeting.
March and April financials have been emailed to board.
Ronnie makes motion to approve. Nancy seconds. Motion carries.
Marketing & Events:
50 Fellas : Has not been discussed to date. We don’t have enough info at this time. We should still send info to cooks in June.
$137k made last year at 50 Fellas. We don’t have to set goal yet, but we need to be proactive.
David Orcutt proposed keeping our goal the same ($130k) if we have the event. We need to think through how we can put event on while social distancing. We need to think through how to keep people safe and be sensible. There may be less events to compete with us. Keep the circuit breakers in place. Show bard is $1000 deposit and usually can’t get this back, but maybe this would work with us. Donny Johnson is on board at bank, and Michelle offered to discuss with him. Aprons are usually ordered in August. Possibly we could order at last minute and then just put “8th Annual” and could use in 2021 if necessary. Cooks wear gloves. Maybe give guests/cooks purple masks labeled 50 Fellas. We can open doors and spread people out, as long as it is not raining. David Orcutt and Dr. Glenn could be good resources for 50 Fellas with a “new normal.”
Stacy suggested Plan B for 50 Fellas - Maybe we could have 25 cook teams at Revolver and have sponsors go by for tasting. Maybe 25 cook teams at Wine Walk.
Chelsea - group in Waco had interesting event, “Chopped” - businesses were challenged to create interesting meals. It was a Waco style virtual contest. Was pretty successful. May be worth considering.
We can assess at July meeting.
Development & Marketing:
Unfinished & New Business:
What do we want to do this year to fund grants? AA, Coke, Luminant, ... Stacy has names of larger corporations to apply to. She anticipates our local donors will be less. Morton will donate again, just waiting for $5k or $10k confirmation. Thank goodness we have Rainy Day Fund.
She sent letter out last month to sponsors from board explaining what we did with funds last year and we are going ahead with 50 Fellas, at least for now. We have $20k already towards 50Fellas. She’s heard from a few that are still going to donate. Others are up in the air. Please pass along any new ideas on fundraising. We will have to be proactive. Dr. Glenn says Optimists have healthy back up funds. We will adapt to whatever district needs.
Dr. Glenn added - expect 10% of kids to not return to school for whatever reason. “Off the grid.” Funds usually spent on convocation may be diverted to kids for school supplies.
We usually take June and July off but may try to do GEF meeting in July via ZOOM.
$66k in grants last year. They will still do CTE awards, and vet tech next year. All programs will continue. Both virtual and in person instruction should be offered.
Stacy wants to for sure do CTE awards and college visits ( $10,500). $40k in operating accounts. Future fund has $26k. Plus $50k we put in money market account. We may need it this year.
Stacy emailed new schedule - meetings have been moved to 2nd Thursday of each Month at 1:30 at Admin. Bldg.
We need any potential new board member candidates. Holly to check with Leadership Granbury.
Dr. Glenn, do we want to do Academic Recognition Banquet in august? “Yes.” More leeway after June 1. Possibly limit number of guests and space everyone out. More guidance from Texas Education Agency next week. We have a couple of kids going into academies, and they will leave mid July.
Stacy to talk to DeCordova about how many they can accommodate possibly July. Stacy has purchased frames already and will distribute regardless.
Usually do $150 each for 2 gifts to hand out for Teacher Recognition. HEB gift cards? Chelsea volunteered to get them donated. She will make them happen. Stacy to talk to Village Nail Spa for donation. Joes has also offered to donate gifts. Chelsea committed to 20 bags with snacks for gifts. They would deliver.
We have narrowed down to top 5 scholarships.
Amy Clarkson will be coming in to oversee. One of the nominees works for Stacy’s husband, so Stacy is sitting on the sidelines.
Think new sponsors!
Holly nominated STacy as president. Michelle seconds. Motion carries.
Blake offered to stay on as Treasurer. Michael nominates Blake. Nancy seconds. Motion carries.
Holly nominates Louise as Secretary. Michael seconds. Motion carries.
We will realign committees and chair persons next meeting so include new board members.
Meeting adjourned 2:40
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 20, 2020
GEF Meeting
February 20th
Dr. Glenn presented demographics
Call To Order
Staci called meeting to order At 1:32 on feb. 20th, 2020 at admin bldg.
Tabitha Bleeker. Asst. principle at Emma was present to discuss
Experience Based learning rooms: total 16 rooms; PreK coming to campus
Camping & Zoo experience Rooms are done. Rotate in 2 weeks. Literacy, vocabulary and math. Ms. Lambert is working with
Polar & Pet Experience Rooms will be completed next. high school is working to design store front. Middle school working on igloo and giraffe. They have developed list of what they need: life sized polar bear for Polar room. Leaving list with Stacy. Need community help. Donors or sponsors needed for rooms. 18 students in each room. Dr. Glenn said they would like to add a few 3 year olds to the program. $10k-$12k per room is average cost. Floor, wall wrap, each of 5 stations where kids rotate through plus curriculum items. Community welcome to tour. Foundation sponsored Camping & Pet rooms.
Roll Call
Blake motioned. Michael seconded. Motion carries.
The board members in attendance: Amy Clarkson, Robert Doshier, Sara Galvan, Ronnie Hansen, Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Brian Miller, Stacy Mitchell, David Orcutt, Nancy Peterson, Heidi Pippin, Michael Ross, Ann VanDuzee & Louise Willett
Superintendents Report:
Things are going well. Asked by board to talk about demographic report. We’re growing. We need to show what growth will look like. Chamber, county and city participated in study. Large firm - Templeton Demographics. Came in past fall. Presented to trustees in October of 19. Slide is on district website.
Enrollment was 6600 in 2011/12. 7200 in 2019/20. 2 - 3% per year, other that 2012/13. We had funding cuts that year. Economic conditions - 3.6% unemployment. We struggle to find minimum wage workers of good quality. Job growth is up. 15% of states budget is oil and gas.
Granbury is getting younger.
District has approx. 3200 lots available to build on. For every 100 homes built, 57 kids enter school district.
Cresson pods - 286 total lots. Approx 70 pods under construction. Average rental fee $1250. Cresson MUD will be 1500 future lots in 5 years.
Transfers 45-50 per year transferred in. Mainly teachers kids. We lose 400-500 transferring out. GISD is about 25% of Tolar school population. We keep taxes in Granbury. Some affluent flight to smaller school district. Premier is more of an alternative setting.
TEA considers Granbury to be a fast growth district.
Baccus will be bi-lingual program.
GISD will continue to experience enrollment growth due to strong economy.& future housing growth. Over 10k students by 2029.
Form a Steering Committee to work through all scenarios. We need to determine what our growth will look like. What should GISD look like? Volunteer for committee.
Blake:november and December reports done. January being reconciled.
November is big month-fund raiser closed. $88k in expenses. $86k plus $3500 for 50 Fellas. $152k in assets after assets. $94k is cash.
December was very quiet month.
January - only big things are scholarship checks. Still a couple have not been requested. 50% of teacher donations back to schools - that check was cut in January.Typically that is used for supplies to keep grant items going.
Discretionary authority was granted for investment. Do we want to consider moving a portion to a growth fund for endowment? This would involve more risk.
We need to pay printer for large checks they printed for Prize Party.
Jan. Financials. Ronnie motions to accept. Michelle seconds. Motion carries.
Dec. Amy motions. Ronnie motions to second. Motion carries.
Nancy - nothing this month.
Marketing & Events:
Academic Recognition Banquet: need new MC this year. DeCordova is good about doing so much. We need 2 readers. Dr. Glenn said he would MC if Kevin doesn’t want to. Michelle to ask Kevin to verify.
Need to do seating charts. Menu has been consistent. We will take volunteers when we get closer. May 7th at 6:00.
50 Fellas: We have new sponsor sheet printed. We already have $12k donated without asking anyone! October 17th is date.
Couto Homes wants to cook and probably sponsor. Durant will probably participate!
We need to be thinking of new sponsors!!!
Development & Marketing:
Amy: brochure
Unfinished & New Business:
Durant Scholarship: check has not come in. They’ve done it every year-$10k to athlete. We have a committee that reviews kids and reads applications. Volunteers?
April 23rd-Employee Recognition Banquet-at GMS at 6:00. Teacher of the Year Gifts. Opera House Tickets and Joe’s gift cards plus HEB gifts. If anyone wants to go let Stacy know and she will RSVP.
Future Meetings: March 19 & April 16
Motion to adjourn.
Michael Motions.
Blake seconds.
Meeting adjourned at 2:44
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 14, 2019
Minutes 11/14/19
Call to Order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:30 on Nov. 14th, 2019 at the admin. Building.
Roll call
The board members in attendance are: Amy Clarkson, Robert Doshier, Sara Galvan, Jeremy Glenn, Ronnie Hansen, Steven Kuban, Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Holly Martin, Stacy Mitchell, David Orcutt, Nancy Peterson, Michael Ross, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, Brant Tate, Ann VanDuzee, & Louise Willett.
Also present: Kellie Lambert from Emma Roberson Early Learning Academy
*Kellie Lambert presented Emma Roberson’s Early Learning Academy information. This idea transforms classrooms into experience-based learning rooms and gives Pre-k a learning advantage. It is modeled after Mansfield schools. Previously called “Play Based” learning now called “Experience Based” – taken more seriously. There will be Dec. 11th breakfast at Emma 7:00AM to see 2 operational rooms. Board invited.
Approval of Minutes from last meeting:
Michael moves to accept minutes and Dr. Glenn seconds. Motion carries.
Superintendent’s Report:
Working on debt reduction. Adding classes to Baccus & Brawner-possibly even portables to Baccus.
Fort Worth Symphony Orch. Was a success. We would like to offer this to more grade levels. The strings program is a great opportunity for GISD. We have some talented staff.
GISD will begin to offer full day PreK at Emma Roberson with the Experience Based Learning Rooms in the fall of 2020. This will help build vocabulary and improve literacy rates. Roughly 50% of GISD students are low income and this significantly impacts vocabulary.
Blake – explained financials to the Board to help us better understand the reports.
Amy moves to accept July minutes. Holly seconds. Motion carries.
Michelle moves to accept August minutes. Chelsea seconds. Motion carries.
Ronnie moves to accept September minutes. Chelsea seconds. Motion carries.
Ronnie moves to accept October minutes. Chelsea seconds. Motion carries.
Prize party is Tuesday, Nov. 19th. 8:20 bus leaves. First campus is Roberson.
List of 2019 grants.
Fort Wort Symphony came in – plan to do it every other year. Thanks from Dr. Glenn for GEF’s part in funding.
Planning strings program at Mambrino. $86,822 total grants, awards, to FW Symphony.
Events & Marketing:
50 Fellas Recap: $142,294.79 total. Goal was $130k. Expenses $3502.58
How can we Improve:
- Volunteers – we will choose volunteers and offer this individually, based on experience.
- If we do silent auction, we will take up the offer for an experienced team to do cash close out.
- Had issues with a couple of infants. Need to address better.
- Have security team work corners of barn to prohibit entry by non-ticketed guests. Stacy has 2 off duty police officers who volunteered. Glenn offered 304 district security officers.
- Hand stamp
- Cooks’ entourage
Silent Auction + Live Auction + Bonus Raffle = approx.. $14,000
Donor Lunch & Tour Dec. 5th 10:30. Judy’s last day is Dec. 3rd. She will still do tour.
New Business:
Next meeting 2/20/20. Break for holidays and January.
Michelle moves to adjourn. Holly seconds. Meeting adjourned at 3:02.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - October 16, 2019
Minutes 10/16/19
Call to Order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:30 on Oct. 16, 2019 at the admin. Building.
Roll call
The board members in attendance are: Robert Doshier, Jeremy Glenn, Ronnie Hansen, Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Holly Martin, Brian Miller, Stacy Mitchell, Mike Moore, Nancy Peterson, Michael Ross, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, Brant Tate, Ann VanDuzee, & Louise Willett.
Also present: Sharon from GISD Curriculum
*Stacy handed out leather Koozies to board members-ordered for cooks at 50 Fellas
Sharon from GISD Curriculum: What last year’s grants provided:
- Giving kids experiences : Science Wizard went to all schools and provided hands on experiences. Plus AMS & GMS seeded with GEF experiences in a formal setting. For example, some children had not been to the square in Granbury! “Thank you!”
- Fort Worth Symphony performed. “It was amazing!” Last year it was for the 4,5,6, 7th and high schoolers. This year it will be the 4,5th grades & Fine Arts @ High School. It will Beethoven & Texas theme and performance is scheduled for October 30th. Board is welcome to attend. District funded last year. ($10k) Possibly GEF to partner with District ongoing. Would like to start with violin program in GISD and progress forward. Nancy Elana (Principle) wants kids to have this opportunity. It is her passion. We have an incredible marching band and we would like a small orchestra down the road as we grow. Start in elementary schools with students participating in Solo & Ensemble. Currently, our theater programs use recording, but we could change this.
- STEAM – Arts is part-this is a challenge. Strings Program. We have Granbury kids who perform with the Junior Ft. Worth Symphony.
Approval of Minutes from last meeting:
Correction: HEB does not donate pallets of ice.
Michael moves to accept minutes and Chelsea seconds. Motion carries.
Superintendent’s Report:
Phone blew up regarding last week’s football game. Game was moved from Thursday to Friday due to weather. The band was not able to be at a Friday afternoon game. When the announcer began to explain to National Anthem due to the band’s absence, the football team began singing on their own. Crowley joined in. This was student led, and says a lot about the adults in the lives of those students. Fox News caught it. “Great kids! Proud to be from Granbury. Things like that matter.”
If Pirates win Friday night’s football game, we should be in the playoffs. Only 5th time in playoffs in 43 years. The stands are full of positive energy for football games. Pilots from Pecan do flyover. Band and cheerleaders pump everyone up. Stowaways perform. High School football has not changed. Great Experience.
3 Major Renovations:
- New gym at Baccus – growing campus
- Mambrino- Multi Media Center – “Experience Rooms” It’s the way education is moving.
- Brawner – Full day campus for K-5.
Full day Pre K-helps provide literacy to 3-4 year olds. There have been gaps and we want to close them. We want people to choose Granbury to send their kids to school here.
G2025 - 7500 kids. Start thinking about Bond. $50M Bond Capacity. GISD debt to value rating is good. 2013 was $89M. We currently have $100M in debt now.
Blake – Financials for July – October will be ready for next month. We re-engaged with Bowden. (signed) He needs checks signed today for financials. $87,148.10 in contributions as of today.
Chanda announced 62 grants were turned in. 72 or 73 were turned in last year. Committee will meet 10/25 to finalize.
Prize party is Tuesday, Nov. 19th.
Events & Marketing:
50 Fellas is sold out…600 tickets! Many new sponsors this year. $130,000 goal. We have $91,500 right now. $26,000 in teachers’ donations brings total to $117,000. This is without ticket sales, live or silent auctions.
People can enter at 5:30. The entrance will be pushed back so people can browse through auction area for 30 minutes. Need extra volunteers and barricades. Want to be sure everyone looks at silent auction offering. Casual event – part of success. As crowd moves through, the table entrance will be moved back to door area. Concern for people rushing the barricade. We will change next year if this is a problem. Possible tailgating area? Music?
Preparation starts Friday. Saturday volunteers start at 1:00. 2 or 3 more board members needed for this. Still need 1 TABC certified bartender. Also need volunteers to pick up balloons at Walmart.
Randy to pick up coolers of ice from HEB.
5:30 greeter slots are filled with volunteers. Check to see where you have been assigned.
Board members, please stay to help clean up. Cooks tear down their own tables.
Timeline: 6:40 Recognize Mayor, School Super., City Council & School Bd. Members in Attendance
5:15 Cooks Ready –Picture– Thank you to the 14 5 Year Cooks! 5 Year hats are popular
7:30 Steve Berry live auction
7:45 Silent auction and raffle close
8:25 Dr Glenn announces winners
Still haven’t decided whether or not to sell extra tokens. $10/set? $20/3 sets?
Board members’ spouses can come and work.
Everything has been ordered. We ordered clip boards for silent auction and frames for grant posters. Total cost: $2936.42. Last year’s cost was $4,148.15.
May have lab puppy for live auction. Should sell for around $1000 and donor will split proceeds in half. Also for live auction: Hog Hunt @ Mitchell’s ranch, HEB cooking class, Cresson Race Track Driving with food, Fire Pit, Mayor for 2 Hours of entertainment
Amy is out of town. Donor lunch is set for October 29th. 10:30 Tour and lunch at the Bistro. If you know of anyone, invite them to join.
New Business:
Symphony to be discussed next month.
Next meeting 11/14/19. Then 2/20/20.
Robert moves to adjourn. Chanda seconds. Meeting adjourned at 2:47.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - August 15, 2019
Minutes 8/15/19
Call to Order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:30 on August 15, 2019 at the admin. Building.
Roll call
The board members in attendance are: Amy Clarkson, Robert Doshier, Jeremy Glenn, Ronnie Hansen, Steven Kuban, Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Brian Miller, Stacy Mitchell, David Orcutt, Michael Ross, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, Brant Tate, Ann VanDuzee, & Louise Willett.
Also present: Brian Miller & Chelsea Thompson – 2 potential new board members; Greg from The Woodsmen, and 3 members of Preserve Granbury. Jeff Meador joined to take photo.
Picture was taken with Preserve Granbury members who presented $2500 check.
Greg from the Woodsmen, attended the meeting. They are a 501C and have to donate profits to charities. He wanted to experience one of the GEF meetings.
Approval of Minutes from last meeting:
David moves to accept minutes and Michael seconds. Motion carries.
Michelle moves to accept motion for new members Brian Miller and Chelsea Thompson. Robert seconds. Motion carries.
Superintendent’s Report:
“Great Convocation!” All is well. Enrollment numbers-7300. Next two weeks will level off.
Budget: <$5M this year in overall budget. Will reduce tax rate $0.07. INS tax rate will stay the same. School district in financially good shape. The school makes up 60% of taxes brought in.
First football scrimmage is Saturday
Chanda said “Thank you” for giving all teachers/bus drivers $100.
Marshall Program: 1/3 of Texas adheres to this – Very small amount of teachers are trained for this. They would have access to locked firearm. We added security guards to every campus and have a partnership with the sheriff’s department and Granbury Police Department.
Brant advised no report this time. There have been some scholarship payouts to start the semester. There is approximately $50k in general account. A few donations have come in. Cherie also has a few checks. They will have update next month.
Gary was a signer on checking account, and he is no longer on board. Robert, Chanda and Stacy are current signers and need 4th. Michelle will be added. No vote necessary.
Brant handing over Treasurer role to Blake. Thanked Brant for 5 years…he will be staying on board to help with transition.
David makes motion to accept. Chanda seconds. Motion carries.
Chanda advised grant packets have gone out to teachers. Due Sept. 20th. We need two volunteers to read grant requests. It takes about 2 ½ weeks to read approximately 70 grant requests. Amy Clarkson & Ann VanDuzee volunteered. Prize party somewhere around week of 11/18-11/22/19. Before Thanksgiving.
Nancy Peterson will be taking Chanda’s place, but Chanda will stay to help transition. Gary rotated off board.
Events & Marketing:
50 Fellas is just two months away. Our goal is $135k!
Michelle advised we are still looking for cooks. First invite has been sent and quite a few returning. We have 27 teams so far.
Lone Star will do trash. Working on Aprons. Granbury Wine Walk has volunteered to donate the wine this year. Revolver donating beer again. Steve Berry will be doing live auction. “Must be 21” will be added this year-TABC compliant. Debating having Larry Hooper (or someone) do accoustic live music plus do some live announcements this year – hoping to cut down on talk.
Possibly changing the entrance set-up for 50 Fellas building-silent auction to be placed outside ticketed area-take advantage of crowd gathering. Keep theme large baskets. Silent auction vs. stretch raffle.
Volunteers will get confirming email this year. Some did not show up for duty last year.
T-shirts were not profitable and will not be printed this year. May do leather koozies with logo for cooks. Stacy showed picture. $5 each.
Amy moves to accept $500 koozie expenditure for 125 pieces. Michelle seconds. Motion carries.
No political banners allowed this year. Possibly sell extra tokens???
Amy talks about high school tour. Judy Gentry will be retiring at mid year this year. Tour for GEF needs to be scheduled prior to her departure. Shoot for end of October, first of November.
Dr. Glenn says he will re-enforce significance of GEF to teachers at next Administrators’ Meeting-Aug.22. Hoping to increase payroll deductions for teachers. Currently this is $1622 per pay period, or approximately $19k for the year. Would like to attain a more equal share across all schools.
New Business:
New Drug Dog-“Annie” purchased by GISD. She is a dual purpose – Drug & Active Shooter Trained. She is a young German Shepherd trained in west Texas and named after Annie Potts, a famous Irish Pirate.
Stacy has already spoken to Morton Corp. regarding Annie and they have given a $5,000 check to help pay for her. Local vet is taking care of Annie’s vet bills this time. (GEF handled Ben’s in the past.)
Brant moves to accept motion to pay $5000 towards Annie’s purchase. Robert seconds. Motion carries.
Officer Hastings is now over the School District’s Security Team and very busy. He will bring Annie to next GEF meeting.
David advises the hospital is buying Granbury shirts – passing around sign in sheet to note our sizes and they will include GEF board. Thank you!
David – “Stacy did a great job at convocation!”
Chanda moves to adjourn. David seconds. Meeting adjourned.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 21, 2019
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
GISD Administration Building
Meeting Minutes 2/21/19
Call to order: Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:36 p.m. on February 21, 2019, at the administration building.
Roll call: Gary Best, Amy Clarkson, Sara Galvan, Jeremy Glenn, Tricia Jackson, Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Holly Martin, Jeff Meador, Stacy Mitchell, Mike Moore, Jennifer Boyd, Chanda Smith, and Jan Williams
Absent: Robert Doshier, Stephanie Hyde, Paula McDonald, David Orcutt, Heidi Pippin, Brant Tate, and Louise Willett
Presentation of Guests: Cindy Leatherman, UIL Social Studies teacher and coach, introduced students who went on the Civil Rights road trip that was a grant from GEF this past year. The trip made an incredible impact on the students. Each one gave an overview of the places they visited. Their presentation was very informative. Also, George Bridges from Preserve Granbury attended to hear about the trip. They donate $2,500 every year for history grants.
Stacy introduced Tricia Jackson, HEB rep. She is replacing Tory Adams who has moved to Hidden Oaks to open the new HEB there. Amy moved to accept Tricia as a new board member and Holly seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of minutes from last meeting: Dr. Glenn moved to accept minutes and Michelle seconded. Motion carried.
Superintendent Report: Dr. Glenn said that everything was going well in the district. ROTC was getting ready for the national competition and several sports and band have been excelling too. He gave an overview of what is being discussed in Austin. They seemed to be working toward adding money to school budgets and that current teachers are supposed to be getting a $5,000 increase for the coming year.
Finance: Blake Marion distributed the November and December statements and briefly discussed the changes since the last one. Gary moved to accept both financials and Chanda seconded. Motion carried.
Marketing & Events: The Academic Recognition Banquet is May 9, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at DCBE. Holly and Louise will be working on this along others.
Development and Marketing Committee: Brochures are already updated and Amy will schedule lunch tour of the high school in April for sponsors.
Unfinished Business: Stacy asked everyone to be thinking of prospective new board members. Let her know if someone who is excited about education comes to mind and she will check them out. She mentioned Butch Barton as a possible candidate. She asked us to mark our calendars for the GEF Retreat on May 16, 2019 from 11:00-2:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Gary moved to adjourn the meeting and Holly seconded. Motion carried.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - May 16, 2019
Granbury Education Foundation Minutes, May 16, 2019
The Meeting began at 11:09 am.
Prior meeting minutes were not presented nor approved because the Secretary was absent.
New Members:
Gary moved to accept the new members and Robert seconded. The motion carried.
Members in attendance:
Gary Best
Robert Doshier
Sara Galvan
Dr. Jeremy Glenn
Ronnie Hansen
Steven Kuban
Blake Marion
Stacy Mitchell
Mike Moore
David Orcutt
Nancy Peterson
Michael Ross
Brant Tate
Ann Van Duzee
Cindy Holt, the High School Counselor, presented four students who had participated in the college tours. Gary will attend Tarleton majoring in Math/Education. Mariah will be attending Weatherford College before transferring to Tarleton to major in Nursing. Diana will be attending UTA, majoring in Nursing. Preston will attend Tarleton to major in Animal Sciences. All four students were very appreciative of the college tour program provided by $3000 from the GEF.
Brant presented the financial report. The current Operating Balance is $42,869.55. The Future Fund Balance is $26,013.57. Michael moved to approve the financial report and Gary seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Officer J. Hastings gave an update on the new dual purpose drug dog, which he will receive in 2 weeks. United Way has funded the permanent cage for the dog. The money will be received by GEF as a pass through account to the Officer from United Way. The Officer will present receipts to the GEF board. Gary moved to set up the pass through account with Robert giving a second. The motion carried.
Lessons learned from 2018-2019 included:
- Tee shirt sales were not profitable and will not be continued.
- Steve Berry will be the auctioneer for 50 Fellas in October, so auction sales should be higher than last year.
- No political signs will be allowed in 50 Fellas as it is not a political event.
- Various ways were discussed to increase 50 Fellas’ profits.
During lunch, funding grants were discussed. David suggested the grant goal for 2019-2020 should be $100,000. Dr. Glenn seconded the motion and it carried.
The goal for 50 Fellas was increased by $10,000 from last year’s $125,000 to $135,000. David presented the motion and Dr. Glenn seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Officer nominations:
David and Robert presented the motion to accept officer nominations. Motion carried.
Realignment of Committees was presented.
Finance—Chair, Brant
Programs—Chair, Nancy
Events and Marketing—Co-Chair, Holly & Michelle
Development—Chair, Amy
The meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 21, 2019
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
GISD Administration Building
Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2019
Call to Order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:30 on March 21, 2019 at the admin building.
Roll Call
The board members in attendance are: Butch Barton, Gary Best, Amy Clarkson, Robert Doshier, Sara Galvan, Jeremy Glenn, Tricia Jackson, Stacy Mitchell, Mike Moore, Brant Tate, Louise Willett, and Jan Williams.
Absent: Michelle Lucero, Blake Marion, Holly Martin, Paula McDonald, Kevin Myers, David Orcutt, Heidi Pippin, and Chanda Smith.
Speaker: Stacy Brown & Danielle Parsons attended to speak about STEAM Academy at Mambrino. Also attending were 4 students from the academy-Lila Mann, Kenna Black, Camy, Brinn. They appreciated/enjoyed the Fort Worth Symphony performance. Possible GEF contribution along with state grant for Symphony visit next year (grades 4 & 5 attend). STEAM program has commitment of all teachers-says a lot about administration. Kids love the program-Projects/Teamwork, Hands-On Learning, House Meetings, Deep Dive into something to learn.
Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Robert moved to accept minutes and Gary seconds. Motion carries.
Superintendent’s Report: Dr. Glenn said many exciting things happening around the districtd. Strategic Planning and Fine Arts Program is very successful. Strings program possibility at Mambrino through STEAM. This would give GISD opportunity to be one of the few 5A schools with a strings program. Girls’ Soccer Team just made playoffs. F1 advanced to World Championship in Dubai. JROTC-winning all awards & gaining national recognition.
As we work towards G2020-there are many awesome components. The bulk was much needed projects. G2025 will be about people. We will grow our administrators. Embrace the community. This should show through Strategic Plans.
Southwest Airlines was on the high school campus on 3/20/19 to see Aviation Program!
GISD will maintain conservative approach to spending, but excited about the House & Senate coming together for the first time since 2007 to put $ into public education. Asked that we all please support House Bill 9-Pension Fund. This is important.
Finance: Brant said January & February were a quiet time. There were Donations of $6744 over the last couple of months. There was some discussion regarding the TCG Advisors fee of $250 and performance of investment account during Q4 of 2018. This was a bad quarter in general. We will need to watch performance for a period of time and evaluate. We will discuss further at Planning Meeting in May.
Also, Kenya asked to delay her scholarship one semester-Durant Scholarship.
Robert moved to accept financials & Amy seconded. Motion carried.
Programs: Teacher Appreciation in May. Chanda was not in attendance but they will do something. No changes to Grant Packets
Marketing & Events: Academic Banquet is May 9th at DeCordova clubhouse. We need people to help. Mark Jackson to do Invocation. Dr. Glenn agreed to read for the boys.
Development & Marketing: Donor Luncheon-April 8th at 10:30 – at High School for Sponsors. Tour followed by Bistro lunch. This is good for potential donors, as well.
Unfinished Business: Butch Bardin was invited to join the board. He taught at GISD as sub for a long time; was an Air Force pilot for 30 years; has been a firefighter In Pecan and on Hood County Commissioner Court. Gary moved to accept Butch, and Robert seconds. Motion carries. Stephanie Hyde is resigning from the board.
Date to remember: April 24th 6:00 at GMS- Employee Recognition
Next meeting – district is closed 4/18 so moving our meeting to 4/25. Planning Meeting May 16th 11:00-2:30. Lunch provided.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - April 19, 2018
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
GISD Administration Building
Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2018
Call to order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:37 on April 19, 2018 at the admin bldg.
Roll call
The board members in attendance are: Gary Best, Amy Clarkson, Robert Doshier, Stephanie Hyde, James Largent, Michelle Lucero, Holly Martin, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate and Jan Williams.
Absent members are: Tori Adams, Derrick Cuenca, Kelly Garner, Jayla Loving, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin and Rhonda Rezsofi.
Others present: Jeff Meador
Approval of minutes from last meeting: Gary moves to accept the minutes and Robert seconds. Motion Carries
Speaker: Renee Jackson with curriculum shows us Emma Robinson Steam Exhibits. The kids and teachers loved it. AES pirates with a purpose, they went downtown and to Farinas. They are modeling gentlemanly behavior and good citizenship. Baccus traveled back in time with a interactive hands on experience. Mambrino did a Catchbox which amplifies their voice. Oak woods brought in the FTW zoo. It was less expensive than taking the entire school. A weather station was installed at Brawner intermediate school and it teaches them to think critically. Hagerman’s mathematic came to every campus. Granbury middle school is constructing their own outdoor learning center. AMS went on a “choosing kindness tour”. They read a book about bullying and attended the movie. At the high school the students are are researching coding and how to navigate the drone.
Super attendant report: Mike Moore will be on the board for 2018-19. Summer launch is May 24th. GISD is winning with a lot of success this spring and the school year with our kids. Having a great school year. Dr. Largent announced his retirement and was wished well by the board.
Finance: Brandt says it has been quiet. 500 cleared in March. Payed pearl street station for catering. Scholarship check cleared for Daniel Valdez. Durant scholarship for 10,000 hit the account. Everything is on track. Stacy mentions that ‘Supply chain shared service center” donated 2,500. We are having money rolling in without solicitation. Brandt reached out to our rep since we are sitting on a decent amount of cash. We received a letter stating that we don’t have to do anything and that they are authorized to take money out. Brandt will be watching to see what happens with the future fund. Robert makes a motion to accept financials Gary seconds and motion carries.
Programs: Chandra talks about teacher appreciation week. We aren’t going to do candy this year, we will send an inspirational email instead, so that we may touch every teacher. Chandra will get with Jeff regarding Scholarships. We need members of the board for the scholarship committee. Jan, Stephanie, Amy and Stacy volunteered to be on the committee. As soon as we get the applications we will set a date. Teachers and paraprofessionals will be getting Joe’s dinner for two and Opera house tickets.
Marketing and Events (50 Fellas):
Academic banquet: We need someone to read the guy’s. Stacy says she will have Kevin do it. Jim and Robert will be there if they are needed. DCBE will do the food. The sound system is working so we should be good. We need two people to check in and take money and 7 people to seat people. Amy, Jan, Chandra, Stephanie will be their to do whatever is needed.
GEF Reception: Everything went great and we had about 15 people present.
Mendi is leaving the board since she is moving.
Potential Members: Blake Marion, Mike Gilbert, Louise Willet. Judy Gentry said she was interested in screen-printing T-shirts and cozies for 50 fellas through Don Bradley’s graphics and Design class. It gives the students an opportunity to get involved.
Mendi will do the summer launch gift baskets. We will do two again this year with a 500 limit. Brandt makes a motion to continue the summer launch baskets and Amy seconds the motion. The motion Carries.
The board retreat will be May 17th for about 3 hours starting at 9:00. Stacy will email a confirmation if that date works out.
Gary moves to adjourn. Robert seconds. Meeting adjourned.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 22, 2018
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
GISD Administration Building
Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2018
Call to order:
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:34 p.m. on March 22, 2018 at the admin. Bldg.
Roll call:
The board members in attendance are: Tory Adams, Gary Best, Derrick Cuenca, Robert Dosier, Michelle Lucero, Holly Martin, Diana McBride, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, and Jan Williams
The absent members were: Amy Clarkson, Kelly Garner, Stephanie Hyde, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Paula McDonald, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin, Rhonda Rezsofi, Mendi Tackett, and Brant Tate.
Approval of minutes from last meeting:
Gary moves to accept minutes and Robert seconds. Motion carries.
Finance and Governance Committee:
Michele brought the financial reports for January and February. She states that there was only one deposit in January. In February a check for $500 to Justin Bowden for preparing the financials, and a $200 check for membership in the Chamber of Commerce were written. Our current balance is $33,162.37. In the operating budget payments for the Durant, and Shiner Scholarships were made to respective colleges. Durant will donate again and the check has been received. Derrick asked if there was a way to get this information out in a less confusing way. He will talk to Brant about reducing the amount of paper being used. Derrick made a motion to accept the financials from January and February. Gary seconds. Motion carries.
Program Committee:
Chanda and Gary will get a committee together for the Durant Scholarship around the first of May. Teacher Appreciation is May 7th-11th. Chanda would like to do something different than the bowls of candy delivered to each campus. Several suggestions were made and include but not limited to: HEB and First National Bank put a message on their electronic signs, Starbuck coffee provided at each campus, ask different companies to adopt a school for the week, put a message on the marquees at every campus, and sending an appreciation message to every employee recognizing their hard work and appreciation from GEF on Monday and Friday of the week. We are open to other suggestions too.
Marketing and Events:
April 19th is the Employee Recognition Banquet and it will be held at GMS at 6:00 p.m. Board members who are able are welcomed and encouraged to attend. GEF provides gifts such as Opera House tickets; a night at Diana’s Bed and Breakfast for the two teachers of the year, and HEB does goodie bags.
May10th is the Academic Recognition Banquet at DCBE at 6:30 p.m. Derrick said that Lakeside Physicians would underwrite the event again this year. DCBE is very accommodating but the menu has to be determined, frames have to be ordered and the seating chart must be completed. Kelly and Holly will work on this. Jeff does the program and the photos.
Development Committee:
Mendi wasn’t able to make it but the reception at the high school is Wed., Mar. 29th at 11:00 a.m. There are about 12 guests coming. It takes about 1-½ hours. Stacy suggested that we give the bistro $200 to cover the food each time we do a reception. Gary moved that we donate $200 to the bistro and Chanda seconds. Motion carries.
Unfinished and New Business:
Oct. 20 is 50 Fellas at Courts Cleveland. Holly and Michelle will be taking over the organization of this event. Stacy suggested that we ask the high school print some t-shirts for the event. Probably as a result of Save the Date already publicized, we have had tickets purchased. Rhonda and Mendi are going to be rotated off the board.
Potential new members are: Mike Gilbert, Louise Willett, Michelle Scarbrough, Lisa Jones. Mike Moore, new school board member, will probably join us too. Robert asked about updated brochures. They are finished and Stacy will bring some to the next meeting. There is also a power point presentation to use when she goes to various organizations to let them know about GEF.
Gary moves to adjourn. Robert seconds. Meeting adjourned.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 15, 2018
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
GISD Administration Building
Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2018
Call to order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:33 on February 15, 2018 at the admin bldg.
Roll call
The board members in attendance are: Gary Best, Amy Clarkson, Robert Doshier, Stephanie Hyde, Michelle Lucero, Holly Martin, Diana McBride, Paula McDonald, Stacy Mitchell, Brant Tate and Jan Williams
The absent board members were: Tory Adams, Derrick Cuenca, Kelly Garner, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin, Rhonda Rezofi, Chanda Smith and Mendi Tackett.
Others present: Jeff Meador
Approval of minutes from last meeting: Jan moves to accept minutes and Robert seconds. Motion Carries
District: Jeff announces the parent meeting for STEAM Academy at Mambrino. Accepting transfer students from all campuses. The Mambrino campus is large and is not at capacity. Transportation will be provided. This will help with overpopulation at other campuses. Training current staff to curriculum. Eight parent meeting to “Roll Out” to the public. Elementary is the focus this year, could possibly trickle down at some point.
UIL changes our districting. An appeal has been made. Football has been class 5A and division one. This year it will be divided in to two categories. Granbury will be in a district with high enrollment schools. Volleyball and Basketball was divided based on just being a 5A school.
Finance: Brant has Nov. and Dec. to go over. In November we cut a check for a little over 81,000. which brought our balance down. December was quiet except for a check for 705.00. We had donations for 1,300.00. We have been doing scholarship checks and a check to the chamber. Gary moves to accept the financials from November and December. Robert seconds. The motion carries
Programs: Gary addresses programs. Not much going on.
Marketing and Events (50 Fellas): Holly addresses M&E. Employee appreciation banquet on April 19th at 6:00 at GMS. Tori will be our contact person.
Academic banquet: May 10th at 6:30 at De Cordova. We only pay for the food. Last year it was organized by Kathleen Wallace. De Cordova does the set up. Kathleen gets the frames. Derek thinks Lakeside Physicians will underwrite again this year. He will get back to us. Top 25 have been contacted. Smaller attendance because of two sets of twins in the top 25. Kelly and Holly will talk about who is the point person.
GEF Reception: March 28th at 10:00 at the Bistro. Forward any perspective donors to Kelly to call. More brochures have been made and Chelsea has updated the PowerPoint last year. Mendi, Holly, Kelly and Stephanie will attend.
Speaker: Margaret Rodriquez from Stars spoke about taking students on a tour to Weatherford College. They took 21 Juniors and Seniors. This was the first college visit for all of the students. Looking at partnering with Weatherford college to add advanced classes.
Amy Wood: June 4-5th #teach4gr8ness 310 teachers enrolled so far. Several speakers are lined up. Everybody is invited on June 5th at 8:30. Teachers are team teaching for the conference. Granbury enrollment will close in Feb. then open to outside districts for a charge, free to Granbury teachers. Asking for 500.00 seed money from the foundation. It would be a start up fund to be replenished for the next year. CTE will be having food trucks for breakfast and lunch. Robert makes a motion to give 500.00 and Paula Seconds. Motion carries.
Potential Members: Louise Willett is interested in coming aboard in May. Lisa Jones has a senior graduating and would be a good fit. We usually keep about 20 on the board.
Kelly announces that we have given 367,000.00 to schools to date.
Gary moves to adjourn. Robert seconds. Meeting adjourned.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 16, 2017
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
GISD Administration Building
Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2017
Call to order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:35 on November 16, 2017 at the admin bldg.
Roll call
The board members in attendance are: ToryAdams, Gary Best, Amy Clarkson, Robert Doshier, Stephanie Hyde, Michelle Lucero, Diana McBride, Stacy Mitchell, Brant Tate and Jan Williams.
The absent board members were: Derrick Cuenca, Kelly Garner, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Holly Martin, Paula McDonald, Jeff Meador, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin, Rhonda Rezsofi, Chanda Smith and Mendi Tackett.
Approval of minutes from last meeting: Gary moves to accept minutes from last meeting, Robert 2nds, the motion carries.
Finance: Bank accounts have a little less than 20,000. We decided to move more to the future fund. All Oct. checks were for 50 fellas. Checks written to individuals were reimbursement checks. Donations were for 50 fellas. We will dicuss at our annual meeting putting money into the future fund.
Tory moves to approve Robert 2nds and the motion carries.
Marketing and Events (50 Fellas): 757 Wore arm bands excluding Stacy and Brant. Some cooks still ran out of food. Total cost was 3,497.61 we cleared 115,000.00. We had ice left over. A half pallet will be better next year. Aprons were a little more this year. We ran out of wine half way through. More Sidewinder and Bach and wine next year. Trash guys were phenomonal. The only trash issue was with the bathrooms, we need to clean bathrooms next year. We need a banner saying where drinks are located. Two vehicles to pick up tea and ice from chicken E. Arm band Table needs to be turned in the same direction as will call. Rubber arm bands next year for ease of use and flow.
Blow up pictures of grant projects to hang to show what we do. The iPad issue for next year needs to be resolved (Brant’s iPad). October 20, 2018 for next year. Storage room wasn’t as neat as past years.
Academic banquet: apples, programs, tables stands, may 10Th. (Location)
Bike Lab Dec. 6th Mambrino at 9:00
Hagerman Dec. 13th- 14th @ Elementary
Gary moves to adjourn Robert 2nds.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - October 19, 2017
Granbury Education Foundation October 19th Meeting Notes/2017
CTE Certififcations
Culinary Certifications Food Handler $22
CPR $18 x 100
Pharm Tech $125
IV certification $250
EMT (do not complete and receive until 18 years old) $500
Solid Work $50
AAS & AV Site License $3500
Accounting Quickbooks $150 Vet Tech $125
Annual Spending $15,055
100 students in clinical rotations
Possible CTE tour - Mendi Tackett after January 1
Kelly Garner 50 Fellas
800 people expected
wear badges
aprons available at event
set up volunteers needed 1:00 Friday at Barn, 1:00 Saturday
Heidi is in charge of ticket lines, volunteers
wrist bands used for count, including cooks
Tray table - 6:00 Rhonda, Chanda
trash helpers available
Brant - money bags, tip out bartenders
no cook book sales
balloon pick up - Michelle and Holley
water and ice, trucks on Saturday - Gary
Token count - 8:10
silent auction ends 7:50
Reviewed minutes - Robert moved to approve, Gary seconds the motion. Board approved
GISD Employee Donations - $16,368 annual (93 employees donated)
Brant Tate, Treasurer Report
$82,000 general account
financial report after 50 Fellas
$81,000 as of meeting for 2017 event ($97,368 with employee
Program Committee
39 grants of 67 accepted and awarded grants
Gary moved to approve $7500 for CTE certificates. Heidi seconded.
motion unanimously carried.
$948 Stars college visits
$2000 High School
Total of $89,826.56 grants awarded, Rhonda moved to approve, Holly
seconded. Motion unanimously carried.
Surprise Party set for Friday, November 10 at 8:00
2:50 Meeting Adjourned
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - September 21, 2017
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
GISD Administration Building Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2017
Call to order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:35 on September 21, 2017 at the admin bldg.
Roll call
The board members in attendance are: Tory Adams, Gary Best, Amy Clarkson, Derrick Cuenca, Kelly Garner, Stephanie Hyde, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Michelle Lucero, Diana McBride, Paula McDonald, Jeff Meador, Stacy Mitchell, Rhonda Rezsofi, Chanda Smith, Mendi Tackett, and Jan Williams.
The absent board members were: Robert Doshier, Holly Martin??, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin and Brant Tate.
Approval of minutes from last meeting
Gary motions to approve minutes from the meeting on August 24th, Chanda seconds, minutes are
Stacy and the board thank Tory and HEB for their 10,000 donation. Tory will send “Excellence in education” email.
Superintendent Report
Jim gives his report on the happenings at GISD. An auction will be held on Sat/Sun to clean out the annex building that is scheduled for demolition. Two missing time- capsules from 1959 and 1976 are possibly in existence. The demolition is scheduled for October 10th. The property is close to
being turned over to Weatherford College. Gary asks about “green space”, Rhonda suggests turning that over to the city. F1 is in route to
Malaysia. Pirate football is 3-0. Go Pirates!!
Michelle goes over financial report for August. Stacy entertains a motion, Jan moves to make the motion which Amy seconds.
Chanda speaks about the grants that are due tomorrow at 4:00 (Friday Sept. 22nd) and asks Jeff if Nov. 10th is doable. Jeff replies that he is still waiting on a definitive answer but we will pencil it in for programs “prize party”. Review team meets Monday October 16th to finalize grants and they will be approved by October 19th.
Marketing and Events (50 Fellas)
Kelly begins the discussion with the three live action items
1. Mike Taber painting (Bronc Rider)
2. Fire pit by students
3. Mitchell Ranch hog hunt
The volunteer sign-up sheet will be out soon. We will do advance publicity on the Bronc Rider painting. An email will go out before 50 fellas to shore up volunteers and last-minute adjustments with a reply all. Amy and Gary will count money after the event. Revolver will be setting up Friday night and Kelly would like to have the ice by Friday as well. Cynthia from Artefactz asked Tory that we make an announcement about harvest moon festival, Kelly suggests
trading a glass piece as a live auction item. Jayla states that we have 45 items for auction.
Stacy askes Diana to send an email to ask if any supporters have employers that will match contributions. Also, to routinely ask for contributions of fuel for the flight students. Stacy askes Diana to work on Honor Gifts. Jeff says we have several employee donations coming in (86). Rhonda suggests assisting Jeff with marketing. Stacy asks if someone will man a table at Homecoming, Rhonda and Gary say they will, start of the game and halftime.
Stacy discusses endowment and pushing back for now. Gary moves to adjourn, Chanda seconds.
Minutes submitted by: Stephanie Hyde Minutes approved by: Stacy Mitchell
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - August 24, 2017
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
GISD Administration Building
Meeting Minutes August 24, 2017
Call to order
Stacy called to order the regular meeting of the GEF at 1:38 on August 24, 2017 at the admin bldg.
Roll call
The Board members in attendance are: Tory Adams, Gary Best, Amy Clarkson, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Stephanie Hyde, Jim Largent, Jayla Loving, Michelle Lucero, Holly Martin, Diana McBride, Paula McDonald, Jeff Meador, Stacy Mitchell, Heidi Pippin, Rhonda Rezsofi, Chanda Smith, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate and Jan Williams.
The Following board members were absent: Derrick Cuenca and Kevin Myers
Stacy introduced Tory Adams to the board and the made the motion to approve adding her as a new member, Holly seconds, the motion is accepted
Approval of minutes from last meeting
Stacy entertains a motion to accept the minutes from the May 18th retreat, a motion is made and seconded, the motion is accepted.
Jim gave his report on the early start of the school year and around 7,100 students. The GEF plane flew (owned by Eagles Nest) the second plane is on its way. F1 is going to Malaysia.
Brant reviews finances from May, June and July. Gary made the motion to approve the finance report, Robert seconds, the motion is accepted.
Brief discussion on investment for future fund.
Stacy will present timeline at the next meeting. The plan is to move up a week to lessen interference with Thanksgiving week.
Jim asked a question about fuel grants. Stacy reads the mission statement and opens it up for discussion. Points of reference are that instructors donate time, fuel is the only expense, possibility for a fundraiser. Kelly asks about ground school and Jim states that the students do their own ground school at this time. Instructors volunteering their time is reiterated. Gary went to the Alumni event and touched base, is it worth pursuing? Gary thinks it will be worthwhile. Jim mentions a tentative date for demolition of the annex building and saving the flagpole, also the existence of a time capsule.
Marketing and Events
The 50 Fellas committee met several times over the summer. Stars and Emma have not responded. Steve Berry will be the auctioneer. Revolver will continue in their function. Lonestar Trash has committed to do the cleanup and will wear bright shirts to be easily recognizable to volunteers. Jim explains that we now have a freezer trailer to be used for ice so we won’t have the same issues as previous years. Tory will check on ice from HEB (1500lb). Kelly asks for new ideas for sponsors. Jayla will be doing the silent auction. Heidi will be doing the cookbook. Things are running smoothly and Holly and Michelle are on track to take over as planned. Stacy states the goal is 110,000.00. Jan is getting sponsors. Mendi got 50, $50 gift cards from Village Nails. HEB is giving 10,000. Plains Capital is giving 5,000 (we took pictures with Ronnie and Jeffrey before the meeting). Jim mentions the cap on tickets at 700 and the price increase to $60. Eventbrite is decided upon for online ticket sales.
Mendi inquires about a table at homecoming for advertising. Jim offers a table at a ball game. Gary suggest an alumni reception table. Mendi request announcing at the game and Jim says that can be done if something is written up nicely. Mendi asks Paula about an email blast and a discussion ensues. Stacy asks Mendi about doing a reception in the Fall and Spring and Mendi says yes if CT group is willing to host in the Fall. Stacy mentions being more visible in the community.
Unfinished and New
Ron Holmgreen asks about GEF granting shirts for “day of service”. Chanda suggests that we pass. Stacy agrees, it falls into the food, clothing and furniture category and would be hard to explain to donors.
Stacy introduces Rhonda as the new rotating school board member who is replacing Chris Tackett.
Stacy talked to Garrett and mentioned the 5year “bucket” endowment and us tracking that on our software.
Diana suggested different ways to donate and levels: Honor gifts, in name and occasion gifts, employer matching gifts, payroll donations.
Paula and Rhonda suggest a VistaPrint Pull down to take to festivals.
Jeff Suggests a GEF day of giving and Stacy ties it into the give now.
Jayla will be looking for silent auction gifts.
Stacy entertains a motion, Gary moves to adjourn, Chanda seconds, the motion is accepted.
Minutes submitted by: Stephanie Hyde
Minutes approved by: Stacy Mitchell
GEF Board of Directors Retreat - May 18, 2017
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Retreat
GISD Administration Building
May 18, 2017
The following board members were present: Gary Best, Amy Clarkson, Derrick Cuenca, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Stephanie Hyde, Dr. James Largent, Jayla Loving, Michelle Lucero, Holly Martin, Paula McDonald, Diana McBride, Stacy Mitchell, Heidi Pippin, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, Kathleen Wallace, and Jan Williams.
The following board members were absent: Beverly James, Jeff Meador, Kevin Meyers, Chanda Smith, and Chris Tackett.
Stacy called the meeting to order at 11:02am.
Jan Williams made a motion to accept the April meeting minutes as presented to the board. Kelly seconds. The minutes are accepted.
Stacy entertained a motion to add new board members. Mendi made the motion to add new board members to the GEF Board of Directors. Gary seconds. Amy Clarkson, Derrick Cuenca, Stephanie Hyde, Michelle Lucero, and Paula McDonald are now Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors.
Garrett Pittman from TCG (out of Austin) is our guest speaker. We are interested in endowed funds. GEF currently has $65k in our operating account and $50k in our future fund account.
Introduction of new board members.
Brant presents the financials. There is $64,049.80 in the operating account. The only expense in the last month was the $100 to pay the accountant. Gary makes a motion to approve the financials. Kathleen seconds. The financials are accepted as presented to the board.
Stacy mentions that in the past, we move money from the operating account to the future fund account during the yearly board retreat. Brant says that most of the time we choose to move $10,000. Brant also suggests that with the success of 50 Fellas fundraising, we could increase that amount this year which would still give the board enough in the account for yearly operating expenses. Kelly makes a motion to move $30,000 from our operating account to our future fund. Paula seconds. The motion carries.
The board brainstormed about endowment plans. Dr. Largent suggests that we make a plan to keep $15k in our operating account and $45k in our future fund and have anything over that in an investment account (endowment) to continue to grow our accounts. Brant says that is a good idea. We need to keep enough in a future fund to be able to pay out the grants. In the case that we are not able to host the 50 Fellas event then we would need that cushion. Robert makes a motion to take $50,000 out of the Future Fund for investment purposes through TCG. Heidi seconds. The motion carries.
Dr. Largent suggests creating a subcommittee to meet with TCG again to collect all the details for this move. Dr. Largent will arrange that meeting.
Brant has made a change in address to the Bylaws. The old address is on Pearl Street where the old GISD Administration building was. The new address is 217 N. Jones St. Granbury, TX, 76048, which is the current GISD Administration building. Robert makes a motion to accept this change to the Bylaws. Kelly seconds. The change in address on the Bylaws is accepted by the Board.
Stacy presents on the lessons learned from the last year of events.
- -Keep 50 Fellas at the Reunion Grounds. We should increase the cost of the tickets ($60.00) and limit the number of tickets (700) that can be sold.
- -Academic Recognition Banquet: last year the event was held at De Cordova Clubhouse but the layout was not favorable for the presentation. In the past, we have held the event at the Granbury Conference Center and the cost has increased incredibly. Gary says he may be able to talk to someone about lowering the cost for the Convention Center. Dr. Largent suggests the high school cafeteria. They are installing a new sound system.
- -Thanks to Mendi, we have grown our presence in the community. She also suggests getting a database for current and past donors to send email updates.
- -Alumni database. June 3rd. GHS ex-students association reunion at the Granbury Middle School. 9am-2:30pm. Lunch is $15. Gary and Paula will attend to mingle with the alumni and talk about the GEF.
- -Diana mentioned that in a different foundation she is familiar with, they offered membership opportunities to the community. There were membership levels and would include newsletters and various tickets to district events. She also agreed to look into details for this and also donations in teachers’ names.
Funding Goals/ Budget:
- -Last year we awarded GHS $1,500 for college trips. As a board, we agreed that we should add $2,000 each year to be able to increase the number of students that visit a college who may not have been able to attend in the past. We agreed to add $1,000 to allow STARS to do the same.
- -CTE has been awarded $5,000 for state certifications offered. Kathleen suggests increasing this amount to $7,000.
- -$80,000 is our goal for grants in 2017/2018.
- Last year our fundraising goal for 50 Fellas was $94,000 we raised $102,000.
- Our goal for this year is $110,000.
Timeline for 2017-2018
-Convocation is August 14th at 8:30am
GEF Officer nominations:
President- Kelly nominates Stacy to continue to be president. Holly seconds. Motion carries.
Treasurer- Kelly nominates Brant to continue to be treasurer. Paula seconds. Motion carries.
Secretary- Kelly nominates Stephanie to be secretary. Jan seconds. Motion carries.
Discussion regarding employee donations partially being returned to campuses. Employee donations doubled since we offered this. We will continue to announce and offer this at Convocation.
Committee realignment
Finance- Chair- Brant
Programs/Grants- Chair- Chanda
Marketing/Events- Chair- Kelly
Co-Chair- Holly
Marketing /Development- Chair- Mendi
Kathleen is finishing her 4th year on the board. She will be resigning from the board. This is her last meeting. DeAnna Berry will be resigning from the board as well.
Stacy said for the Summer Launch for the teachers we have given a few prizes out. We will continue that this year. 2 gifts valued at $500 each. Mendi will assist Stacy in that. Robert moves that we spend $500 on 2 gifts for the Summer Launch gifts. Holly seconds. The motion carries. June 2nd.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017 Granbury ISD Education Foundation Minutes
GISD Admin Bldg
The following board members were present: Gary Best, Kelly Garner, Dr. Largent, Holly Martin, Diana McBride, Jeff Meador, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Chris Tackett, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Kathleen Wallace, and Jan Williams.
The following board members were absent: DeAnna Berry, Robert Doshier, Jayla Loving, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin, and Chelsea Thompson.
1:30 Stacy called meeting to order.
1:39 After Amy Wood’s presentation about virtual goggles , the minutes were reviewed. Kathleen approved the minutes, and Chanda seconded the motion.
1:43 Superintendent report by Dr Largent. He speaks about GISD land that Weatherford & UTA are considering. Property would need to go through City ordinances and be re-platted. The GEF airplane has wings now. Girls soccer are in playoffs tonight, and Baseball and Softball and golf are doing well.
1:50 Financial report by Brant Tate. Scholarships paid out $6250, $2,000 in expenses for Officer Hastings and Ben, $500 went to Granbury Chamber, and $200 to Justin Bowden, CPA. $46,000 remains in future funds, and we need to think about how much we want to invest. We will discuss next meeting. Financials motion approved by Gary, and seconded by Diana.
1:56 Program Committee report by Chanda Smith. We are finalizing new grant applications. Teacher appreciation is May 1st. Chanda is looking for ideas for teacher appreciation.
2:03 Kathleen reminded that the Academic Recognition Banquet is May 4 at DCBE Country club. A sign up list will be provided at the April meeting to help with banquet needs. Jeff Meador stated that another ranking will be done after the 5th ‘6 weeks’ in order to get final top 25 count. Stacy said we are still waiting to hear if Lakeside Physicians will underwrite the ARB.
2:15 Kelly informed that we will limit the number of patrons at 50 Fellas. That number is to be determined based on the last few years attendance numbers. Dr Largent suggested to raise the price to $60 and limit the number of patrons. There will not be a change in our sponsor form from last year, and we plan to continue to provide same 50 Fellas tickets to the GISD employee
2:22 Mendi Tacket spoke about GEF Reception. There were about 20 people that attended the reception. Judy Gentry did a great job giving the tour, and food was served by the culinary department. Menielle Donohue made a nice video that was played during the lunch. Overall it was a great success. The next reception is April 7th at 10:30.
2:35 TEFN Conference is April 11/12. It is a free conference. Everyone is invited to go.
2:39 Stacy informed that this year’s Retreat will be May 18th 11:00-2:30. Names that have been suggested for consideration to add to next year’s board are Michelle Lucero, Paula McDonald, Maureen Griffeth, Stephanie Hyde, Wanda Crossland, Amy Clarkson.
2:45 Stacy entertains the motion to adjourn. Kelly makes a motion, and Chanda seconds it.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - April 27, 2017
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
April 27th, 2017
Granbury ISD Training Center
The following board members were present: Holly Martin, Jayla Loving, Robert Doshier, Chelsea Thompson, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Kelly Garner, Dr. Kathleen Wallace, Jan Williams, and Dr. James Largent.
The following board members were absent: DeAnna Berry, Gary Best, Beverly James, Diana McBride, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin, Chris Tackett, and Mendi Tackett.
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:30pm.
Claudia Hurst and Cindy Holt visited to speak about the GEF award for GHS students to visit colleges they may be interested in attending after high school. Mrs. Hurst is asking for an additional award to be given to take 160 students each year on a purposeful visit to a college. She is asking for the Board to consider giving the school the amount to cover a visit to 3 colleges.
Stacy presents the minutes from the March meeting. Dr. Largent mentioned 2 changes to make to the minutes. “Virtual goggles” to be “Virtual Reality Goggles” and remove UTA as an organization considering land in GISD. Robert makes a motion to adopt the minutes after changes are made. Chanda seconds.
Dr. Largent presents on the Superintendent report. Summer Launch is June 2nd at 2:00pm. This is the end of the year celebration. He is asking that the GEF give a package or two for the event. In the past we have done theater tickets, restaurant tickets, etc. Prom is this weekend and will be at the Arlington Convention Center. There is only one way in and one way out and the event is secure and well supervised.
Brant is out of town for this meeting. Robert presents the financials for the month of March. Ending balance is around $63K in our operating account. Kathleen makes a motion to accept the financials as presented to the board. Holly seconds. The financials are accepted.
Chanda presents on the Program committee. Chanda has made amendments to the application for grants. She asks that the new grant application be reviewed and then she will roll out the new one. She also needs help delivering candy bowls for teacher appreciation week. Holly, Kelly, Jan, Kathleen, and Jayla agreed to help deliver to the schools.
Kathleen presents on the Marketing and Events committee. Next Thursday is the Academic Recognition banquet. It will be held at the De Cordova clubhouse. The cost has increased since last year by about $500. Kathleen needs volunteers at the check in table and also to seat the students and teachers. The board volunteered to assist her in the set up, check in, and execution of the event. Kelly mentioned that Lone Star Junk Removal (Chad Bradford) was interested in an in-kind sponsorship of trash removal during the 50 Fellas event this year.
Chris and Mendi are out of town today and cannot present on the Development Committee. Stacy said the two GEF Donor Receptions were successful and we will continue to host them in the future.
Scholar Athlete interviews are tomorrow (4/28) and Monday (5/1). Planning retreat is May 18th from 11:00am-2:30pm Lunch will be provided. The retreat will be in the Training Center room that we currently meet in.
Chelsea Thompson presented her letter of resignation. She nominated Tory Adams Perishable Director from Granbury H-E-B to join the Board.
Stacy suggested making a motion to approve the GHS Counselors’ request for additional funding for the college trips. Chanda makes a motion to approve a $2,000 award for the GHS Counselors’ to add students and colleges. Holly seconds.
Robert made a motion to adjourn at 2:40. And Kelly seconds.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017 Granbury ISD Education Foundation Minutes
GISD Admin Bldg
The following board members were present: Gary Best, Kelly Garner, Dr. Largent, Holly Martin, Diana McBride, Jeff Meador, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Chris Tackett, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Kathleen Wallace, and Jan Williams.
The following board members were absent: DeAnna Berry, Robert Doshier, Jayla Loving, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin, and Chelsea Thompson.
1:30 Stacy called meeting to order.
1:39 After Amy Wood’s presentation about virtual reality headsets, the minutes were reviewed. Kathleen approved the minutes, and Chanda seconded the motion.
1:43 Superintendent report by Dr Largent. He addressed a recent UTA study on the possible use of old administration complex property. The district has been in talks with Weatherford College and the City of Granbury as well as others. The GEF airplane has wings now. Girls soccer are in playoffs tonight, and Baseball and Softball and golf are doing well.
1:50 Financial report by Brant Tate. Scholarships paid out $6250, $2,000 in expenses for Officer Hastings and Ben, $500 went to Granbury Chamber, and $200 to Justin Bowden, CPA. $46,000 remains in future funds, and we need to think about how much we want to invest. We will discuss next meeting. Financials motion approved by Gary, and seconded by Diana.
1:56 Program Committee report by Chanda Smith. We are finalizing new grant applications. Teacher appreciation is May 1st. Chanda is looking for ideas for teacher appreciation.
2:03 Kathleen reminded that the Academic Recognition Banquet is May 4 at DCBE Country club. A sign up list will be provided at the April meeting to help with banquet needs. Jeff Meador stated that another ranking will be done after the 5th ‘6 weeks’ in order to get final top 25 count. Stacy said we are still waiting to hear if Lakeside Physicians will underwrite the ARB.
2:15 Kelly informed that we will limit the number of patrons at 50 Fellas. That number is to be determined based on the last few years attendance numbers. Dr Largent suggested to raise the price to $60 and limit the number of patrons. There will not be a change in our sponsor form from last year, and we plan to continue to provide same 50 Fellas tickets to the GISD employee donors.
2:22 Mendi Tacket spoke about GEF Reception. There were about 20 people that attended the reception. Judy Gentry did a great job giving the tour, and food was served by the culinary department. Menielle Donohue made a nice video that was played during the lunch. Overall it was a great success. The next reception is April 7th at 10:30.
2:35 TEFN Conference is April 11/12. It is a free conference. Everyone is invited to go.
2:39 Stacy informed that this year’s Retreat will be May 18th 11:00-2:30. Names that have been suggested for consideration to add to next year’s board are Michelle Lucero, Paula McDonald, Maureen Griffeth, Stephanie Hyde, Wanda Crossland, Amy Clarkson.
2:45 Stacy entertains the motion to adjourn. Kelly makes a motion, and Chanda seconds it.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 23, 2017
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
February 23, 2017
Granbury High School Bistro
2000 W Pearl St
Granbury, TX 76048
The following board members were present: Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Jayla Loving, Holly Martin, Diana McBride, Stacy Mitchell, Heidi Pippin, Chanda Smith, Chris Tackett, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent: DeAnna Berry, Beverly James, Dr. Largent, Kevin Meyers, and Jan Williams.
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:35.
Treasurer Brant Tate presented the financials. He wrote a check in January for the CTE chef jackets. Diane made a motion to accept the financials as presented to the board. Kathleen seconds.
Mendi spoke on the Development Committee. She is arranging GEF Donor receptions in the CTE wing of the High School. There are 2 scheduled dates. March 8th and April 7th. Board members are encouraged to attend. There have been 8 RSVPs for the March reception and 2 for the April reception.
Stacy spoke about new business. Officer Hastings needs funding to become recertified. The total cost will be $2,000. Hastings wrote an email to Dr. Largent who suggested it to Stacy. Gary made a motion to grant funding for Officer Hastings and Ben to get recertified. Chanda seconds.
Judy Gentry mentioned that she needs to order new aprons for the Bistro to reduce the amount of laundry they are doing. She said if GEF sponsors, the logo could be added to each apron. The cost would be $10 per apron. She needs to order 40. Chanda made a motion to fund the aprons for the Bistro. Holly seconds.
Stacy is looking for new board members to fill spots of current members rolling off. She said to email her any ideas.
Meeting is adjourned at 1:45
Judy Gentry begins the tour of CTE wing.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - January 26, 2017
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
January 26, 2016
Granbury ISD Administration Building
217 N Jones St
Granbury, TX 76049
The following board members were present: Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Dr. Largent, Jayla Loving, Diana McBride, Stacy Mitchell, Heidi Pippin, Chanda Smith, Chris Tackett, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, and Jan Williams.
The following board members were absent: DeAnna Berry, Beverly James, Holly Martin, Kevin Meyers, and Kathleen Wallace.
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:35pm
Stacy presented the minutes from the last board meeting. Stacy made a motion to approve the minutes as presented to the board. Robert approved the minutes. Gary seconds the motion.
Dr. Largent speaks about the new administration building remodel.
Treasurer Brant Tate presents the financials for October and November. After all grants and awards have been paid out the balance in our operating account is approximately $60,000. The scholarships will be paid out this month as well as the Chamber membership cost. Two Scholar-Athletes will be finishing their time at Weatherford College this spring. Robert makes a motion to approve financials. Gary seconds.
Stacy suggests updating our bylaws to reflect the new address of the admin building. Stacy will also update the W-9 for donors by the next meeting. Brant says he will also change the address on our checking account.
Robert wrote a leasing contract for the board. Dr. Largent will present it to the lawyer and then to the school board. This contract will allow us the ability to use the school administration building as a regular meeting place at the cost on $1.00 a month.
Chanda and Gary don’t have anything to report for the programs committee.
Kelly does not have anything to report for the marketing and events committee. Dr. Wallace told Stacy and Kelly that she would head up the academic recognition banquet. DeAnna and Chelsea will head up the employee recognition banquet. The Academic banquet will be on May 4th. The Employee will be on April 20th. New Sponsor sheets are available for the 50 Fellas event. Kelly and Stacy suggest limiting tickets for the event to keep it from overcrowding. Chris suggests using wristbands at the future 50 Fellas events to regulate the crowd.
Mendi presents on the Development committee. Shane Knisley has resigned from the board due to a recent career move. LGMC has made the GEF brochures and Stacy will reach out to them about getting those. Stacy suggests that we help promote the school district. Robert suggests speaking to the students. Dr. Largent says there is a speaker’s bureau that the teachers utilize often. Mendi wants the students to present to the donors about the grants that have been funded.
Stacy talked about endowments. There is currently almost $50,000 in our future fund account. Stacy says we need to begin making a plan about our endowments. Brant questions other foundations and how they invest their funds. Kelly and Stacy say that endowments are typically what other foundations do. Stacy says we would not do any high risk investments.
Stacy entertains the motion to adjourn. Robert makes a motion to adjourn. Chanda seconds.
Meeting is adjourned at 2:47pm.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 10, 2017
1st Robert Doshier
Scholarship handouts are approximately $4,000.
Approved Financial report:
1st Kathleen
1st Kathleen Wallace
2:15 50 Fellas Re-cap by Kelly Garner: we had over 800 people in attendance, and made $102,000. The event cost approximately $4000.00. We will bring more specifics next meeting. Kelly discussed raising price next year from $45 to $65. That is not to make more money, but to help reduce the number of people. It is difficult to ask cooks to pay for and make more food to serve for 800+ people. We are trying to find the middle road that is good for the cooks, and comfortable for the patrons (meaning not being too crowded and hot). If we raise price, we are still considering keeping the $45 price for tickets for teachers and staff who donate through the foundation with their employee contribution. All pricing still up for discussion in the future. No final decisions were made.
2:26 Board to Board conference-information provided by Stacy: we need to figure out how to reach the “next generation”. They look to donate now and do it quickly on their phones online. They are “instant” in wanting to donate.
2:35 Stacy informed board that we’ve been asked to do the Scholarship for Granbury Science and Engineer Fair. It is usually $500-$1000. After discussion, the board was not wanting to take on any new events/scholarships, and this would open the doors for more scholarship requests and more work for the board.
Stacy discussed Judy Gentry’s request for money to buy items needed for CTE:
6 welding jackets for $354.30, 9 auto coveralls for $255.06, and 2 purple chef coats for $59.98.
Discussed and approved to provide up to $800.00 to cover costs. Heidi Pippin voted via text.
1st Robert Doshier
2nd Chanda Smith
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - October 13, 2016
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
October 13, 2016
Granbury ISD Training Center
The following board members were present Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Shane Knisley, Dr. James Largent, Jayla Loving, Diana McBride, Stacy Mitchell, Heidi Pippin, Chanda Smith, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, Kathleen Wallace, and Jan Williams.
The following board members were absent DeAnna Berry, Beverly James, Holly Martin, Kevin Meyers, and Chris Tackett.
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:30.
Judy Gentry from Granbury High School CTE presented on the CTE center updates. She spoke on the grants provided by GEF. She also spoke on the CTE certifications that can be earned by students in the classes. She said that the welding students need fire resistant clothing to change into during class. She mentioned that this could be an opportunity for GEF to put their logo on another CTE uniform. (I.e. chef coats for the culinary classes)
Stacy presented the minutes from the last board meeting. Shane made a motion to approve the minutes as presented to the board. Gary seconds the motion. The minutes were accepted as presented.
Dr. Largent presented the Superintendent report. He said there will be a survey link sent out to community members to get an idea on what to do with the current GISD administration property. Dr. Largent said that the GISD administration and all GISD faculties will go through active shooter training with Sergeant Chris Brichetto. He said it will take most of the semester to get the entire faculty to go through the class.
Brant presented the financial report for September. He was not able to bring the detailed financials for the meeting due to time constraints. He did bring a summary of the operating account. The current balance of the operating account is $85k. The only withdraw from the account was to cover the financial report from the previous month. Since the detailed report is not available, there is no need to approve financials at this meeting.
Chanda spoke on the grants committee. Chanda said that STARS wrote a grant to cover the cost of 2 trips to colleges for the students. She said that a lot of times, these students are not able to visit colleges with their parents. This grant would greatly benefit the students. It would cost $958 for both trips. Chanda suggested the GEF possibly taking this grant out of the grants to be reviewed and consider doing this as a recurring award for STARS each year. Gary made a motion to separate this grant and call it a “STARS Award” to be considered for funding each year at our retreat. Shane seconds this motion. Motion carries.
Kelly spoke on the marketing and events committee. She mentioned raising funds at 50 Fellas for the STARS Award. Kelly suggested having tips jars available on the bar that says “All tips go to fund additional grants” or something similar. Stacy mentioned having the jars saying “Reach for the STARS.”
2 drink dispensers for tea. –Mendi has one she can use
Volunteers to help set up at 1pm. –Robert can be there from 1pm-2pm, Diana, Mendi, and Chris can help set up at 1pm
4 greeters that will stay at the entrance and direct people to the correct line. –Kathleen and Chanda can help with that. They will need to be there at 5:50. Sharon Williams could possibly help with this as well. DeAnna might could help. Holly can also help.
Jayla needs help at the silent auction.
Kelly needs help cleaning up afterwards. Cooks will be in charge of cleaning up their own tables.
Shane spoke on the development committee. He brought samples of cookbooks. He also brought updated brochures. The board decided to have 100 brochures printed. Shane is working with a company to create new information folders. He should have a proof of the folders for the next meeting.
Stacy spoke on GISD direct drafts for the foundation. Last year there were 35 employees who contributed $5500. This year there are 60 employees contributing $10,500 for the GEF. Stacy said the (2) teachers for the CTE have asked for purple jackets that have a GEF logo on them. Robert mentioned Stacy getting pricing on coveralls for the welding class and jackets for the CTE teachers. Monkey’s Monogramming has told Stacy that they are willing to do more in-kind donations for the tickets to the event.
Stacy entertained a motion to adjourn. Gary makes a motion to adjourn. Chanda seconds the motion. Meeting is adjourned at 2:33pm.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - September 22, 2016
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
September 22, 2016
Granbury ISD Training Center
The following board members were present: Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Dr. Largent, Diana Mcbride, Jeff Meador, Stacy Mitchell, Heidi Pippen, Chanda Smith, Chris Tackett, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, Kathleen Wallace, and Jan Wallace.
The following board members were absent: DeAnna Berry, Beverly James, Shane Knisley, Jayla Loving, Holly Martin, and Kevin Meyers.
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:30p.
Tricia Suitt and Becky Strain from the GISD Curriculum department presented updates on several grants awarded to different elementary schools. Rachel’s Challenge in Elementary schools. Wings of Flight grant. This program is sustained through funds provided by GT. Civil War museum for 8th graders. This program will hopefully be sustained through campus funds. Cooking It Up grant. Students measure using fractions at Oak Woods third graders. Mr. Haagerman’s extreme science. He brings science experiments to the schools. District chess program. Held district-wide chess tournament at Mambrino.
Stacy presented the minutes from the last board meeting. Gary makes a motion to accept the minutes from last month. Dr. Largent seconds the motion. The minutes were accepted as presented.
Heidi Pippin returned to the GEF Board from her recent move.
Dr. Largent presents the Superintendent report. He reports that the School Board approved a district renovation project. The High School will be dedicated on October 7th, Homecoming Friday. It will be combined with the Alumni reception. Officers will be in the schools to continue what used to be referred to as the D.A.R.E program in elementary and middle schools. The district plans to move the administration offices in January. School Board election is coming up. Three places are open, two are contested. There is a “Dangers in Technology” presentation at the highschool on Monday. Stacy asked Dr. Largent if the GEF can be present and pass out brochures at the Alumni reception during the High School Dedication.
Brant presents the financial report for August. He highlights that in the operating account we have $63k. $50k in our future fund account. Brant says we expect next month (October) to be a big month for financials due to 50 Fellas. Robert moves to accept the financials. Chanda seconds the motion. The financials are accepted as presented to the board.
Greg Meyer from First Command will come to the GEF later about Endowments.
Chanda presents on the programs committee. She says that the score sheet from the previous grants was subpar. She has been working with committee members to improve the score sheets for this years’ grants. Grant deadline is September 30th at 4pm. Gary says that the score sheets will go from 39 total points to 100 total points which will improve the grading process.
Kelly presents on the marketing committee. Kathleen put together a folder to present to the Inge Foundation. She also put together a folder for Mark Martin who is interested in the Formula 1 program. Kelly asks the board if there is anyone else we should prepare a folder for. Kathleen suggests that we put together these folders for futures meetings to grab and give to people that may be interested in supporting the GEF. Kelly presents on the 50 Fellas event.
NEEDS: 3 TABC certified Bartenders
5 Money Counters (DONE)(Chanda/David, Chelsea, Stacy, Kelly)
1 Person to pick up beer (DONE)(Heidi)
1 person to pick up water and tea(DONE) (Robert/Gary)
Heidi will do table toppers
People to stay for cleanup(at least 10)
(Dr. Largent suggests we ask each team to clean up their own table)
Development committee; Shane could not make it to the meeting. He has said that LGMC is willing to do the white folders with the GEF logo on the front for development. Mendi will talk with Shane about the new brochures. Stacy mentioned having business cards made. Heidi said that her church can make them for very inexpensive. Heidi also said she can help put a brochure together for the October 7th Alumni reception. Mendi mentioned selling tickets at the reception. Kelly can be there as well as Chris and Stacy. Stacy spoke on the school staff meeting visits. She will email out the slide show presentation to the board members.
Stacy entertains a motion to adjourn. Gary motions. Robert seconds.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - August 25, 2016
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
August 25, 2016
Granbury ISD Training Center
The following board members were present: Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Beverly James, Shane Knisley, Dr. Largent, Jayla Loving, Holly Martin, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Chris Tackett, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, Kathleen Wallace, and Jan Williams.
The following board members we absent: DeAnna Berry, Diana McBride, and Kevin Meyers.
Stacy called the meeting to order at 1:30p
Ronnie Hansen from Plains Capital Bank is the guest speaker. He wants to sponsor the GEF for $10,000 with 2 installments of 5,000. They will be the underwriters of the Teacher Recognition Banquet. Ronnie is interested in better supporting the school district. Chanda will be in contact with Ronnie about the grants he is able to choose from with his sponsorship.
Shane makes a motion to accept the minutes. Kelly seconds. The board accepts the minutes as presented.
Superintendents report. Dr. Largent reports that we are about 98% finished with the high school reconstruction. There are about 80 additional students at this time than we there at this time last year. Grand opening of the building is estimated to be around homecoming season.
Treasurer Brant Tate reports on the financials. He states that we ended the fiscal year higher than we expected. Increase in net assets is $40,000. Even spending more on grants and other expenses, we have an increase in assets. There will be a transfer in our August statement of the $10,000 that the board had agreed to move to the future fund account. Robert moves to accept the financials. Gary seconds.
Chanda presents on the Grant timeline for teacher grants. She will have the notebooks to the grant review committee by October 7th. The grant review committee will meet to review the grants on Thursday, October 20. The grants will be proposed to the GEF board on November 10th. The grant information will be presented to the School Board on Monday November 14th. Chanda requests that any board members who are interested in joining the grant review committee contact her. Lyn Goodgin has expressed interest in joining the committee as a community member.
Kelly Garner reports on the 50 Fellas fundraiser. Currently, we have 44 teams. Kelly reads off people, businesses, and organizations that have sponsored in the past. Any board members who know these are encouraged to contact them about supporting 50 Fellas again. Kelly, Jayla, and Susan Loveless are meeting tomorrow (8/26) about silent auctions. She is requesting the board members to help collect gift baskets and services for the silent auction. We are looking to do 3 large live auction items. The board is open to suggestions for the live auction. Mendi mentioned offering universal passes to any GISD sporting or theater event in the silent auction. Last year we did 2 puppies. Kathleen suggests that this year we only do 1 puppy. Kathleen says the Lake Granbury Animal Clinic will provide medical services for the puppy for the first year. Stacy suggests adding a deadline for the sponsorships on the future sponsor package. September 26th is the deadline for sponsors to be included in materials for 50 Fellas.
Shane reports on the development committee. He says he will reach out to the committee members on a to-do list for them. He suggests bringing the GEF supporter stickers when we visit business to ask for sponsorships.
Stacy reports that the aprons are in for the CTE culinary class. Dr. Largent mentioned that the auto classes may need jumpsuits for their students to change into during class. This would be another opportunity for the GEF for marketing. Dr. Largent also mentioned that the GEF could offer some information during principal staff meetings to encourage payroll deductions. We need to set up a GEF table at the homecoming game.
North Texas Giving Day is September 22. The GEF got $700 last year. This year Stacy has signed the GEF up to participate. It does not cost the GEF any money. We will have a link on the NTGD website. Jeff will also put the link on our website. We will have a table at the gazebo on the square offering information about our services. Stacy is open to suggestions about how to get people to go to the gazebo.
Robert makes a motion to adjourn. Gary seconds. Granbury Education Foundation Board of Directors meeting adjourns at 2:51pm.
GEF Board of Directors Retreat - June 29, 2016
GEF 2016 Board Retreat
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors met in the Lake Granbury Medical Center conference room. Board members present were DeAnna Berry, Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Beverly James, Shane Knisley, Dr. James Largent, Holly Martin, Diana McBride, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Meyers, Mendi Tackett, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, and Jan Williams.
The following board members were absent: Jayla Loving, Chanda Smith, Jeff Meador, Chris Tackett, and Kathleen Wallace.
The board members reviewed the minutes from the May meeting. Shane made a motion to accept the minutes and Robert seconds. The board approved the minutes as presented.
Board members introductions and new members were accepted. Diana McBride, Jan Williams, and Holly Martin, Chris Tackett, and Mendi Tackett. Dr. Largent made a motion to accept the new members and Robert seconds.
Exiting Board members: B.J. Wallace, Nin Hulett, and Carey Gentry. Lynn Goodgion resigns from GEF board to focus on her family. Tad Timmons also resigns.
Lessons learned from last year:
-Scholarship review committee would like more scholarships to grant to scholar athletes.
-Continue to stay conscious of spending to allow for more money to be spent on grants.
How can GEF be more effective in 2016-2017:
-How can we get the GEF name out in the community and inform the public on what we do.
o Can we get access to a database of alumni to send information to?
o Gary Best has an alumni handbook
o Create a committee to focus on marketing in the community and alumni
o Robert suggests spending some money to get more publicity
o National Day of Giving
o Dr. Largent suggests seeking out vendors at other foundation conferences to attend a meeting and give us a brief presentation
-More involvement at New Teacher Orientation (August 9th)
o Give brief presentation
o 3-minute infomercial
o Include something in the new teacher packages, something they can use as a reminder of GEF
-We need to have a short video on hand to use for speaking opportunities
-Campus Challenge to promote more donations from teachers campus-wide
-Granbury then and now: Showcase the improvements to the schools because of GEF Grants. We can market this on the local TV station, sports jumbotron, etc. Target the people who watch our sports teams.
- We need to be more involved in social media advertising to help Jeff
-Scholarship recipient testimonies to speak on the impact GEF scholarship had on them
-Videos for GEF. Campus-wide video competition, teachers make videos of grants in action and the winner is shown on jumbotron during football games.
-When teachers are awarded grants, encourage them to mention GEF on social media.
o Stacy can mention that in the Principal meeting
-How can we ask people to donate to GEF?
o People will donate to a cause if they are asked personally
-GEF window clings, pass out more of them and encourage recipients to hang them
-Direct mailer of “Proud Supporter of GEF”
-Make our supports feel important by inviting them to GEF meetings.
-Social media marketing- have someone come in to teach us how to make social media marketing work for us
-Brief bios of board members to share on Facebook
-feature articles in Granbury magazines, Hood County News
o In-kind tradeoff for advertising with Hood County News
Treasurer Brant Tate reported that the balance of the operating account is $65,776.92. Future fund has $36,000. Kevin suggested that we create a small group of people to help us invest money to increase our finances. Bylaws state that we need to keep our overhead cost at or below 10%; right now our overhead cost is at 8%. We may need to look at endowments, is this something we can do at this time? If so, we will need to prepare for yearly audits. Our last audit was in 2013. Stacy moved to accept our financials, there was a second. Board members approved the financial report as presented.
Bylaws state that we do not need an audit every year. Board members will vote on if there is a need for the audit each year. Treasurer Brant states that yearly audits are not totally necessary at this time but we may want to look at it in the future. Brant makes the motion that at this time we do not need the expense of a yearly audit. There was a second. The Board members accept.
Stacy asked the board if we want to do another CTE grant for students to become certified. Last year, we granted $3,000. Gary made a motion to make our grant budget at $65,000 and the CTE budget of $5,000. Robert seconds. Board members approve the goals.
Grant Cycles
5/22 9 grants $19,404
5/13 13 grants $31,680
5/14 21 grants $31,563 CTE award $3,000 = $34,563
12/14 22 grants $48,229 OLC ramp $3,600 = $51,829
11/15 29 grants $58,966 CTE award $3,000 = $61,966
Future fund
Treasurer Brant says we have the ability to increase our future fund. He suggests $10,000. Gary makes the motion to move $10,000 into the future fund. Robert seconds the motion. The Board members accept the movement of the funds.
Stacy suggests that we look into alumni database. Kelly agrees to help her.
Fundraising Goals
2015-2016 goal was $94,000 (Foodfest-$60,000; Employees-$6,000; Underwriters-$28,000)
**2016-2017 goal $133,000 (Foodfest-$85,000; Employees-$10,000; Underwriters- $38,000)**
Beverly suggests speaking with Granbury Association of Realtors to help spread the GEF information to newcomers.
Stacy suggests moving the GEF meeting in October from 10/27 to 10/13, the week before 50 Fellas. Gary suggests moving the GEF meeting in November from 11/17 to 11/10.
The next meeting will be August 25. GISD Convocation is August 15th. Granbury Media can help us increase our GEF visibility for $2,500. He will get us a written proposal via email.
Nominations for GEF President. Kevin makes a motion to keep Stacy Mitchell as President. Gary seconds. Board members accept Stacy as president of Granbury Education Foundation.
Nominations for GEF Treasurer. Kevin makes a motion to keep Brant Tate as Treasurer. Robert seconds.
Board members accept Brant as treasurer of Granbury Education Foundation.
Nominations for GEF Secretary. Kelly makes a motion to nominate Chelsea Thompson as Secretary. Kevin second. Board members accept Chelsea as secretary of Granbury Education Foundation.
Nominations for Signers for GEF. Kevin makes a motion for Gary Best and Robert Doshier to be added as signers for GEF. Shane seconds. Board members accept Gary and Robert as new signers for Granbury Education Foundation. Signers now are, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Gary Best, and Robert Doshier.
Ernie Butcher from Eagle’s Nest would like to donate an RV12 airplane kit for the CTE department. The funds will be passed through the GEF. There is not a cost to GEF and the GEF will not be held liable at any point in the building/flying process. Kevin makes a motion to accept this financial pass through. Gary seconds. Board members accept the financial pass through. (Funds will show on the financials that they are restricted but we will not need to open a new account)
Employee Donations
In the past we discussed returning teachers’ funds to their campuses. The donor would be able to specify where half of their funds go, continuing another grant, etc. Sponsor form would remain the same. Campus Leadership Team will decide where those restricted funds go. Robert makes the motion that half of the teacher donations go back to that teachers’ campus as an incentive for more involvement. Holly seconds. Board members accept the change.
Realignment of Committees
Finance/Governance: Brant Tate (Chair), Robert Doshier (Co-Chair), Chris Tackett
Programs: Chanda Smith (Chair), Gary Best (Co-Chair), Jan Williams, Kathleen Wallace
Marketing/Events: Kelly Garner (Chair), DeAnna Berry (Co-Chair), Holly Martin, Chelsea Thompson, Jayla Loving,
Marketing/Development: Shane Knisley (Chair), Mendi Tackett (Co-Chair), Kevin Meyers, Diana McBride, Beverly James
Robert motioned to adjourn and Gary seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 12:27 PM.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - May 19, 2016
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
May 19, 2016
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors met in the district training room. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:30.
The following board members were present:
DeAnna Berry, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Shane Knisley, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Gary Best, Janice Horak, Nin Hulett, Beverly James, Chelsea Thompson, Tad Timmons, and B. J. Wallace.
Others who attended:
Jeff Meador
Melissa Shipp from Oakwoods Elementary was a special guest. She told the board about the Nutrition and Measurement Project for Oakwoods third graders which was a project funded by GEF grant funds.
The board members reviewed the minutes from the April meeting. There was a motion to accept the minutes and a second. The board approved the minutes as presented.
Superintendent James Largent reported that the district was involved with end of school activities, graduation, and continued construction. He referenced a future meeting with mentors who will help students build a plane. He discussed waiving the STARR test results as a requirement for participation in graduation and told of a special graduation ceremony for a special needs student who was at Harris Hospital.
Treasurer Brant Tate reported that the balance of the operating account is $67,000. Carey Gentry moved to accept the financial report. There was a second. Board members approved the financial report as presented.
Program Committee: Chanda Smith reported that she was receiving follow up information from grant recipients. She discussed the need to revise the grant application form. There was discussion concerning the matter that grant funds should be used by the end of the year. Any grant funds not used will go back to GEF funds.
Marketing and Events: Kathleen Wallace reported that the Academic Recognition Banquet was held on May 4. Stacy recognized Kathleen for her efforts for the banquet.
Kelly Garner reported that HEB has already committed to sponsor 50 Fellas. She also discussed plans for Community Dine Out and reported that she had spoken to representatives from Stumpy’s. The purpose of this event is to promote recognition of GEF within the community.
Unfinished/New Business
The board discussed Summer Launch, an end of the year event for GISD teachers. Prizes are needed for the event. Robert Doshier moved that the board allocate $500.00 to provide gift packages for 2 teachers at the Summer Launch. There was a second. The motion passed.
There was a discussion about teachers donations to GEF. There are currently 42 district teachers that contribute. Stacy suggested a plan that would give ½ of teacher donations back to the teachers’ schools as a rebate. The announcement of the rebate would be made at convocation in the fall.
The following persons will be considered as new board members: Mendi Tackett, Holli Martin, and Diana McBride.
The GEF summer planning retreat will be held on June 29, at Lake Granbury Medical Center from 8:30 to 12:00.
Robert Doshier moved to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - April 28, 2016
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
April 28, 2016
1:31pm The Granbury ISD Ecucation Foundation Board of Directors met on April 28, 2016. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order.
Present Board Members:
DeAnna Berry, Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Nin Hulett, Beverly James, Shane, Knisely, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, and Kathleen Wallace
Absent Board Members:
Lyn Goodgion, Janice Horak, Kevin Myers, Brant Tate, Tad Timmons, BJ Wallace
Minutes from March 24th were reviewed. Carey moved to accept, and Kathleen gave a second.
Dr Largent presented the Superintendent report. The rest of this year consists mostly of testing and banquets. All construction should be finished by end of summer before school starts next year.
Financial Report: In Brant’s absence, Stacy stated that we had over $61,000 in the general fund.
Program Committee: Chanda reported that next week is Teacher Appreciation week. She will take buckets of candy to the schools on May 2nd. The Grant follow-up reports will be sent out soon, and all grant recipients will have to return them with in 4 weeks in order to apply for a new grant.
Marketing and Events: Kathleen states that the Academic Recognition Banquet is next Thursday at 6:30. Set up is at 3:00. Tickets are $25 for Board members and extra guests in addition to the student, teacher, and 2 parents.
Kelly asked if Jeff could make a request for Cooks through the GEF/GISD FaceBook page to add to our Wait List for the 50 Fellas Foodfest.
Chelsea volunteered to do the cookbook. Jayla volunteered to head up the silent auction with Kenya Meyer’s help. Beverly has a few items for the auction. Stacy Mitchell can get approx. 20-25 items.
DeAnna spoke about a community wide Dine out to raise money. She will start working on that now.
Unfinished/New Business:
Stacy spoke on increasing the Employee Donation by giving half back to their schools for specific grants of their choice that are approved by the board.
Planning Retreat-Wed June 29th 8:30-12:00 Shane offered to host at LGMC.
Potential New Board Member candidates submitted:
Kathleen Wallace submitted Mendi Tackett
Nin Hulett submitted Diana McBride
Stacy reported that Holly Martin has contacted her for information about being on the board. Any other potential people should be emailed to Stacy. School Board member that will replace BJ Wallace on the GEF board will hopefully be announced next month.
2:33pm Gary motioned to adjourn, Robert gave a 2nd.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 24, 2016
GISD ISD Education Foundation Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2016
Granbury ISD Training Center
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors met on March 24, 2016, in the GISD Training Center. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:30pm.
Board members in attendance:
Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Shane Knisley, James Largent, Jeff Meador, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Meyers, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, B.J. Wallace, and Kathleen Wallace.
Absent Board members:
DeAnna Berry, Lyn Goodgion, Janice Horak, Nin Hulett, Beverly James, Jayla Loving, and Tad Timmons.
Minutes from February 25 meeting were reviewed. Robert moved to accept, and Chanda gave a second.
Dr. Largent presented the Superintendent report. Testing starts next week. He will talk to the School Board on Monday night about the Eagle’s Nest program, aircraft building in the Career-tech class, project Lead-The-Way aviation class.
Brant Tate presents the financials. Financials are steady and we are still on pace with the budget. There is $60,000 in the operating account. Stacy says that the Optimist Club will give $5,000 at their meeting. Carey moves to accept the financials and Gary seconds.
Chanda has no report for the Programs committee.
Kelly presents for the Marketing and events committee. Academic Recognition Banquet is on May 5th. We are on track for that event. Kathleen needs volunteers for checks, set-up, and table seating. Shane will sponsor event for $2500. Shane needs the program brochures before April 8th. Chanda and Kathleen can help with the printing.
Shane reports on the development committee. He is focused on the Academic Recognition Banquet and then will work with Janice on the brochures.
Employee Recognition Banquet is April 21. 25 Teachers and Paraprofessionals will be recognized. Chelsea, Janice, and Jayla are working on gift bags for those teachers and paraprofessionals.
Scholarship Applications- 23 scholar athlete applications have been received. The review committee is Lyn, Chanda, Kelly, Jayla, Gary, and Shane. DeAnna will come but will not be a part of the review committee because she knows too many of the students.
Advertising opportunity. Monkey’s Monogramming will print GEF logo on chef coats for the bistro. 25-30 chef coats for $15-$20 each. Gary moves to purchase 30 chef coats for the bistro/culinary class. Robert seconds. Cost will be $12.50 each for a set of 25
Motion to adjourn is made by Robert at 2.00. Chanda seconds.
Tour of the High School renovations begins.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 25, 2016
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
Feb 25, 2016
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors met on Feb 25, 2016, in the GISD Training Center. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:30pm
Board members in attendance:
Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Janice Horak, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, BJ Wallace, and Kathleen Wallace
Absent Board members:
Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Beverly James, Shane Knisely, Kevin Myers, and Tad Timmons.
Presentation by Amy Wood, Technology Director was given.
Minutes from January 28 meeting were reviewed. Robert moved to accept, and Chanda gave a second.
DeAnna Berry presented to the Board. The Board voted and unanimously approved DeAnna Berry as a new member.
1:46pm Superintendent Report by Dr Largent: Both Elementary gyms are finished. GHS Locker room is finished. Career and Tech Building will be the focus this summer. F1 team doing well and will go to Michigan in March and hopefully go to Austin for Nationals. 1st ROTC meet is in a few weeks-the ROTC facilities are very nice
1:51pm Treasurer Report by Brant Tate: Balance in operating fund is $58,990.80. $1250 was paid to Weatherford College for Caroline Forrest’s Scholarship. Robert Doshier moved to accept financials, and Chanda Smith gave a second.
Voted on Bylaw Changes presented by Brant Tate: 1) change GEF address from personal home address to Administration Building address and 2) change vote to majority vote. Robert motioned to accept, and Chanda Smith gave a second.
Voted on Policies: 1) no need to give financial report to school board until we get bigger and 2) Audits are decided by majority vote, not every year. Janice Horak motioned to accept changes, and Gary Best gave a second.
2:00pm Victoria Dillingham has left the board, and Chanda Smith volunteered to be another check signer for our board. Motion to accept Chanda as a signer was made by Brant Tate, and a second was given by Kathleen Wallace.
2:02pm Programs Report by Chanda Smith. A grant, The Extreme Science presentation is at elementary schools is next week. Teacher Appreciation will be discussed next meeting.
2:05pm Marketing and Events: Kathleen Wallace Reported that the Academic Recognition Banquet is Thursday May 5th at the Granbury Conference Center. Stacy Mitchell offered that she is getting quotes and information about DeCordova Bend Estates Country Club possibly being the location for next years banquet.
2:11pm Development Report by Janice Horak: She is still trying to set up a meeting time with Shane to discuss development. Jeff Meador is getting pictures for new Brochure.
2:15pm New Business: Stacy Mitchell announced the Employee Recognition Banquet is April 21st at AMS. Stacy showed the board a printed program idea that she liked to incorporate in the Employee Recognition Banquet. The Opera House will provide 2 tickets for each campus winner. The board is looking for more donations to give to the teachers. Janice Horak volunteered to find donations. Chelsea Thompson volunteered to help get gifts from HEB. Janice would like to see a program from last year to know what is expected this year. Jayla Loving offered to help Chelsea and Janice.
Stacy Mitchell asked for volunteers for the Scholarship Review Committee: Kelly Garner and Gary Best volunteered. Jayla Loving is considering. Stacy said that Lyn Goodgion would like to volunteer and Lyn is working on interview questions to ask the candidates.
Stacy suggested that a Special Advertising Opportunity would be putting the GEF logo on all the aprons or hats in GHS Bistro.
2:31pm Meeting was moved to adjourn by Gary Best, and received a second by Chanda Smith.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - January 28, 2016
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
January 28, 2016
The Granbury ISD Education foundation Board of Directors met on January 28, 2016, in the
GISD Training Center. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m.
The following board members were present:
Kelly Garner, Lyn Goodgion, Nin Hulett, Beverly James, Shane Knisley, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, and Brant Tate.
The following board members were absent:
Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Carey Gentry, Janice Horak, Kevin Myers, Chelsea Thompson, Tad Timmons, B. J. Wallace, and Kathleen Wallace.
The minutes for the meeting on November 12, 2015, were presented. Kelly Garner moved to accept the minutes. There was a second. The board members voted to approve the minutes.
Dr. James Largent spoke on the state of GISD:
· The students and teachers of the district are involved in many activities.
· Students have been successful in state band and choir, stock show, and soccer.
· Construction at the high school is coming to an end.
· Construction at the administration building will begin soon.
· F1 is doing well and will be going to Michigan for competition.
Treasurer, Brant Tate, presented the financial report. The balance in the operating fund is
$58, 198.00. The balance of the future fund is $36, 013.57. Jayla Loving moved to accept the financial report. There was a second. The board members voted to accept the financial report.
It was announced that the vote on the bylaws changes would be postponed until February because there were not enough members present for a vote.
Chanda Smith reported for the Program Committee. At the time that grant awards were presented to individual schools, the teachers who did not receive grant awards were given a general letter stating reasons for not funding a grant request. After Thanksgiving, each individual teacher, who did not receive grant funding, was given a letter explaining specific reasons for not funding each grant.
In reporting for the Marketing and Events Committee, Nin Hulett recognized Kelly Garner’s efforts in making 50 Fellas a success. He also noted that the event has become a signature event in the community. There was discussion about the silent auction, and Kelly Garner stressed the need to find a volunteer to chair the silent auction for the 2016 event. Kelly also discussed the need to find someone willing to assume responsibilities of Chairman for 50 Fellas in Kelly’s place. Kelly also noted the need for more ice to be available at the 2016 event.
Stacy Mitchell announced that the Academic Recognition Banquet would be on May 5. Kathleen Wallace is chairman for the event.
Stacy Mitchell noted that new Sponsor Sheets are now available for board members to have.
Shane Knisley reported the he is waiting for pictures that will be used for new publicity folders brochures. When the pictures are available, Shane will move forward in producing the new publicity materials.
New Business
Stacy Mitchell reported that Victoria Dillingham has resigned from the board because she will be joining her husband in Kuwait. Stacy mentioned Deanna Berry as a person who might fill the board vacancy.
Stacy reported that a donation of $2,500.00 was given to the Willie Crossland Memorial. She suggested that the memorial be changed to a $5,000 memorial.
Stacy reported that there is a sum of over $9,000.00 that was not spent from the funds that were awarded for past grants. These funds have been collected together and will be used to fund grants for the 2016-17 school year. The sum given to the district for grants will be $9,000.00 less than the total amount awarded for grants.
Stacy noted that it was time to begin work on scholarships that would be awarded to Granbury graduating seniors in May. The wording in the instructions to the scholarship applicants needs to be refined. Lyn Goodgion agreed to study the wording and to make recommendations for changes.
There was a short discussion about funding an endowment. Stacy encouraged board members to research people in Granbury who have experience and expertise in working with endowments. She announced that David Castleberry from Stephenville will be coming to discuss endowments at the February meeting.
Stacy announced the following dates:
· April 14 &15—Texas Education Foundation conference
· April 21—Employee Recognition Banquet at AMS at 6:30 p.m.
· May 19—Senior Awards Night
There being no more business, Shane Knisley moved to adjourn the meeting. There was a second. The motion was approved.
Stacy adjourned the meeting at 2:27 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 12, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors met on November 12, 2015, in the GISD Training Center. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:33 p. m.
The following board members were present:
Gary Best, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Shane Knisley, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Victoria Dillingham, Robert Doshier, Janice Horak, Nin Hulett, Beverly James, Tad Timmons, and B. J. Wallace.
The minutes of the October meeting were presented. Lyn Goodgion moved that the minutes be approved with an amendment to include the adoption of the September minutes. There was a second. The minutes were approved.
Dr. Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· Construction of gyms at Acton Elementary and Emma Roberson Elementary is in progress.
· Meetings about the construction of the administration building continue.
Treasurer, Brant Tate, presented the financial report. He reported the balance of the Operating Fund is $93,657.00. The balance of the Future Fund is $36,013.57. Carey Gentry moved to approve the financial report. There was a second. The Board voted to approve the financial report.
Brant Tate also reported on the proposed bylaws changes and referred to the handout showing the changes. Because there were not enough members present, the board was unable to vote on the proposed changes.
Chanda Smith reported for the Grant Committee. The Committee approved twenty-nine grants for funding, and the total amount for the grants was $58,966.17. The was also an amount of $3,000.00 for CTE certification, which had been approved at a previous meeting. The Board had previously approved $55,000 for funding grants and $3,000 for CTE certification. Gary Best moved that the amount for grants be raised to $58,966.17. There was a second. The Board voted to approve the motion. The total amount spent to fund grants for the school year 2015-16 was $61,966.17. There was some discussion about the criteria that was used by the committee to evaluate grants. Chanda reported the following schools received grant awards: Granbury High School, 8 grants; Granbury Middle School, 2 grants; Acton Middle School, 2 grants; Emma Roberson, 2 grants; Brawner, 1 grant; Acton Elementary School, 3 grants; Baccus Elementary, 5 grants ; Mambrino, 1 grant; and 2 grants that will benefit all elementary campuses. Chanda encouraged Board members to attend the grant awards prize party
Kelly Garner reported for Marketing and Development about 50 Fellas Food Fest. The auction raised $2,300.00. The silent auction raised over $4,000. The total expenses for 50 Fellas were $2,908.00. The net income from 50 Fellas was $84,171.00. The attendance for the event was near 700 people. Kelly reported that there is a critical need for someone to chair the silent auction for the 2016 50 Fellas, and that the person needs to be in place in the next 4 to 5 months. Next year’s 50 Fellas is set for October 15, 2016.
New Business
Luminant again wants to donate for Project Lead the Way, an engineering program. Brant Tate explained that the minimum amount for restricted funds is $1,000.00. Kevin Myers moved that the Board accept the check from Luminant for $500.00 and then pass it through to Project Lead the Way. There was a second. The Board voted to approve the motion.
Kathleen Wallace told the Board about a grant from INGE Foundation and suggested that GEF apply for the funds.
Chelsea Thompson asked which members of the Board were working on the folders of information.
Gary Best moved to adjourn the meeting. There was a second. The board approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - October 15, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors met on October 15, 2015, in the GISD Training Center. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
The following board members were present:
Gary Best, Victoria Dillingham, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Lyn Goodgion, Nin Hulett, Shane Knisley, James Largent, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, B. J. Wallace, and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Carey Gentry, Janice Horak, Beverly James, Jayla Loving, Kevin Myers, Chelsea Thompson, and Tad Timmons.
Others who attended:
Jeff Meador
Special guests were Jimmy Dawson, Principal of Acton Middle School, and Scott Carpenter, teacher at AMS. They reported about the Outdoor Learning Center at AMS, a 3 year project which received grant funds from GEF. They discussed areas of learning that were impacted such as water studies, environmental studies, team building activities, ropes course, leadership, archery, and GPS units. They also reported that the handicap ramp, also funded through GEF, has been important to allow access by handicapped persons.
Board members considered the minutes from the September meeting. Robert Doshier moved to accept the minutes as presented. There was a second. The motion to accept passed.
Dr. Largent spoke on the state of GISD
· The annual audit is going well.
· Planning for the administration building construction has begun. The call for bids will go out in the spring. Construction should begin in the summer.
· Bond construction is ahead of schedule.
Committee Reports
Treasurer Brant Tate presented the financial report. He reported that currently $4,500 has been donated to 50 Fellas. He is expecting an increase in assets after the 50 Fellas Fund raiser.
Shane Knisley moved to accept the financial report. There was a second. The motion passed.
Chanda Smith reported receipt of 60 grant applications. The total amount for all of the grant requests is $116,987. She announced that grant evaluations should be turned in on October 21 and that evaluators should keep grant notebooks and bring them to the grant committee meeting on October 29. The prize party for presenting grant checks is scheduled for November 18.
Kelly Garner presented the report for Marketing and Development. She discussed the status for 50 Fellas Food Fest. Items for the auction are a Hog Hunt and a Puppy Adoption. Spending for 50 Fellas is currently $2660.00 which is under last year’s spending. Lake Granbury Medical Center printed and compiled the cookbooks. She requested that board members wear name tags at 50 Fellas and that women board members also wear aprons.
Unfinished and New Business
President Stacy Mitchell called attention to the printed qualifications and procedures for the newly established GEF Senior Achievement Award. Members reviewed them. Gary Best moved to accept the qualifications and procedures as written. There was a second. The board voted unanimously to accept.
Stacy reminded that the board will consider the division of the Marketing and Development Committee to form two different committees. She discussed the importance of maintaining a record of the dates when donors contribute is important. These records would make it easier to follow up with donors to request donations for another year. Janice Horak is researching affordable software for tracking donor contributions.
Stacy reported that the GEF bylaws state one function of the Development Committee is that of improving the GEF image in the community. She asked for a volunteer willing to co-chair with Janice Horak to work toward that goal . Shane Knisley agreed to co-chair with Janice.
Stacy reported that Janice had talked to David Castleberry to get imformation about trusts and investments. He will be a resource for question about endowments.
· The next meeting will be November 12. Bylaws changes will be available for vote at the meeting.
· There will be no meeting in December.
Robert Doshier moved to adjourn the meeting. There was a second. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 2:17 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - September 24, 2015
Granbury ISD Education Foudation
September 24, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors met on September 24, 2015, in the GISD Training Center. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
The following board members were present:
Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Beverly James, Shane Knisley, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Stacy Mitchell, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, Tad Timmons, and B. J. Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Janice Horak, Nin Hulett, Kevin Myers, Brant Tate, and Kathleen Wallace.
Others who attended:
Jeff Meador
Special guests, Becky Strain and Rene Jackson, Curriculum Coordinators for GISD, gave presentations about grant projects funded in the 2014-15 school year. They highlighted the results and benefits of Rachel’s Challenge, IPads for Math, Wings of Flight, and Surface Pro Tablets purchased for Crossland Ninth Grade Center.
The board considered the minutes from the August meeting. Carey Gentry moved to accept the minutes as presented. There was a second. The board voted to accept the minutes.
Jim Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· The F1 Team placed 21st out of 47 teams at the competition in Singapore.
· He told of the ribbon cutting for the 9th grade wing of Granbury High School
· He spoke about Project Based Learning. The students enjoy this kind of learning, and teachers are adapting well.
Carey Gentry gave an unofficial financial report in the absence of Treasurer Brant Tate. He reported there is $80,000 in Foundation accounts and $35,000 in grant scholarship accounts. There is no current debt.
Committee Reports
Chanda Smith reported for the Program Committee. Grant applications are due on September 30, 2015.
Kelly Garner reported for the Marketing Committee. She discussed details for 50 Fellas Food Fest which is set for Saturday, October 17, 2015.
· Nin Hulett made arrangements for necessary permits
· She encouraged members to get sponsors.
· The fund raiser is on target to surpass last year’s event.
· There are currently 50 cooking teams.
· She asked for suggestions for certified bartenders who would be willing to work.
· She asked for a volunteer to handle PayPal transactions. B. J. Wallace agreed accept the responsibility.
· She reported a need for two large ice chests. Gary Best volunteered to bring one, and Chelsea Thompson offered one from HEB.
· She reported that principals from each school would bring the large grant checks to the administration building for pick up.
· Volunteers from the community quickly filled volunteer spots for the event.
· She asked for volunteers from the board to be money counters at the end of the evening.
· All board members should wear name tags, and ladies from the board should wear aprons during the event.
New Business
· Stacy Mitchell presented suggestions regarding possible guidelines for a new needs based scholarship. There was discussion by the Board about guidelines, determination of the number of applications that would be accepted, and the steps in the final choice of the award. The following process was suggested:
1. Nomination of students would be done by teachers at the high school
2. Applications would be approved by the administration at the high school
3. Board members would review applications to choose final applicants for interviews
4. An interview committee would choose the student for the award.
There will be further discussion about the guidelines and selection process at a meeting in the future.
· Kelly Garner reported that Preserve Granbury wants to provide $2500.00 to fund a historical grant. She discussed the need to accept such a grant and to designate it to be used only for a historical grant. Carey Gentry moved that the board accept the $2500.00 from Preserve Granbury and that the money be designated to fund a historical grant only. There was a second. Discussion followed. The board has designated funds like this in the past. The board voted to approve the motion.
Old Business
· Stacy Mitchell asked Jeff Meador if there were event tickets that could be given to donors to express appreciation for their support. Jeff indicated that volleyball and basketball tickets would be available.
· Stacy Mitchell announced that at the October meeting there would be discussion about the responsibilities of the Marketing and Development Committee and how to the responsibilities to form two committees rather than one.
Stacy Mitchell announced two date changes:
· The October meeting date will be October 15.
· The November meeting will be November 12.
Robert Doshier moved to adjourn the meeting. There was a second. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - August 27, 2015
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
August 27, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors met on August 25, 2015, in the GISD Training Center. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
The following board members were present:
Gary Best, Victoria Dillingham, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Nin Hulett, Shane Knisley, James Largent, Jayla Loving, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, B.J. Wallace, and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Janice Horak, Beverly James, and Tad Timmons.
Special guest, 2015 GISD graduate Caroline Forrest, received the Briggs Berry Memorial Scholarship Award. President Stacy Mitchell presented the award to Caroline, first alternate for the award. The original recipient, Krysta Caudle, declined the award after receiving a full scholarship to the University of North Texas. Caroline’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Mark Forrest, along with Deanna Berry, Chad Dowell, and Girls Basketball Coach Steven Schmidt were present for the award.
The board considered the minutes from the July meeting. Dr. Largent moved to accept the minutes. There was a second. The board voted to accept the minutes as written.
Stacy presented Jayla Loving and Shane Knisley as candidates for the board. Each introduced themselves and told of their interest in the work of the foundation. After the introduction, the board voted unanimously to add these individuals to the board.
Jim Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· Enrollment on the first day of school was 6,947 which was more than the prevision high enrollment of 6,919. This figure shows slow growth which is good and is more manageable than rapid growth. New teachers will be added for the year because of the increase in enrollment.
· The Board of Trustees passed a balanced budget that would not require increased taxes.
· The opening of the remodeled high school is a success. There has been much positive feedback about the high school.
Brant Tate presented the financial report.
· The fiscal year ended in June. It ended well with $42,000 net asset increase.
· The tax return is complete.
· There is $42,000 in the operating fund.
· $16,000 was moved to the future fund. This fund can be used to fund grants should that be necessary in the future.
Kevin Myers moved to approve the financial report. There was a second. The board voted to approve the report.
Committee Reports
Brant Tate reported on work by the Bylaws Committee. He informed the board that they would receive proposed bylaws changes for consideration and voting by the September meeting. Proposals would include:
· Realigning and defining committees. There would be a division of the Marketing and Development Committee
· Change the bylaws concerning an annual audit to reflect a vote by the board each year as to the need for an audit
· Address changes
· Changes about restricted and unrestricted funds
Carey Gentry requested that the Bylaws Committee address the reported donations policies.
Chanda Smith reported for the Program Committee.
· Grant applications are due on September 30, 2015.
· The timeline for approving grants will be shorter.
· The prize party is scheduled for the week of November 16.
· She requested that the November 19 meeting be changed to November 12, at 1:30 to accommodate the earlier date for the prize party and suggested that the prize party be on November 18.
· Representatives from the Program Committee would speak to the GISD Board of Trustees on December 14 to inform them of the grants awards.
Kelly Garner reported for Marketing and Development and discussed progress for 50 Fellas.
· 40 cooking teams are returning.
· Jayla Loving and Victoria Dillingham will head the cookbook.
· She asked for volunteers to help with the silent auction. Anyone who can help may call Susan at 214-202-0387.
· She asked for someone to be in charge of drinks which would include picking up tea and water.
· Large ice chests will come from Lake Granbury Medical Center
· She asked for volunteers to help on sign posting day, September 18.
· She requested use of the marquee and scoreboard for publicity.
· She encouraged the new sponsor challenge.
New Business
Kevin Myers discussed the possibility of a new scholarship donor given by Peggy and Danny Hill. The scholarship will be a recurring scholarship for $10,000 that is needs based. Kevin requested that the board clearly define “needs based.” Chelsea Thompson, Gary, Best, Lyn Goodgion, and Chanda Smith agreed to work on a committee to determine criteria for “needs based.” There was a suggestion that counselors from the high school might also help define the criteria.
There was also discussion about how to develop an endowment.
Stacy asked for tickets to school events that might be given to donors to show appreciation.
Old Business
There was continued discussion about committee structure of the Board of Directors. Stacy asked that board members study the committees and sub committees to determine areas of interest and service.
Victoria Dillingham reported that the Golf Tournament will not donate to GEF this year. She also reported that the magazine “Granbury Living” will include a feature article about GEF.
Robert Doshier moved to adjourn the meeting. There was a second.
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Retreat - June 7, 2015
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
June 7, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Annual Board Retreat was held on June 7, 2015 from 8:30-1:00 at Harbor Lakes Country Club.
The following board members were present: Robert Doshier, Gary Best, Chanda Smith, Lyn Goodgion, Brant Tate, Kelly Garner, Stacy Mitchell, Dr Largent, Nin Hulett, BJ Wallace, Janice Horak, Victoria Dillingham, Chelsea Thompson, and Beverly James.
The Following were absent: Carey Gentry, Kathleen Wallace, Kevin Myers, Tad Timmons, Jeff Meador
8:35 Meeting called to order
8:40 Voted Beverly James on board
Read letter of resignation from Barbara Townsend.
Announced Tim Riley and Dixie Lee Hedgecock and Lisa Gossard are going off board.
BJ Wallace will replace Micky Shearon as the School Board representative.
LGMC will find a replacement for Dixie Lee.
2014/2015 Review
50 Fellas –Robert suggested not to charge for plates/spoons. All in agreement.
Beverly suggested on-line Auction Teaser prior to event.
BJ—need larger donors like Baird, Lockheed
Robert--Maybe do an informational slide show at 50 Fellas
Players Partners—Victoria: date set for October 10th & 11th at Harbor Lakes.
How can GEF be more effective?
Janice—some companies do matching gifts for donors
BJ—we need to sell our Granbury ISD schools with a video
Beverly—we should make a scholar athlete testimony video
Stacy-we will have a teacher representative at each school campus to help get information to and from teachers, as well as videos and photos of grants in use.
Gary—Alumni meet 1st Saturday in June every year 9:30-1:30 at GHS. It is mostly the classes of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. The Friday before homecoming (Oct 16) the alumni will meet.
Dr Largent—data base for alumni might need to be created by a business that
specializes in that. Dr Largent will contact GHS about getting a PBL project
helping with alumni data base.
BJ—we should advertise through churches
Nin—we could set a Granbury alumni reunion at the conference center
9:30 Stacy—Record the guest speakers at the first part of our meeting & post it on social media through the GEF FB. Chelsea agreed to video and post. We need to ask Jeff is we can add a few people to GEF page to help administrate.
BJ—suggested we might want to record meetings to get accurate minutes.
9:50 Victoria will check into cost of mailing out GEF flyers, and suggested including the “Points of Pride” to “sell” GISD.
Brant—we brought in a little over $80,000, and currently have $52,483.56 in account. Our Future fund currently has $20, 013.57
10:10 Janice will contact David Castleberry at First Financial about interest-bearing accounts.
10:15 Robert made a motion to put 20% in future fund/ $16,000. Janice 2nd and motion approved.
Brant—both scholarship accounts currently have $17,500. See Financial Report.
Reviewed GEF Financial Graphs—We are on target with income and
Expenses, and average a 35K net asset increase.
Funding Goals 2015/2016
Grants—fund 50K in teacher grants
Discussion of Cathey Briscoe $3000 donation to CTE was beneficial and she is not donating this year. Discussed GEF continuing funding CTE certifications.
10:35 Gary motioned to give $3,000 to CTE under direction of Judy Gentry with the option to increase by vote, if needed. 2nd by Chanda, and motion approved.
Fundraising Goals 2015/2016
50 Fellas donor goals
individuals & businesses-$55K
Brant moved to set goal for 50 Fellas as $65,000. Robert 2nd and motion approved.
Stacy reviewed Timeline Sheet for next year. See handout.
Dr Largent verified Aug 17 is Convocation.
Players Partners Golf Tournament was added to Timeline.
11:00 Officer Nominations and Discussion:
Kelly motioned for Brant to be Treasurer, 2nd by Robert, and motion approved.
Chanda motioned for Lyn to be Secretary, 2nd by Robert and motion approved.
Discussion of check signers, which are Lyn, Carey , and Stacy.
Chanda motioned to add a 4th signer Victoria Dillingham, 2nd by Janice, and
Motion approved.
Robert motioned for Stacy to be President, 2nd by Kelly and motion approved.
11:30 Lunch Break
GEF Brochure discussed and revised. Will submit changes to Jeff to update.
Realignment of Committees
Finance & Governance-Chaired by Brant
Carey, Robert, and Janice
Programs-Co-chairs Chanda and Gary
Lyn, Chelsea, and BJ
Marketing & Development—Co-chairs Kelly and Nin
Beverly, Victoria, Chelsea, Kathleen, Janice, Kevin, and Tad
12:20-1:00 Meeting adjourned and broke into committee meetings to discuss duties.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - May 21, 2015
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
May 21, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on May 21, 2015. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Gary Best, Victoria Dillingham, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, James Largent, Stacy Mitchell, Brant Tate, Tad Timmons, Barbara Townsend and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Robert Doshier, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Nin Hulett, Kevin Myers, Tim Riley, Micky Shearon, Chanda Smith, and Chelsea Thompson.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Sydney Carpenter, the first recipient of the Shiner Energy Scholar Athlete Scholarship spoke with us about her first year at Texas Tech University. She has a 3.82 GPA, has join Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority, is a volunteer sportscaster and is an anchor for the MCTV news. She has also set academic/career/social goals for herself for the next school year. She is a true success story for the Shiner Scholarship program and GEF.
●The minutes for the April meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. Carey Gentry made the motion to approve the minutes as written and Lyn Goodgion seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Janice Horak, Assistant Vice President for Development at Tarleton State University, was voted on to the Board of GEF.
●Jim Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· Affinity F1 won the national competition in Michigan and is headed to Singapore for the World Finals.
· Graduation is Thursday, May 28.
· There have been some construction issues, as to be expected given the amount of rain the area has experience recently. The plan is still to have the front of GHS finished by Fall 2015.
· Ron Holmgreen has been hired as the new assistant superintendent to replace retiring Carol Howard.
● Brant Tate presented for the Finance and Governance Committee. He stated that GEF has moved all accounts to First National Bank. He presented the Accountant’s Compilation Report as of April 30, 2015. Net assets are $125,141. GEF received a $10,000 check from Durant (for the Scholar Athlete scholarships), $3,000 in donations and $2000 was spent for Affinity F1. Brant will get together with the rest of the Finance and Governance Committee to prepare budget and bylaws suggestions for the July retreat. Carey Gentry moved to accept the report, Gary Best seconded. The motion was approved.
● Chanda Smith was absent so Stacy Mitchell presented the Program Committee report. Candy and notes were delivered to all campuses for Teacher Appreciation Day on Tuesday May 5. Call for grants will go out to all campuses during the summer. The committee is setting up staff representatives on each campus to be liaisons concerning grants.
● Kelly Garner and Kathleen Wallace presented the Marketing and Development Committee report. The Academic Recognition Banquet was May 7 and went well. GEF was complimented holding on a worthwhile and time-efficient event.
Kelly will develop a calendar of when sponsors donate so we can know when to visit them.
Kathleen will meet with the Granbury Conference Center to discuss setting a multi-year contract for the Academic Recognition Banquet.
●Under Unfinished Business –
Gary Best presented the decal design and prices in an email that was mailed to all GEF board members. The final decision was to order 1000 8”x5” window decals at $0.42 each
● Under New Business –
The last day of school for teachers will be Tuesday June 2. After the program Dr. Largent enjoys a game with the teachers with prizes at the end. He asked GEF if they would consider supplying some of the prizes this year. Gary Best made the motion to donate two gifts at $250 each. Kathleen Wallace seconded the motion and the motion passed. Victoria Dillingham volunteered to purchase the gifts. She was to consider a night out in Granbury and a night out in Fort Worth.
Stacy said she is planning the 2015 GEF Planning Retreat. The proposed date for the retreat is July 8 from 8:30am – 1pm. A suggestion was made to have the location closer to Granbury. Please contact Stacy if you have venue suggestions.
● Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Lyn Goodgion and seconded by Kelly Garner. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:35p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - April 23, 2015
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
April 23, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on April 23, 2015. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Gary Best, Victoria Dillingham, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Stacy Mitchell, Chelsea Thompson, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, Barbara Townsend and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absence:
Lisa Gossard, Kevin Myers, Tim Riley, Micky Shearon, and Tad Timmons
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Judy Gentry, director of Career and Technical Education (CTE), gave a presentation about CTE at GISD. She discussed the areas currently included in CTE and the expansion that will take place after the completion of the CTE wing of GHS. CTE succeeds because of the partnership between companies and GISD. Currently, 90% of all GISD students participate in CTE. She thanked GEF for the $3000 grant that has paid for CTE certifications.
●The minutes for the March meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. Dixie Lee Hedgecock made the motion to approve the minutes as written and Gary Best seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Jim Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· Spring at GISD is going well.
· Jim testified before a committee of the Texas House of Representatives on April 21, 2015. The hearing dealt with House Bill 3970 to give Texas school districts more flexibility regarding calendars and bad weather days.
●Stacy Mitchell passed around thank you notes for all GEF board members to sign. These thank you cards will be presented to the Teachers of the Year.
● Brant Tate presented for the Finance and Governance Committee. He stated that GEF is in the process of moving all accounts to First National Bank so the Accountant’s Compilation Report is larger than usual since both Northstar Bank and First National Bank statements are in this report. The current operating account is $50,968.94 (at Northstar) and $1,955.50 (at First National) which is $52,924.44. The compilation reports will now be done on a monthly basis. Brant stated that we have recently received a check for the Durant scholarship. Carey Gentry moved to accept the report, Robert Doshier seconded. The motion was approved.
● Chanda Smith presented the Program Committee report. Teacher Appreciation Day is Tuesday May 5. The Programs committee will give all employees candies/gum with a note as a thank you. Chanda requested that GEF board members who can deliver the goodies to the campuses.
Chanda proposed that GEF raise the dollar limits on grants as follows:
PreK-5th grade: grants at this level are currently capped at $3000 for a grade level grant. Proposal is to raise limit to $3500.
Middle School – High School: grants at this level are currently capped at $3000 for department level grant. Proposal is to raise limit to $4000.
All grades: grants are currently capped at $500 for teacher level grants. Proposal is to raise limit to $750.
Robert Doshier moved that we raise the grant levels as proposed by Chanda with the addition that GEF will not, under any circumstance, go over these caps. Kathleen Wallace seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
● Nin Hulett presented the Marketing and Development Committee report. Nin urged all board members to start inviting companies to participate in the 2015 50 Fellas. He suggested approaching new companies in town, introducing them to GEF. Robert Doshier thought it would be helpful to have an introductory package that we can hand out to companies. Dixie Lee Hedgecock suggested a folder or binder so that information could be updated easily. Kelly Garner, Dixie Lee, and Jeff Meador will meet together to work on the package.
The Academic Recognition banquet is scheduled for Thursday, May 7 at 6:30pm. Kathleen Wallace and Kelly Garner stated that the preparations are proceeding well. Food costs have increased and Classic Chevrolet has agreed to cover the increase. Board members are asked to let Kathleen or Kelly know if you will attend and if you can help with setup which will begin at 1pm on May 7.
●Under Unfinished Business – Stacy stated that GEF will interview 9 candidates next week for the Scholar Athletes scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded during the Senior Awards Night on May 21 in the GHS auditorium.
Gary Best presented options for window decals to give to those who support GEF with a donation. Gary had prices for removable bumper stickers and some designs to consider. After discussion it was determined that Gary will ask for prices for window clings and the decal would use the word “supporter” instead of “sponsor”. Stacy will send the information out to the board via email when Gary receives the prices.
● Under New Business – Stacy ask the board to suggest names of new board member nominations.
Stacy and Kelly went to Sanger to visit with Sanger ISD Education Foundation to discuss endowments. SEF receives $18,000 per year from their endowments. Stacy suggested setting up $10,000 endowments that would be broad based (Science, Fine Arts, etc.) The purpose of the endowments is to tap into donors who would prefer to leave a legacy. No motions were made at this stage.
Stacy is going to ask the GISD campuses if they would display GEF information on their marquees during the summer such as GEF grant totals for that campus.
Stacy said she is starting to plan the 2015 GEF Planning Retreat. The proposed date for the retreat is July 8 from 8:30am – 1pm. A suggestion was made to have the location closer to Granbury. Please contact Stacy if you have venue suggestions.
● Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Lyn Goodgion and seconded by Gary Best. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 26, 2015
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
March 26, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on March 26, 2015. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Gary Best, Victoria Dillingham, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Lyn Goodgion, James Largent, Stacy Mitchell, Micky Shearon, Chanda Smith, Tad Timmons, Barbara Townsend and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Carey Gentry, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Nin Hulett, Jennifer Kochis, Kevin Myers, Tim Riley, Brant Tate, and Chelsea Thompson.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Sharon Williams, director of Curriculum and Instruction, spoke the various GEF teaching grants that have stretched GISD teachers and students. Some of the grants she highlighted were Wings of Flight (GMS students building wings and going to IFLY to test them in May) and Museum on Campus (Perot Museum exhibits brought to Oakwoods, GMS and Baccus to be enjoyed by students during the day and their families during Parent Night).
●The minutes for the February meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. Robert Doshier made the motion to approve the minutes as written and Kelly Garner seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Jim Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· Busy time of year with testing and sports.
· Construction work on GHS is ongoing. Working on the second floor of the Ninth Grade addition. Currently a week behind due to inclement weather but that should not delay the project completion which WILL be before school begins Fall 2016.
●Stacy Mitchell read a letter from Jennifer Kochis resigning from the GEF board due to time constraints.
● Brant Tate was out of town so no oral report was given. The Accountant’s Compilation Report as of February 28, 2015 was distributed
● Chanda Smith presented the Program Committee report. Teacher Appreciation Day is Tuesday May 5. The Programs committee will give all employees candies/gum with a note as a thank you. LGMC will make the copies and Lakeside Baptist girls will package the goodies. Chanda will ask for volunteers next month to deliver the goodies to the various campuses.
● Kelly Garner presented for Marketing and Development Committee report. Kelly stated that there is no activity this month concerning 50 Fellas. Barbara Townsend volunteered to fill out the necessary grant application for Kroger to receive funds to support 50 Fellas.
Kathleen Wallace and Kelly Garner have volunteered to handle the Academic Recognition banquet which is scheduled for Thursday, May 7.
●Under Unfinished Business – Stacy stated that the GEF board needed to finish their discussion regarding participation in the GISD Employee Banquet. Lyn Goodgion moved that GEF allocate $5000 to support the GISD Employee Banquet. Barbara Townsend seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
● Under New Business - Stacy asked the Finance Committee to review the GEF bylaws and recommend amendments. She also asked the committee, with the help of Robert Doshier, to compare the mission statement to the bylaws to make sure they are aligned. The committee will also consider raising the contribution amount for a designated fund up from $1000.
● Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Micky Shearon and seconded by Kathleen Wallace. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 26, 2015
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
February 26, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Board Meeting was held on February 26, 2016, at the Granbury ISD Training Center. President Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
The following board members were present:
Gary Best, Victoria Dillingham, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Jennifer Kochis, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Tim Riley, Micky Shearon, Chelsea Thompson, Tad Timmons, and Barbara Townsend.
Others present:
Jeff Meador
Officer Jeff Hastings and Ben, The Drug Dog, were guests. Officer Hastings demonstrated how Ben is used to detect the presence of drugs. He also discussed the terms reasonable suspicion and probable cause and the implications of both terms. He discussed which drugs are most used by students at this time. He explained the process of training Ben. He reported that students in the district are becoming more willing to contact him about possible drug violations and that he has been able to work with parents to be more effective in drug prevention. He described Ben’s cage, donated by GEF, which is mounted in the program vehicle and explained that it is now safer to transport Ben and also more convenient when there are times when he needs to be away from Ben while conducting his duties.
The minutes for the January meeting were presented for approval or changes. Carey Gentry moved to approve the minutes as written. There was a second. The minutes were approved.
Jeff Meador reported on the state of GISD in the absence of James Largent.
· Discussed the brochures for Bond Project updates
· Reported that the walls are up for the 9th grade wing at the high school
· Reported that administrators are monitoring legislative issues
Carey Gentry presented the current balances as of February 22, 2015:
· Operating Account $44,898.94
· Future Fund $20,111.27
Kevin Myers confirmed that funds would be coming from Tom Durant.
Chanda Smith complimentedthe way that GEF makes grant award presentations. She then announced that the Grant Committee would meet to reevaluate and refine the grant application and selection process. Another purpose would be to educate and clarify the process for board members. Stacy announced that the board would discuss changing grant amounts at a future meeting.
Kelly Garner reminded members of the challenge to enlist new sponsors and also asked who might have a connection with the Kia Dealership and the Ford Dealership. Jennifer Kochis volunteered to contact the Kia Dealership about the possibility of their becoming a sponsor.
Jennifer Kochis gave an update about the Academic Recognition Banquet and announced that the date will be May 7, 2015.
Victoria Dillingham discussed the golf tournament and the possibility of changing the date for the tournament.
New Business
Stacy announced that Cindy Gilbert has resigned from the GEF Board. She also reported that Brant Tate is willing to accept the responsibility of being Treasurer for the board. Kevin Myers moved to accept Brant as the new treasurer. There was a second. The motion passed.
There was a discussion about moving our accounts to another bank, possibly to the First National Bank where Brant is employed. Kevin Myers moved to transfer accounts from Northstar to First National. There was a second. The motion passed.
Stacy announced that there was a need for an additional person to sign checks. Lyn Goodgion agreed to be added as a check signer. The following are signers: Stacy Mitchell, Barbara Townsend, Carey Gentry, and Lyn Goodgion.
Jeff Meador announced that applications for Scholar Athlete Scholarships were due after spring break. Stacy asked for members willing to serve on the two committees that would be involved in awarding the scholarships. Kevin Myers stressed the need for committee members to be impartial. The following members expressed their interest: Gary Best, Victoria Dillingham, Robert Doshier, Lyn Goodgion, Kelly Garner, Chanda Smith, and Stacy Mitchell. Chad Dowell from Shiner is automatically on the committee.
Stacy announced that we would table the decision on the amount to be given to sponsor the GISD Employee Recognition Banquet until the March meeting.
Kelly Garner asked for volunteers to help with the Teen Health Fair on Monday, March 2, at 5:30. Stacy Mitchell and Chanda Smith volunteered to help Kelly at the event.
Gary Best moved to adjourn the meeting. There was a second.
The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Important Dates:
April 23, 2015—Employee Recognition Banquet—April 23, 2015
May 21, 2015—Senior Awards Night
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - January 22, 2015
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
January 22, 2015
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on January 22, 2015. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Stacy Mitchell, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, Tad Timmons, Barbara Townsend and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absence:
Victoria Dillingham, Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Jennifer Kochis, Kevin Myers, Tim Riley, Micky Shearon, and Chanda Smith.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Todd Gibson spoke on behalf of the GHS Engineering Program and the F1 School competition. He specifically thanked GEF for the MOJO 3D printer and the wind tunnel. Both pieces of equipment were purchased with GEF grant funds.
●The minutes for the November meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. Nin Hulett made the motion to approve the minutes as written and Kelly Garner seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Jim Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· Construction work on GHS is ongoing. Working to keep the lights and the water on.
· Ribbon cutting for the finished construction at Oakwoods was last week.
· By this summer, all teachers will be trained in PBL.
· Jim asked us to please follow the state legislature as there are various bills that will affect public education in Texas. He suggested the following groups/websites:
●Carey Gentry presented the current balances as of 1/21/2015 for Cindy Gilbert. GEF operating budget is $42,344.94 and future fund is $20,010.12. The statement of financial position as of December 31, 2014 was presented. Barbara Townsend moved to accept the financial statement. Carey Gentry seconded the motion. Motion passed. Stacy told the board that the Chiappe family had sent a check for $1000 to GEF with a note saying thank you for all you do for GISD.
●There was no Program report. Stacy did mention that GEF has given $137,000 in the past 4 years in innovative teaching grants.
●Kelly Garner and Nin Hulett presented for Marketing and Development Committee report. Kelly has requested that all board members “share” the 50 Fellas information on their Facebook pages.
Nin challenged us to reach out to new groups/businesses/individuals and ask them to become involved and donate to GEF.
Ruth’s Place will have their fund raiser – Hunks of Hood County – on February 19. Kelly suggested that GEF help by serving nachos before the auction. Stacy Mitchell, Lyn Goodgion, and Barbara Townsend volunteered.
●Under New Business - Stacy Mitchell told GEF that Cindy Gilbert would like to step down as GEF Treasurer and asked for someone to volunteer for this position. Brant Tate said that he will consider taking the position.
●Stacy stated that it is now time to start looking into endowments for GEF. She asked the board to consider who we could invite on to the board that has endowment experience. Please give any names to Stacy.
●Jeff Meador let the board know that Shiner would present their $10,000 check to GEF during the Aledo basketball game on February 13, 2015. The scholarship will now be called the Briggs Berry Memorial Scholarship. Let Stacy know if you would like to be on the scholarship review committee.
●Letters to vendors will go out soon. Jeff Meador is handling this.
●The board was asked to consider sponsoring the GISD Employee Awards Banquet. Lyn Goodgion moved that GEF become a co-sponsor with GISD for the annual employee recognition banquet held in the Spring as a way to show appreciation and support for quality educators in the district and that this become an annual commitment with the amount of funding to be determined each year based on funds availability. Kathleen Wallace seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was approved with one member opposed. GEF will approach businesses who have underwritten the expenses for this banquet in the past to determine if they would like to do so in the future.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Robert Doshier and seconded by Carey Gentry. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 20, 2014
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
November 20, 2014
The Granbury ISD Education Board meeting was held on November 20, 2014.
The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Gary Best, Victoria Dillingham, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Cindy Gilbert, Lyn Goodgion, Nin Hulett, Jennifer Kochis, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absent:
Carey Gentry, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, James Largent, Tim Riley, Mickey Shearon, Tad Timmons, and Barbara Townsend.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
Dana Goode, Principal of Mambrino School, gave a short presentation on the GEF grant projects at Mambrino and the impact of these projects on the students and teachers. Her presentation included 4 grants: First Move Chess; Children’s Opera at Granbury Opera House; Puppets; and Dyslexia.
The minutes of the October meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. Jennifer Kochis moved to approve the minutes as written. There was a second. The minutes were approved.
The Board voted to accept Victoria Dillingham as a new member to the Board of Directors. Welcome to Victoria.
Since Dr. Largent was attending a legislative meeting out of town, Jeff Meador presented an update on the state of the GISD.
· He told of the groundbreaking for construction at Granbury High School
· He reported that the F1 students would be invited to attend the next board meeting.
Cindy Gilbert presented the current balances as of 11/20/14. GEF operating budget is $87,356.18; the future fund is $20,008.39. She also reported that the income from 50 Fellas was $61,269 plus $6,000 in kind donations. The expenses for the event were $3,683.79.
Chanda Smith presented the Programs Committee report concerning the grant applications and the recommendation of the Grant Committee to fund all grant applications for the year in the amount of $43,022.22. Jennifer Kochis moved that the GEF fund all grants for the amount of $43,022.22. Kevin Myers seconded. The motion carried.
The date of the Prize Party to present the grant awards was set for Wednesday, December 17, 2014.
Chelsea Thompson reported that HEB would sponsor the grant for Classroom Without Walls. Kevin Myers will discuss the possibility that the hospital might sponsor the grant for LED Fiber Optic Hand Carpet.
Kelly Garner and Nin Hulett presented the Marketing and Development report. Kelly reported on the progress of the AMS wheelchair ramp. After discussion the board members agreed to include the presentation of funds for the ramp to AMS in conjunction with the Prize Party presentation. There was also discussion about doing a ribbon cutting at AMS when the ramp was completed.
Nin Hulett reminded board members about the importance of seeking new sponsors and challenged each member to enlist a new sponsor.
Gary Myers suggested that The Board invite professional key financial personnel to meetings so that organizations and businesses might become more aware of the GEF organization.
Unfinished and New Business
President Stacy Mitchell reported that the cage for Ben the Drug Dog had been purchased. The vehicle, equipped with the cage, will also display the GEF Logo.
Jeff Meador reported that the GISD Employee Recognition Banquet will be in April. He suggested that The Board consider funding the food costs for the banquet. He also asked The Board to consider being the sponsor for New Employee Orientation Breakfast and Lunch in the fall. Jeff will provide more information at a future meeting.
Kevin Myers moved to adjourn the meeting. There was a second. The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:43 p.m.
Future Meetings: January 22, 2015
February 25, 2015
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - September 18, 2014
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
September 18, 2014
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on September 18, 2014. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Gary Best, Robert Doshier, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Chanda Smith, Brant Tate, Chelsea Thompson, Barbara Townsend and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absence:
Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Jennifer Kochis, Heidi Pippin, Tim Riley and Micky Shearon.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●The minutes for the August meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. An amendment was made to the last page of the minutes pertaining to the text2give program. If after the meeting with company representatives, board members believe this is a good idea, the fee would come out of the 50 Fellas budget. Carey Gentry made the motion to approve the minutes as amended and Kathleen Wallace seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Jim Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· This is a somber week for GISD with the passing of Briggs Berry – a much loved GHS student.
· Bids for the first phase of the GHS construction go out this month and the results will be presented to the board in October.
· An area beside the GHS baseball field will be paved to make parking since the front parking lot will be unavailable during construction.
· F1 team has made their goal for travel to the world finals in Abu Dhabi in November.
●Carey Gentry presented the current balances. GEF operating budget is $72,220 and future fund is $20,006.34. There were no financial statements to report.
●Chanda Smith presented the Programs Committee report. As of today, no grant requests have been received. The applications are due October 3 and grant reviews will begin October 15. A date for the Prize Party has not been set.
●Kelly Garner presented an update on the preparations for 50 Fellas Food Fest. Preparations for the event are going very well thanks to the hard work of Kelly Garner and Stacy Mitchell. Here are the highlights:
We have 60 volunteers signed up to help. The list of volunteers will be at the volunteer check-in desk. We are still in need of the following:
· Cook Monitors – help cooks get anything they need.
· Heads/Tails Recruiters – sell flashing rings. This year the proceeds will go toward a handicap ramp for the outdoor learning center.
· Trash Duty – empty trash cans at 7:15 and 8:15pm (replace liners)
· Silent Auction Close-out and Monitors
· Clean up
Last year we had 466 people attend. Kelly is projecting 485 this year.
Last year expenses were $4211. This year projected expenses are $3644. This may be $400 higher if we choose to buy some bar height tables.
Kelly has asked all board members to please wear their name tags to the event.
●Jeff Meador said that text2give will be used during 50 Fellas. People will be asked to text the number and give a code. The fee is ~8-9%. GEF will get a list of those who give and their email address so we can send thank you notes. Those who give over $250 will definitely get an acknowledgement of their gift for tax purposes.
●Kevin Myers and Jim Largent told the board that James Dillingham and Dustin Sherrill are having a 2 day golf tournament at Harbor Lakes in October called the Players Partnership. They would like to give part of their proceeds to GEF. In return they would like us to volunteer to help with check-in/ towels/ etc. Stacy Mitchell and Chelsea Thompson volunteered to help. Stacy Mitchell will send the board more information on this event after 50 Fellas via email.
●Jeff Meador announced that scholar athletes are starting to be announced weekly during football and basketball seasons. There will be 24 total. Kevin Myers is very pleased with how much more organized the program is and credited Jeff with the improvement.
●Jeff Meador also announced that 32 employees have signed up for payroll deductions to benefit GEF for a total of $430 per month.
●GHS Choir will give us tickets to Pippin for GEF donors. Jeff Meador will make the tickets and we will hand deliver them.
●Gary Best has the name of a company that can make window decals for GEF. He will look into prices. We are considering ordering these to give to all GEF supporters.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Chanda Smith and seconded by Robert Doshier. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - August 28, 2014
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
August 28, 2014
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on August 28, 2014. The meeting was convened at 1:3o p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lyn Goodgion, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Jennifer Kochis, James Largent, Stacy Mitchell, Heidi Pippin, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, Barbara Townsend and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absence:
Gary Best, Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, Nin Hulett, Kevin Myers, Tim Riley and Micky Shearon.
Others in attendance:
Robert Doshier, Brant Tate and Jeff Meador
●Anna Roe, Acton Elementary School principal and Karla Willmeth, Acton Elementary School assistant principal gave a short presentation on the GEF grant projects at Acton Elementary and the impact of these projects on the students and teachers.
●The minutes for the June retreat were presented for approval and/or changes. Lyn Goodgion made the motion to approve the minutes as presented and Jennifer Kochis seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Robert Doshier, an attorney in Granbury and Brant Tate, an executive with First National Bank were introduced as candidates for the board. Kelly Garner moved to accept these candidates and Carey Gentry seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Welcome to the board Robert and Brant!
●Jim Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· The school has begun with the largest in enrollment since 2009.
· The entry way construction at the elementary and middle school campuses was essentially completed before classes began with minor details and cleanup still in works.
●Carey Gentry presented the June Statement of Financial Position which included the Statement of Financial Activities for the twelve months then ended. We have $96,604.84 - $21823.24 are restricted funds (F1, Durant scholarship and Shiner scholarship), $10,005.9 are reserved leaving approximately $64,775.7 operating budget. Carey also stated that the tax returns have been prepared and are ready to send out. Carey moved that we continue to retain Justin Bowden as the foundation’s CPA. The motion was seconded by Barbara Townsend. The motion was approved. Carey reminded the board that it was time to move money to the future fund. Our bylaws recommend 10%-20% of fund raised should be set aside each year into the future fund. As chair of the Finance and Governance Committee, Cindy Gilbert recommended $10,000 to be moved. Carey Gentry moved we adopt the recommendation. Kelly Garner seconded the motion. The motion was approved. $10,000 will be moved from the operating budget to the future fund. Stacy Mitchell asked about whether the Finance Committee thought we should perform an audit. Carey said that he did not believe it was necessary at this time, based on conversations with Justin Bowden, our CPA, unless a large donor specifically requests one. Carey recommended that consider setting certain dollar amount at which time we perform an audit. No specific amount was considered at this time. Chanda Smith moved to accept the financial report and the motion was seconded by Heidi Pippin. The motion was approved.
●Chanda Smith presented the Programs Committee report. She handed out a new GEF timeline. The call for grants was August 14 and grant requests are due Oct 3. The grant giveaway will be in December. Those who would like to help with the grant review, please contact Chanda immediately.
●Kelly Garner presented an update on the preparations for 50 Fellas Food Fest. Preparations for the event are going very well thanks to the hard work of Kelly Garner and Stacy Mitchell. Here are the highlights:
Signs are now up around town and posters are available. Nin Hulett was injured while putting signs up around town and required 12 stitches. Though we all appreciate Nin’s willingness to put his “all” into promoting the Education Foundation, this went above and beyond the call of duty. Hope you feel better soon Nin! Please contact Kelly Garner if you would like a poster to help advertise the event.
Deadline for donors and cooks to hand in information for the cookbook is September 7.
Patrick Steenberge will be the Emcee for the event.
Kelly presented the following needs, some were met by board members and some are still needed:
· Need ice chests – Barbara Townsend has 1 and Dixie Lee Hedgecock has 2.
· Need orange drink coolers – Barbara Townsend suggested getting in touch with the Choir and Band boosters and borrowing from them. Barbara volunteered to contact the organizations.
· Need someone to make a flyer for each cooking team for their table with their names, picture and recipe on it – Heidi Pippin volunteered for this job.
· Need bar height tables – No one knew of any available. Stacy Mitchell suggested buying tables.
· Need people to count tokens to determine “winners” of the various food categories. Cindy Gilbert, Kathleen Wallace and Chelsea Thompson volunteered.
· Need bartenders – this request is still open.
· Need people to help set up on Friday September 19 and Saturday September 20. An email will be sent out stating when help will be needed on both days.
· All board members are asked arrive by 5:30pm on September 20 for 50 Fellas Food Fest.
Other 50 Fellas Food Fest items that were discussed:
· Carey Gentry suggested moving the cooks’ tables that are in front of the bleachers forward by 4-5 feet so that guests can sit on the bleachers.
· Stacy Mitchell asked Jeff Meador to send an email to the principals to bring their campus grant checks to the principals’ meeting on September 11 so that they can be displayed at the 50 Fellas event.
· We discussed other money making opportunities during the event such as:
o Selling extra tokens for $10 each
o Selling the flashing rings for $10 each (They were $5 last year)
o Jim Largent presented a creative fundraising proposal named text2give. There were some questions about how this program works. Jim will set up a meeting with company representatives and notify Stacy for all board members interested in attending the meeting. The board members that requested to attend the meeting were Stacy Mitchell, Kelly Garner, Brant Tate, Robert Doshier, Cindy Gilbert and Carey Gentry. After the meeting, if those that attend believe this is a good idea for 50 Fellas, the fee would come out of the 50 Fellas budget.
●Dixie Lee Hedgecock presented an update on GEF shirts that will be provided by Lake Granbury Medical Center. She brought samples of the shirts and requested all board members see here after the meeting to choose their correct size.
●Stacy Mitchell asked each board member to state which committee they would work on. Attached is the list.
●Stacy Mitchell asked for a volunteer to take over the founding donors plaque since Jan Van Dorn is no longer on the board. Heidi Pippin volunteered.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Robert Doshier and seconded by Kelly Garner. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
** Please note that our next meeting has been moved to **
*** Thursday, September 18 at 1:30pm ***
Granbury ISD Education Foundation Committees
Financial and Governance:
Cindy Gilbert – chair
Carey Gentry
Brant Tate
Barbara Townsend
Chanda Smith – chair
Lyn Goodgion
Lisa Gossard
Jennifer Kochis
Chelsea Thompson
Kathleen Wallace
Kelly Garner – co-chair
Nin Hulett – co-chair
Gary Best
Jennifer Kochis
Heidi Pippin
Robert Doshier
Heidi Pippin
Those still to be placed: Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Kevin Myers, Tim Riley, Micky Shearon
GEF Board of Directors Retreat - June 11, 2014
Minutes of 2014 GEF Retreat
June 11, 2014
- The retreat was called to order at 8:42 am. The following board members were present: Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Cindy Gilbert, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Nin Hulett, Jennifer Kochis, James Largent, Stacy Mitchell and Barbara Townsend.
- We welcomed new board members Gary Best and Lyn Goodgion and accepted the resignation of Nancy Alana, Patti Caraway, Bob Lowrey, James Hodges, and Jan Van Dorn. Micky Shearon was not able to attend the retreat but will replace Nancy Alana as the GISD school board representative on the GEF board. Other board candidates were discussed and Stacy will contact them before the August 28 meeting.
- A list of Lessons Learned was generated and resulted in plans on how we can be more effective with our time and resources.
- Because of band competitions in October, grant applications will be due the third week in October and we will award grants in early November. These changes were made to the 2014-2015 timeline
- This year we included STARS teachers in GEF teacher appreciation gifts. The teachers were thrilled and mentioned that it was the only accolade they received. We need to think of ways to motivate and inspire these teachers during the 2014-2015 school year.
- Thank you notes with framed pictures were hand delivered by Patti to Briscoe Realty and HEB for their participation in grants. This was very well received. Are there ways we can expand on this in the future?
- Our intern was helpful this year. Is there any way we can have an intern for a full year during this upcoming school year?
- We need to work more on our donor list. All board members should know who is on the list so we can thank them personally when we meet them during the year. We need to move toward creating a regular donor list. Consider looking at who is donating to We The People and F1. Would these donors be interested in donating to GEF as well?
- We need a central location for filing our grant records, financial records and meeting minutes. Jim Largent said that we can have space and a file cabinet in the Administration Building. Kelly Garner will ask the College Station Education Foundation how they electronically handle their files.
- 50 Fellas was a huge success this past year and will become our signature event.
- We need to form a bigger committee for 2014. Suggestions were made to reach out to grant winners, principals and boosters clubs to get volunteers. Jim Largent will set up a meeting with PTO officers and GHS Booster Club officers and GEF will supply breakfast. This would be a give GEF the opportunity to discuss who we are and how we help each campus, teacher and student. The suggestion of making GEF ambassadors for the PTOs and Booster clubs.
- We need to make PayPal more accessible and make sure all 5 sites work.
- A suggestion was made to set tip jars at each chef station.
- Set up an elevated stage (Nin mentioned that the city has a stage) with something going on constantly. Carey Dyer was mentioned as an excellent MC. Other suggestions: chef arm-wrestling, chef advertising, a portable mike to go and talk with the various chef teams.
- Ticket prices seemed to be good and we will leave them the same for 2014.
- Need more seating
- Need forks and voting sheets as each person checks in
- Suggestion was made to order extra aprons that we can sell
- The Golf Tournament raised $3000 for GEF.
- Was it worth the effort?
- If we continue, who will chair the effort since Bob was rotated off the board?
- We need to have a beer cart
- We need more teams to participate.
- We decided not to have a golf tournament during the 2014-2015 school year
- How can we tap into the GISD Alumni data base? Is this something the intern can investigate? Suggestions : tap into the Facebook Granbury Nostalgia page and the Project Graduation pages. Gary Best believes he has an Alumni booklet
- Do we want to serve snacks to teachers during inservice?
- This year we gave dinner and Opera House tickets to the two Teachers of the Year. We are considering giving something to all the Teachers of the Year (11) this coming year.
- Where and how will GEF meet the public this year to raise awareness?
- Meet the Teacher nights? No
- Open House? Maybe
- Set up breakfast for teachers at each campus? Yes
- Window decals for businesses and individuals that support GEF? Gary Best will look into the cost of making these.
- Banners at convocation for each school with the cumulative dollars that school has been granted.
- Ask each school to make a video showing how their school has improved because of grants (similar to what the principals have shown in GEF meetings).
- GEF give Scrabble games to each school at convocation
- Give GEF shirts to each principal. Dixie Lee will look into the cost of this option.
- Jeff Meador has an internal employee newsletter. Is there anything we can do with that?
- Some education foundations create a door display for teachers that donate through employee deductions. The display lists the years that the teacher has donated. (See attached example)
- Kelly will bring a fan/advertisement/noise maker for us to consider to sell at football games
- Cindy Gilbert passed out the accountant’s compilation report as of April 30, 2014 and the current balances in the GEF accounts as of June 10, 2014. We currently have approximately $50,000 in the operating budget. Our bylaws suggest that we set aside 10%-20% to the Future Fund. At our August meeting we will vote on the amount that we will move to the Future Fund. Lyn moved that we accept the financial report presented. Barbara seconded the motion and the motion passed.
- Cindy passed out the current donor list and we identified some individuals that need to be added.
- Goals for 2014-2015
- Grant goal for Fall 2014 will be $30,000. Cindy made the motion, Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion passed
- Fundraising goal for 2014-2015 will be $91,000. Jim made the motion, Lyn seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- GEF will make up any difference necessary for upkeep of Ben, the drug dog. A vote will be held when funds needed.
- GEF will pay for lunch for the drumline after Prize Parties. A vote will be held before the Prize Party to determine the amount to set aside for this.
- Action concerning 2014 50 Fellas Fest:
- Nin said that the city has put a cable over 377 Business as you cross the lake. This cable will be used to advertise events in Granbury. He suggested we use it to advertise 50 Fellas Fest. Nin will look into the logistics and cost to use the cable.
- Jennifer made a motion to allocate $5000 to prepare for the 2014 50 Fellas Fest. Nin seconded the motion and the motion passed.
- Kelly passed out the Annual Sponsor Package sheet. We are asked to start signing up sponsors now.
- Other topics discussed:
- The Briscoe Realty donation was so successful that the idea was raised to approach Elevate (a new real estate company to Granbury) to see if they would like to become regular donors to GEF.
- We discussed the best way to give the GISD employees information about employee payroll deduction opportunities. We decided that bringing either breakfast or snacks to each campus during the week after Summer Conference, putting the application forms in the employee mailboxes and staying around for a while to meet/greet and answer questions then leaving a box in the teachers’ lounge to collect the applications was the best approach.
- We discussed how GEF could participate in the Teacher of the Year banquet. The event is currently held at the GHS cafeteria with 300-400 people in attendance. Ideas considered:
- Pay for dinner
- Give $500 to each teacher of the year for classroom expenditures
- Pay to have the dinner at the Conference Center instead of the GHS cafeteria
- The 2015 Student Recognition banquet is last one that is currently scheduled. Stacy stated that we need to get on the books for future dates and set a price for the use of the Conference Center. Nin suggested that we call Sherri Campbell Husband, the assistant city manager, to make the necessary arrangements.
- The realignment of the committees was begun. This is the status as of the end of the retreat:
- Programs: Chanda (chair), Lyn, Jennifer and Lisa
- Marketing/Events: Kelly (co-chair), Nin (co-chair), Gary and Jennifer
- Finance: Cindy (chair), Carey and Barbara
- Marketing/Development: Kathleen, Lyn
- Those who still need to choose a committee: Dixie Lee, Kevin, Heidi, Tim, Micky and Chelsea
- The retreat adjourned at 12:45pm
- The next scheduled meeting is August 28 at 1:30pm in the General Granbury room.
GEF Board of Directors Meetng - April 24, 2014
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
April 24, 2014
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on April 24, 2014. The meeting was convened at 1:31 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Cindy Gilbert, James Hodges, Nin Hulett, Jennifer Kochis, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Tim Riley, Chanda Smith, Jan Van Dorn, Kathleen Wallace and Barbara Townsend.
The following board members were absence:
Nancy Alana, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Heidi Pippin, and Chelsea Thompson.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Acton Middle School principal Jimmy Dawson gave a 10 minute presentation on the impact the Outdoor Learning Center grant at AMS. The area now has a ¼ mile completed and classes are meeting in the area now. The Outdoor Learning Center will hold a grand opening on Friday, May 2. GEF board members were encouraged to come and see the project.
● The minutes for the March meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. Bob Lowrey made the motion to approve the minutes with one amendment and Jan Van Dorn seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
● Stacy Mitchell spoke briefly on GEF activities
· Tickets to the Granbury Opera House and a gift certificate to Farinas has been secured to give to the GISD Teachers of the Year from GEF.
· James Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· This is a busy time of year with something every night – playoffs, EOY banquets, awards ceremonies, etc.
· Raw scores in for standardized tests and they look good
· We The People getting ready to go to Washington DC for the nationals
● Cindy Gilbert presented the GEF financial report. We have a healthy operating account of $74,417.13. She has written a check for $1200 to F1 and expects to close the We The People fund next week. Cindy stated that a $500 gift from Rep. Keffer had been inadvertently deposited into the GEF operating account when it should have been deposited into the WTP fund. Kevin Myers moved to move the said funds to the correct account and Jim Largent seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Cindy reminded the board that an amount must be designated to the Future Fund once grant selection has been completed. Nin Hulett moved to accept the financial reports and Carey Gentry seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
● Patti Caraway and Chanda Smith presented the report from the Program Committee.
· Patti proposed GEF should present mini grants for a total of $8364.36, innovative teaching grants for a total of 23,199.54. She also proposed GEF award $3000 to CTE curtesy of a donation by Cathey Boscoe. Jennifer Kochis moved to accept, Jan Van Dorn seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
· Patti presented a copy of the Pirate Bucks that will be sent home with the students who will benefit from the awarded grants. The purpose of the Pirate Bucks is to raise awareness of GEF and the grant process.
· Chanda Smith told the board about the plans for Teacher Appreciation Day, Tuesday, May 6. Candies and a note of appreciation will be given to all teachers, aides, and office staff on every GISD campus.
· Patti stated that the current grant cycle is causing teacher frustration since there have been times when the teacher who has submitted the grant proposal has not been able to implement the grant. Most other foundations award their grants in the Fall. Therefore, Patti proposed that GEF move the grant cycle to the following:
o Grant workshop in August
o Grant submission in mid-September
o Grants awarded in October
There was discussion about whether teachers who are awarded grants this May would be eligible to submit a grant request this September. It was proposed that GEF stick with their requirement that a grant must be finished before another grant is submitted. Jennifer Kochis moved to accept this proposal, Kelly Garner seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
● Bob Lowrey and Kelly Garner presented the report from the Marketing and Development Committee.
· Bob said that the Get On The Bus Golf tournament was successful. There were 56 players, 14 teams. The tournament raised $6195 and net proceeds were $3500. Bob suggested that next year the tournament should either begin earlier in the morning or after lunch, GEF should charge more for mulligans and have an adult beverage cart.
· Kelly Garner stated that the Academic Recognition Banquet (May 8) preparations are going well. The banquet has been moved to begin at 6pm instead of 6:30pm to accommodate a student and teacher that are involved in the GHS musical and must leave by 6:30pm.
● Unfinished and New Business
· Stacy Mitchell reminded the Scholar Athlete selection committee that they would meet after the GEF meeting to determine who to interview. The Scholar Athlete scholarships will be presented at the Senior Awards Night, May 22.
· Jan Van Dorn said that the list of donors for the Founding Donor Plaque is being finalized.
· Stacy Mitchell announced that the GEF retreat is tentatively scheduled for June 11 from 8am – 1pm.
●Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jan Van Dorn and seconded by James Hodges. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:44 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 27, 2014
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
March 27, 2014
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on March 27, 2014. The meeting was convened at 1:31 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, James Hodges, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Tim Riley, Chanda Smith, and Barbara Townsend.
The following board members were absence:
Nancy Alana, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Jennifer Kochis, Heidi Pippin, Chelsea Thompson, Jan Van Dorn, and Kathleen Wallace.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Brawner principal Stacy Brown gave a 10 minute presentation on the impact the 4 GEF grants to Brawner Intermediate.
● The minutes for the February meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. Carey Gentry made the motion to approve the minutes and Cindy Gilbert seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
● James Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· Standardized testing begins next week
· The first pass on the remodeling design for GHS is due next month.
● Cindy Gilbert presented the GEF CPA compilation reports for January and February 2014 from Justin Bowden. She also presented the GEF account balances as of February 26, 2014. The operating account is $64,504.13 and the future fund is $10,003.80. Jeff Meador stated that some vendors have donated and donation request letters have been mailed to several more vendors. Bob Lowrey moved to accept the financial reports and Carey Gentry seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
● Patti Caraway and Chanda Smith presented the report from the Program Committee. Schools have been notified that their evaluations of their 2013 grants must be in by April 8 to be eligible for 2014 grants. Fifteen innovative teaching grant applications have been submitted for 2014. And the review of those grant applications has begun. An email motion was made to open mini grants (up to $1000) for the principals to submit innovative teaching ideas. The motion passed to allow one grant per campus. So far, one grant application has been turned in.
● Bob Lowrey and Kelly Garner presented the report from the Marketing and Development Committee.
· Bob distributed a registration form for the Get On The Bus Golf Event (April 23 at Nutcracker Golf Club) and asked each board member to sign up one team. He also requested volunteers for the golf event. Volunteers can be board members or friends of the foundation. He is also in need of items for door prizes and the “goodie bags” to be given to each team. Lisa Gossard volunteers to donate Y bags for this effort.
· Kelly Garner stated that the Academic Recognition Banquet (May 8) preparations are going well. All the invited students have turned in their paragraphs and Jeff Meador has begun taking the pictures.
· The date for the 2014 50 Fellas Fest has been set September 20. The change in date means that the date for sponsorship must be changed. The sponsorship deadline for 50 Fellas is now August 30. She asked board members to take sponsorship sheets and start getting sponsors.
● Unfinished and New Business
· Kevin Myers presented information on the GEF Scholar Athlete Scholarship program. He thanked Jeff Meador for his work to define this program including the scholarship application form. Cindy Gilbert suggested the following paragraphs be added to the program definition.
· Any student providing a transcript reflecting below the required 3.00 GPA will be placed on a one-semester paid probation period, during which the GPA must be brought back to 3.00, otherwise the scholarship will be forfeited.
· All scholarship disbursements will be paid directly to the college or university. Any special circumstances requiring otherwise, will be looked at on a case by case basis and will require board approval.
· Any scholarship not claimed by the recipient within one calendar year of award will be forfeited. By student or parent request, scholarship funds may be held by the foundation up to two years. Special circumstances will be subject to board and donor approval.
The motion to accept the amended program definition was made by Kelly Garner and seconded by James Hodges. The motion was accepted. Jeff Meador will insert the additional paragraphs.
Kevin will let Shiner and Durant know that they are giving scholarships within the GEF Scholar Athlete program. Kevin has met Shiner to complete the scholarship criteria form and gave them the contract so that their lawyer can review. Kevin will meet with Durant next week. The following board members volunteered to be on the scholarship selection committee: Kelly Garner, Cindy Gilbert, Stacy Mitchell and Barbara Townsend. Applications are due April 15, 2014. The scholarships will be presented at the Senior Awards Night May 22, 2014.
· Stacy Mitchell stated that Cathey Briscoe has given GEF $3000 and would like the monies to be used to fund the testing fees CTE certifications. Currently, $8000 - $10,000 is spent each year on testing. The cost is paid by the students. The Briscoe gift will be used to assist students on a needs basis. Judy Gentry has volunteered to manage this fund for GEF. Judy would work with Claudia Hurst to identify the most deserving students. GEF would issue one check for $3000 to GISD to set up an activity fund for this purpose. The program will be named GEF CTE Endowment for Certification Assistance funded by Briscoe. Each recipient will be required to send a thank you note to Cathey Briscoe. Stacy will work with Kathy Briscoe and Judy Gentry to set up a check presentation event. Kevin Myers moved to establish the above described program. The motion was seconded by Chanda Smith. The motion passed.
· Stacy Mitchell would like GEF to consider establishing a $1000 per year scholarship for Ben, the drug dog, for his expenses. The community would be able to donate to this scholarship through GEF. The idea was well received. There was some discussion as to who would manage the fund. Stacy Mitchell and Jeff Meador volunteered to look into these issues and report back next month.
· Stacy Mitchell stated that Fidelity has awarded Mambrino a $5000 grant to create an educational mural on the history of Granbury. The check was written to GEF. We discussed whether GEF would accept the check and act as the pass through. We determined that the grant did align with our mission (educational excellence and community communication). Stacy Mitchell will talk with Mambrino principal, Dana Goode, about how GEF and Mambrino can work together. Bob Lowrey made a motion for GEF to accept the check and act as a pass through. Jim Hodges seconded the motion. The motion passed.
· An update on the airplane kit donation was made by Stacy Mitchell. The donor is getting a form from the IRS stating the value of the gift. The GISD accountant and insurance company have approved the acceptance of the gift. GISD still needs to include GEF in their insurance policy. Cary Gentry moved that GEF accept the IRS stated value to accept the airplane kit. Patti Caraway seconded the motion. The motion passed.
●Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Nin Hulett and seconded by Barbara Townsend. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 3:02 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - Febraury 27, 2014
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
February 27, 2014
The Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on February 27, 2014. The meeting was convened at 1:32 p.m. at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Nancy Alana, Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, James Hodges, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, Barbara Townsend, and Kathleen Wallace.
The following board members were absence:
Carey Gentry, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Jennifer Kochis, Heidi Pippin, Tim Riley, and Jan Van Dorn.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Oakwoods principal Don Cody gave a 10 minute presentation on the impact GEF grants have made on Oakwoods.
● The minutes for the January meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. There was discussion as to why, under “scholarship criteria”, a distinction was made not to award scholarship monies for military schools. Stacy said she would revisit that statement and tell us next month. Several amendments were made. Cindy Gilbert made the motion to approve the minutes as amended and Kelly Garner seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
● James Largent spoke on the state of GISD.
· There is now a state requirement to incorporate career pathways in 9th grade. Therefore, GISD is working on introducing these pathways in middle school.
· Meetings with the architects are continuing for the GHS renovation and bids are going out for the campus entrance redesigns throughout GISD.
● Cindy Gilbert presented the GEF account balances as of February 27, 2014. We currently have an operating account of $57,666.56 and $10,003.45 in our endowment (future) fund. The CPA statement will be given bimonthly. James Hodges moved to accept the report and Bob Lowrey second the motion. The motion passed.
● Patti Caraway presented the report from the Program Committee. Grant applications are due February 28, 2014. The notebooks for review will be ready March 4, 2014. Grant evaluations for the 2013 grants have begun. Patti introduced a new method to raise awareness of GEF. She showed play money that could be handed out to the students of “grant-winning teachers” to take home to their families stating that their class had won money to improve education from the Granbury ISD Education Foundation.
●There were several reports from Marketing and Development.
· Bob Lowrey presented a package for the Get On The Bus golf outing April 23, 2014 at the Nutcracker Golf Club to benefit GEF. He is seeking sponsors so that all proceeds would go to GEF. He plans to give a presentation about the work of GEF during the outing’s lunch to raise awareness of the work of GEF.
· Stacy Mitchell would like to elevate community awareness of GEF and suggested incorporating the theme “Get on the Bus” in all our communication with the public. There was a lot of positive feedback to this idea. It is already incorporated in the April golf outing literature.
· Bob Lowrey reported on attending a seminar on raffles. He stated that we must be very careful. They can be very difficult to manage and to sell enough tickets to make the effort profitable for GEF. He asked for us to consider if GEF and GISD would be willing to let GISD students to sell tickets. The question was rhetorical as a point to consider. Bob also noted that there is a company, Silent Partners of California, that would set up an online silent auction. We would hire the firm for $4000. The firm would solicit the items, set up the auction, we would provide the participants and we are guaranteed to make at least our $4000 back.
· Bob Lowrey stated that he believes we should put more emphasis on developing a donor base and managing that base. In response to that comment, all board members not on the Programs or Finance committees are now on the Marketing and Development committee. Meetings will be held March 5, 19 and 26 in the GISD Training Center to develop a plan to address this issue and the plan will be presented at the March GEF board meeting. Stacy Mitchell will send out an email to the affected board members.
· Bob Lowrey stated that preparations for the Academic Recognition Banquet are progressing. The banquet is scheduled for Thursday May 8 at the Granbury Conference Center.
● Under Unfinished and New Business
· Jeff Meador gave a report on GISD employee payroll deduction program for GEF. During the 2012/2013 school year, there were 6 employees participating. There are currently 40+ employees participating. We discussed incentives for participation for various giving levels such as a certificate for their classroom, 50 Fellas Food Fest tickets, or their name on our website. It was stated that Frisco ISD has 8000 employees and that the employee payroll deduction program gives $100,000 per month to the Frisco ISD Education Foundation.
· Kevin Myers and Stacy Mitchell gave a report concerning the Scholar Athlete Program. Kevin stated that there are currently 12 students in the pool to receive the two scholarships from Shiner and Durant. Stacy presented a scholarship criteria worksheet to be completed by the awarding body of current and future scholarships to be managed by GEF. The form helps define the purpose for the scholarship so that GEF can best follow the desires of the scholarship donor. Stacy also presented an agreement form to be completed by the awarding body of current and future scholarships defining the responsibilities of both GEF and the scholarship donor. These forms will be given to Shiner and Durant to complete and sign for the current scholarships.
· We discussed that GEF needs a process to advertise and acknowledge the scholarships that GEF manages and the process to obtain them. Lisa recommended that GEF send a letter to each “Athlete Scholar of the Week” stating that they are now eligible for the Shiner and Durant student athlete scholarships and what that means.
· Stacy Mitchell discussed that the GEF By-Laws currently state the GEF address to be that of Barbara Townsend. Kelly Garner moved that the address be changed to the GISD Administration building address (600 W. Pearl St, Granbury, TX 76048). Patti Caraway seconded the motion. The motion passed.
●Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bob Lowrey and seconded by Lisa Gossard. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:53 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - January 23, 2014
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
January 23, 2014
The Granbury ISD Education Foundation Meeting was held on January 23, 2014. The meeting was convened at 1:35pm, at the Granbury ISD Training Center, with President Stacy Mitchell presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Nancy Alana, Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Cindy Gilbert, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Nin Hulett, Jennifer Kochis, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Jeff Meador, Stacy Mitchell, Heidi Pippin, Tim Riley, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, Jan Van Dorn, & Kathleen Wallace.
*The minutes from November’s meeting were presented for approval and/or changes. Nancy Alana made the motion to approve the minutes as presented and Dr. Largent seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
*Dr. Largent spoke on the Superintendent’s Report:
Many great things are happening at GISD in the student’s sports activities. A construction company was approved for the upcoming changes on buildings per the Bond package. Primary construction on K-8 campuses affecting the security/front entrances planned to break ground in May. The High School construction would begin Nov/Dec. We The People would be advancing on to Washington DC in April. Several All State Academics recognized.
*Cindy Gilbert presented the Finance and Governance Report:
Review of financial account, currant balance of $88,531.30. Continuing to update 50 Fellas as it continues to come in. GEF received over $7,000.00 this month in donations. Last month’s outgoing expenses totaling $688.00. Newspaper bill was paid. F1 racing still has more funds coming in, wil hold until asked for. Carey Gentry made a motion to approve the presented report as presented, Nancy Alana seconded motion. The motion was approved.
*Chanda Smith presented the Programs Committee Report:
The Call For Grants was sent out on schedule. We are waiting to receive incoming applications. In April will need a May date for cutoff from Dr. Largent. Call went out to group for anyone interested in joining the Grant Review Committee.
*Bob Lowrey and Kelly Garner presented the Marketing and Development Committee Report:
Golfing event to be scheduled in the late Spring. Bob will review with Dr. Largent and get back to group with details. Shelton would like to help in the Golf event; they are a Milk Distribution Company that has been involved with other fundraising events outside of GEF and are anxious to get something going. 50 Fellas set for October 18, 2014. The 30-35 cookbooks left over from last year’s 50 Fellas event should be given out with any incoming donations/also possible gift idea for the upcoming Academic Banquet.
*New and Unfinished Business:
We The People; Discussion about re-opening existing account for usage by the We The people team. Use opened account to channel funds for the students. There was discussion about linking a PayPal account for use of donations online directly to the account. Motion to allow GEF to handle We The People funds was made by Carey Gentry. Motion seconded by Jennifer Kochis. The motion was approved.
Scholarship Criteria; Bob Lowrey and Cindy Gilbert discussed the scholarship criteria review. Review of several scholarship criteria documents. There was group consensus that the GEF must be in control of the criteria, not the donors. This ensured protection to the GEF as well as the students. Donors need to sign agreement and contract on how the Scholarships to be handled. Carey Gentry made note that change needed to be made to the Policy Page to change the amount of donation to $5,000.00. Also change made to the accumulating endowments that it was an annual reporting of donations needed to be removed. As of now, no documentation was signed, all donors should be met with and review/sign documents. All scholarship moneys can only be used for private/public universities/schools, no military. Cindy Gilbert noted that Policies/Procedures need to be officially adopted. There was discussion that the President should be the only one to be able to sign the legal contracts in regards to the scholarships. If donor had issue with the scholarship contracts, they have the option to opt out and the money would be returned to them. Carey Gentry made a motion to approve the forms with changes, Nancy Alana Seconded motion.
Brisco: Donated $3,000.00/one time donation to be used as a Scholarship. They were informed that policies were not yet adopted and left the monies to be used as a scholarship at the discretion of GEF this year. They would like to start a competition with other local realtors to donate. The money donated this year by Brisco would go to help fund CTE testing/certification. Trades tend to stay in Granbury, more students would benefit compared to donating it to Dual Credit classes. Judy Gentry to help allocate funds to serve a larger population of students.
Academic Recognition Banquet: set for May 8th. Bob Lowrey has catering from Mi Familia. Jennifer Kochis will do seating arrangement for the event. On-line application is in progress. Kelly Garner and Jeff Meador are in charge. Deadline for sponsors to be listed at event: April 17th, 2014
Founding Donor Plaque: Jan Van Dorn will get list of donors from Jeff or Sandy. It will hang in new Administration Office and a photo poster of the plaque will hang in every school.
Mustang 2 Kit Plane: donated by Private Individual. Stacy Mitchell reported:
Wanted to make sure GISD wants it and in position to accept it.
Cindy will talk to Justin; CPA to make sure everything is OK.
GEF will be named as additional insured endorsement on GISD’s policy.
Meeting adjourned at 2:40pm.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 21, 2013
The following board members were in attendance:
Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Cindy Gilbert, Nin Hulett, Jennifer Kochis, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Chelsea Thompson, Barbara Townsend, and Jan Van Dorn.
The following board members were absence:
Nancy Alana, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, James Hodges, James Largent, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin, Tim Riley, Chanda Smith and Kathleen Wallace.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●The minutes for the October meeting we presented for approval and/or changes. Cindy Gilbert made the motion to approve the minutes as presented and Kelly Garner seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Jeff Meador spoke on the state of GISD.
· The two bond proposals passed. Huckabee has been chosen as the general contractor. Representatives from Huckabee will meet with members of the elementary schools and middle schools after the Thanksgiving Break so the security upgrades can be done this summer. Huckabee will meet with members of the high school in January.
· GISD and Hood County have finalized the deal on the Y and it will move forward “soon”.
· GHS F1 team competed in the world finals and won the team identity award which covered design and sportsmanship. The team thanks GEF for being the conduit for their funds over the past year.
●Cindy Gilbert presented the September and October Statements of Financial Position. We have $80,181 - $22,162 are restricted funds (F1, Durant scholarship and Shiner scholarship), $10,001 are reserved leaving approximately $48,017 working budget. Carey Gentry moved to accept the statements and Patti Caraway seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Cindy also stated that the 2013 50 Fellas Food Fest has now raised $25,200. Barbara Townsend stated that there is money in the GEF PayPal account that needs to be transferred to the GEF bank account.
●Patti Caraway stated there was no Program Committee report this month.
●There were several reports from Marketing and Development.
Cindy Gilbert and Bob Lowrey stated that they have been contacting other Education Foundations to determine how they handle scholarship funds. They have received responses back from McAllen and Frisco, TX, as well as Las Vegas, NV. Once they have received their criteria and procedures, a subcommittee will take that starting point and design criteria and procedures for the Granbury ISD Education Foundation that matches our mission.
Bob Lowrey proposes that we hold another golf fundraiser in the Spring and will meet with Dr. Largent to set up the details.
Kelly Garner presented a sponsor sheet that she and Stacy Mitchell have been working on. A sponsorship would be applicable to a full year from the date of sponsorship. In other words, a sponsor would be granted the sponsorship rights to a 50 Fellas Food Fest event and the Academic Recognition Banquet event following the receipt of their donation. A good discussion followed the presentation and Kelly will incorporate many of the suggestions and bring a revised copy to the January meeting.
●Jan Van Dorn presented information on the Founding Donor Plaque. She has talked with All About Sports to get some cost estimates and material options. We considered brass and aluminum for the plaque. After some discussion, Patti Caraway moved that we accept the aluminum. The move was seconded by Cindy Gilbert. The motion was approved. Stacy Mitchell commented that we need to verify exactly who should be on the plaque. Jeff Meador stated that he can give us the donor lists printed in the previous two Academic Banquet brochures. Once we determine the number of names on the plaque, we can determine a plaque size. There was discussion as to where to place the plaque. No final determination was made at this meeting.
●Stacy Mitchell handed out a list of past GEF donors and asked board members to look over the list and determine which they knew. She then asked those board members to make contact with those donors to thanks them for their previous donation and determine if they would be willing to donate again.
We also discussed sending out vendor letters requesting donations in January 2014.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bob Lowrey and seconded by Jan Van Dorn. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - October 24, 2013
Members In attendance: Nancy Alana, Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Heidi Pippin, Tim Riley, Chanda Smith, Jan Van Dorn, and Kathleen Wallace.
Others in Attendance:
o $27,295.45 has been collected to date for the 50 Fellas Food Fest. There is $450.00 income still expected. To date the net for the event is $24,491.00 on the goal of $15,000. There were 56 volunteers and 96 cooks. We had 12 sponsors for the event.
o Carey Gentry stated that we have $10,000 in the Shiner/Durant scholarships, $48,957 in our checking, $10,001.73 in the Future Fund, and $1862 in F1 Racing.
o The Outdoor Learning Center will receive an Archery set with the $1000.00 that was raised at the 50 Fellas Food Fest.
o Discussed the Granbury Conference Center as a possible option for venue next year.
o It might be possible for the Ag Class Project to be wetting and rolling the ground in the barn prior to the event to limit the dust.
o We need to plan on 600 participants for 2014 event.
o Suggested that we have a stage for 2014, a trash emptying schedule, additional board communication so all board members are aware of event activities, and spoons with trays.
o Ticket distribution discussion included the option of printing more.
o Sponsorship Packet will be worked on by Heidi Pippin, not including the 50 Fellas Food Fest information.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - September 26, 2013
GISD ISD Education Foundation Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2013
General Granbury Room
The following board members were in attendance: Nancy Alana, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, James Hodges, Jennifer Kochis, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Jeff Meador, Heidi Pippin, Tim Riley, Chanda Smith, Chelsea Thompson, Barbara Townsend, and Kathleen Wallace.
Stacy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 1:35pm. Nancy Alana moved to accept the minutes from last week and Tim Riley seconded the motion. There was a vote to accept the new members which was unanimous.
Carey Gentry announced that the We the People account has closed. F1 Racing account is still in use with 31K for this year. Bob Lowrey moved to accept the financial report and James Hodges seconded the motion. Carey Gentry moved to NOT do a Financial Review for last year’s financials. James Largent seconded that motion. Suggestions were made to do financial review checks every 5 years or at least periodic audit/reviews on financials.
Board agreed that signed thank you cards were the best idea for the employees with payroll deductions.
· Needs for the 50 Fellas Food Fest were announced:
· Trash cans-Heidi Pippin will get these from church
The Ex-Professional Football Players have been confirmed to join us for the 50 Fellas Food fest.
All female Board Members agreed to wear aprons for the event. Board members are set to arrive at event at 4 pm.
Durant Student-Athlete Scholarship is a new idea similar to the Shiner Student-Athlete Scholarship. There are no details as of yet. Criteria for Student-Athlete Scholarships will include:
- Community services
- Multiple extra-curricular activities
- Athlete
- Weekly students will be considered for the 10K scholarship
James Largent suggested that we have a committee meet to come up with guidelines for clarifying scholarships. Possible committee members: Kelly Garner, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Kevin Meyers. Bob Lowrey motioned to accept and Carey Gentry seconded the Durant Student-Athlete Scholarship as described in the minutes.
Meeting is adjourned at 2:30
GEF Board of Directors Retreat - August 9, 2013
Minutes of 2013 GEF Retreat
August 9, 2013
- The retreat was called to order at 10:00am. The following board members were present: Barbara Townsend, James Largent, Cindy Gilbert, Nancy Alana, Chanda Smith, Jan Van Dorn, Patti Caraway, Stacy Mitchell, Kelly Garner, Kevin Myers and Carey Gentry. The following board members were absent: Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, James Hodges, Nin Hulett, and Bob Lowrey.
- We welcomed new board member Nancy Alana and accepted the resignation of Don Walton and Tommy Donahoo. Other board candidates were discussed and Barbara will contact them before the August 22 meeting.
- The brochure subcommittee presented the new brochure. Suggested changes were made and will be sent to Jeff Meador to incorporate and the brochure will be reviewed at the August 22 meeting before it is sent to LGMC for printing.
- A list of Lessons Learned was generated and resulted in plans on how we can be more effective with our time and resources.
- The retreat should be held in July next year. August is too late to plan for Beginning of School activities.
- We decided to not participate in Meet the Teacher nights and Pirate Camps this year but will consider the Open Houses later in the school year.
- Presence at convocation is a good idea.
- Employee payroll contributions were started too late last year. We brought in $124 per month. We will make our face-to-face pitch as employees enter for Convocation and will put applications in the teachers’ boxes.
- The grant workshop was well received and generated much better grant applications this year. We do not believe another workshop is necessary. We will answer questions via email and/or phone and we will make presentations on campuses if requested.
- We need a longer grant evaluation period so we will move the Call for Grants and Grant Deadlines forward by a month.
- We will not have Technology sign off on grant applications before they can be submitted for evaluation but Technology will have a presence during the evaluation process.
- We need to select and publish a deadline for the student performance grant agreements and give individual budget sheets to Sharay Boyton.
- It was much better to carry banners in to schools for the Prize Party as opposed to putting the banners on the bus.
- We love our drum line! We need to remember to bring a spare drum along for Dr. Largent.
- We need either a portable PA system to take in to the schools for the Prize Party or have a PA system set up at each school prior to our arrival.
- Thank you letters with musical tickets was well received by our donors. We will expand that practice to include sports tickets (volleyball, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis). We need to brainstorm some other potential venues. Middle school musicals?
- The solicitation letters to the vendors was successful for the first year. We brought in over $5000. We need to send the solicitation letters out earlier this year before businesses set their 2014 budgets.
- We should send letter to all of our donors about the 50 Fellas Food Fest.
- Set up a Pay Pal and/or Square account for 50 Fellas Food Fest.
- We need to increase our social media exposure: Facebook, Twitter, and website. Update more often. Consider student intern.
- Consider contest among Advanced AV students to produce You-Tube video about GEF and allow the public to vote on the best video.
- Ask GISD Facebook followers to “like” GEF Facebook page.
- Put more children’s pictures on Facebook page.
- Consider thank you to companies on Facebook page.
- Consider doing spot about GEF during games on FM 90.5.
- We need to use Friends of the Foundation more to take some of the workload off the board members.
- Stacy Mitchell suggested that we consider ways to use a portion of the donation from Morton Foods to aid the tornado victims since that was how Morton Foods first became aware of GEF. Kevin Myers moved that we pay for Dual Credit classes and textbooks and all AP tests for the tornado victims for the Fall and Spring semesters of the 2013-2014 school year. Stacy Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion passed.
- We have been approached to create a Fine Arts Permanent Restricted Fund. A proposed set of Guidelines for Permanent Restricted Funds was considered. Carey Gentry moved to only allow temporary restricted funds at this time that have a specific purpose and end date. Kevin Myers seconded the motion and the motion passed. This information will be reported to those that requested the Fine Arts fund to determine if this will meet their needs. If the group would like GEF to take the funds designated for a grand piano, GEF will accept those funds as a temporary restricted fund whose end date will be when the necessary funds are raised to purchase a grand piano.
- A motion was made by Nancy Alana to move $7000 to reserves. Cindy Gilbert seconded the motion and the motion passed.
- The Funding and Fundraising Goals for 2013-2014 were determined based on the actuals for 2012-2013 and are attached to these minutes.
- The timeline for 2013-2014 was determined and is attached to these minutes.
- Realignment of committees was begun and will resume at our August 22 meeting.
- Nominations were taken for president, treasurer and secretary. The following were nominated:
- President: Bob Lowrey*, Kevin Myers*, Stacy Mitchell (Nancy Alana said she would run if these three all declined)
- Treasurer: Cindy Gilbert
- Secretary: Jan Van Dorn*
*These individuals have not accepted their nominations at this point
Other nominations may be made before the August 22 meeting.
- The retreat adjourned at 2:30pm
- The next scheduled meeting is August 22 at 1:30pm in the General Granbury room.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 28, 2013
Unofficial GEF minutes March 28, 2013
Members present: Carey Gentry, Tommy Donahoo, Bob Lowery, Dr Largent, Barbara Townsend, Stacy Mitchell, Kelly Garner
13:38 Meeting Called to Order
· Only 8 voting members present
· No quorum was present, so official meeting and voting did not occur
13:40 Superintendent’s Report Dr Largent expanded on how all competitive teams doing very well.
13:43 Presidents Report -Barbara Townsend
· we are still looking for good potential board members. We currently have 18, and would like to have 25. Please send suggestions to Barbara.
13:46 Financial Report-Carey Gentry
· No Financial Statement today
· Anticipate at least $23,000 in Grants…probably more
· Need to vote on Financial Audit-The price has been lowered to $2100
· Another option—do a “Review” instead of “Audit”—cost $1000
13:50 Programs-Stacy Mitchell
· All Grants are scored
· Committee meets next Tues to finalize winning grants
· Requesting to set $25,000 as minimum to spend on Grants this year-will do email vote
· Will submit this request to April 8 School Board Meeting: Barbara, Stacy, and Patti
· Academic Banquet coming along—still looking for catering, 82 verified students/family coming, anticipate 200 people including teachers/GEF board
14:00 Marketing and Dev—Bob Lowery
· Will plan a “Golf Marathon” on a Wednesday in May at Pecan Plantation—more details to come
· Kelly Garner: 50 Men Can Cook fundraiser planned for October 19th 6:00-9:00pm, at the Courts Cleveland Show Barn. Kelly & Stacy will be meeting with College Station’s Fundraiser coordinator next Thursday to get more details. Looking for a name of our 50 men can cook fundraiser…keep that name or create or own? Email suggestions to Kelly.
14:20 New & Unfinished business
· Formula One Team Races would like GEF to be depository for their funds—will send out email vote for this.
14:40 Meeting adjourned—Barbara and Bob to stay afterwards and meet with Leadership Granbury
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 28, 2013
Granbury ISD Education Foundation Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2013
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Granbury ISD Education Foundation was held on February 28, 2013 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organization’s bylaws. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. in the General Granbury Training Room of the Granbury Independent School District Administration Annex Building, with President Barbara Townsend presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lisa Gossard, James Hodges, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Kevin Myers, Chandra Smith, Barbara Townsend, Jan Van Dorn, and Don Walton.
The following board members were absence:
Cindy Gilbert, Joey Grisham, and Dixie Lee Hedgecock.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador.
●Barbara Townsend called the meeting to order and presented Claudia Southern to the board as a potential new board member. Carey Gentry made a motion to approve Claudia Southern as a new board member and Bob Lowrey seconded the motion. She was approved as a new board member to join the board in March.
●Lisa Gossard presented the minutes from Board Meeting for approval and/or changes. Carey Gentry made the motion to approve the minutes as written and Don Walton seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Dr. Largent shared the 2020 Strategic Planning Action Teams are meeting and reporting back by April 1, 2013. The Dean of North Texas State University visited the engineering program at Granbury High School. Through the 2012-2013 school year so far, all sports teams have made the playoffs.
●Barbara Townsend shared that the board is currently at 18 members. We would like to have 25 members so suggestions are welcome for potential new members.
●Carey Gentry shared the December and January financial statements. Our current balance is $10,940. Donors were highlighted for December and January. Bob Lowrey made a motion to approve the financial report and Don Walton seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Barbara Townsend made a $2000.00 donation restricted to payment to the Granbury Conference Center for the Academic Recognition Banquet for four years. The restricted donation was put before the board for approval. Carey made the motion to approve the restricted donation and Jan Van Dorn seconded the motion. The motion was approved. There was discussion on the bid for our annual audit with our year-end being June 30, 2013. The bid was $2400.00 which the board tabled until March for additional discussion between Carey and Molly Wilshire on options.
●Patti Caraway and Stacy Mitchell shared the Program Committee information. Patti stated that 14 grants had been submitted through February 27, 2013. The grant committee will begin the grant evaluation process on March 7, 2013. Stacy asked the board to approve funds for Teacher Appreciation Week. Don Walton made a motion to approve funds based on last year’s expense and James Hodges seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Stacy shared evaluations from last year’s grants and the DVD about the impact the grants had at schools.
●Bob Lowrey was pleased that the ribbon cutting went well on February 19th. Bob gave a fundraising update including $8000.00 towards grants so far this year. He feels confident we will get to $20,000 this year. Congratulations and thanks to Tommy Donahoo for work toward soliciting funds from the new car dealerships. Barbara Townsend shared that the feedback from donors was very positive concerning including “Beauty and the Beast” tickets in their thank you letters. There were suggestions that we could include tickets to football, basketball, baseball games as well as musical tickets and a picture of the Prize Party day to our donors.
Kelly Garner presented the 50 Men Who Can Cook idea as a possible fundraiser for the foundation. The board was in support of the idea. Jan Van Dorn made a motion that we proceed with planning the event and Nin Hulett seconded the motion. The motion was approved. A location idea was Rio Brazos.
●The Academic Recognition Banquet will me Thursday, May 9th. Letters have gone out to the top 25 students. Students will be allowed to bring two guests and their inspirational person will be allowed to bring one guest at no cost to them. Tickets will be $25.00 per person for the event. The catering needs to be secured which the Marketing and Development Committee will be working on finalizing.
●March 5th will be the GISD elementary school open houses from 5:30-7:00. Stacy Mitchell and Kelly Garner will be at Acton Elementary School, Patti Caraway and Chandra Smith will be at Emma Roberson Elementary School, Jan Van Dorn and Barbara Townsend will be at Oakwoods Elementary School. We will need volunteers to be at Brawner and Baccus Elementaries.
●Barbara Townsend shared that Parents for Academic Excellence has hosted an event for the top 2% of students from each school from the previous year. The banquet was in November each year. The group has asked if the GEF would like to take ownership of the event. The vote from the board was no.
●The Executive Committee will be working on guidelines for Restricted Funds.
Meeting adjourned at 3:01 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - January 24, 2013
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Granbury ISD Education Foundation was held on January 24, 2013 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organization’s bylaws. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. in the General Granbury Training Room of the Granbury Independent School District Administration Annex Building, with President Barbara Townsend presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Barbara Townsend, Jan Van Dorn, and Don Walton.
The following board members were absence:
Joey Grisham, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, and James Hodges.
Others in attendance:
Kevin Myers, Tommy Donahoo, and Jeff Meador.
●Lisa Gossard presented the minutes from Board Meeting for approval and/or changes. Don Walton made the motion to approve the minutes and Carey Gentry seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Dr. Largent shared the 2020 Strategic Planning process and the Action Teams being formed. Formula One Racing has partnered with Granbury High School. GISD set records with the Hood County Livestock Show. We The People group will be representing the state of Texas in Washington D.C. in the national competition.
●Barbara Townsend shared two board member resignations; David Orcutt and Kathryne Bosco. Barbara made a motion to approve three new board members; Kevin Myers, Tommy Donahoo, and Chandra Smith. Jan Van Dorn seconded the motion. The motion was approved and new members welcomed. Barbara has put together the W-9 form for the foundation and Lisa Gossard will have the forms. There was discussion on changing the address to the school district address on the W-9 form at some point.
●Carey Gentry shared the financial statements. Our current balance is $10,463 in our account of which $3000.00 is We The People funds. Bob Lowrey made a motion to approve the financial report and Don Walton seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Patti Caraway and Stacy Mitchell shared the Program Committee upcoming events. Evaluations for the prior year grants are due February 1st. The call for new grants will also be February 1st. Campuses can invite committee members to have training for staff on grant applications. Barbara Townsend shared that the list of the top 25 students will be ready January 28th. The foundation will sign a release of information form for students’ names and addresses. The potential locations for the Academic Recognition Banquet are the Harbor Lakes Golf Club and the Conference Center. Barbara is going to visit with the staff on using the Conference Center.
●Bob Lowrey shared packets of potential donors. There will be a DVD with teacher and student testimonials on grants awarded last year prepared by January 31st. Board members are asked to make contact with assigned donors by February 1st and to make the ask and confirm the gift by February 21st. We are working on completing our application for the Chamber of Commerce. Bob is going to check with Mary Booth from the chamber on the possibilities for the foundation to speak at a luncheon or to have an after -hours event to promote the foundation. The committee has also discussed the possibility of scholarships from Tarleton or Weatherford College.
●Cindy Gilbert shared some of the information she gathered from the Board2Board training in Plano. Our first contact with a donor should be to educate and our second contact should be to ask for a donation. We should be thanking donors seven times in a year.
●Barbara Townsend will check with Kathryne Bosco on the work that has been done on new brochures.
●The video with footage from the Grant Prize Party in May 2012 will be available to GEF board members on February 1st.
●March 5th will be the GISD elementary school open houses from 5:30-7:00.
●Barbara Townsend shared the board vote for allowing the foundation to act as a depository for the GISD We The People class of 2012-2013 from January 10, 2013 until the national finals on April 26-30. The motion was approved by eleven members of the board.
Meeting adjourned at 3:06 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 29, 2012
Members present: Barbara Townsend, Patti Caraway, James Hodges, James Largent, Nin Hulett, Don Walton, Jeff Meador, Kelly Garner, Stacy Mitchell, Kathryn Bosco
Ø Meeting Called to Order at 1:33
o Motion to accept Oct minutes by Don Walton
o 2nd-Nin Hulett
Ø Superintendent’s Report at 1:36 James Largent reported that he is receiving great support from community. Barbara commented that teachers really appreciate all that Dr Largent is doing.
Ø President’s Report at 1:37 Barbara mentioned attendance low due to miscellaneous reasons, but all is going well with GEF.
Ø Program Committee Report at 1:40 Patti & Stacy stated the date for proposed grants presented to the school board has changed to April 8th.
Ø Mkt & Dev Committee report at 1:41 Kathryn said they are still compiling information on how to fundraise, donor recognition, direct contact with people in town such as Alumni and former students. She is working on newsletter—still needs a picture of committee and letter from president. They are also still trying to brainstorm fundraiser ideas other than a golf tournament.
Jeff Meador is working with Sharay B and getting school vendor list.
Nin Hulett revisited the “meet and greet” idea discussed at previous meeting. He suggested people buy tickets or tables, and bring in recognized students. Barbara suggested Choir or brass quartet. Don added that Dr Largent could highlight what is going on in district. Stacy mentioned to have teachers talk about how receiving grants have helped them. Jeff Meador is working on a testimonial video that could be played at this event and elsewhere. Dr Largent suggested a kiosk of students to showcase how they have benefitted from GEF. Locations discussed were Bent Water Conference center (no charge), Harbor Lakes (no charge), and Hilton Conference Center (possibly $1000)
Don Walton suggested that we hold an “event fundraiser” to cover all administrative costs, and use personal/business donations that we collect at other times for grants so we could tell donors where money went.
Barbara suggested putting advertisement on Pirate Football Scoreboard and Nin added to use the local TV station as advertisement with the testimonial video too.
Ø New and Unfinished Business at 2:10 Barbara stated Cindy went to Board to Board last month. Barbara is encouraging all to go to one. The next meetings are Dec 13, Jan 24, and April 18th. Barbara will be talking with Don, Patti, James Hodges, and Kelly about introductions to potential board members. She has also mentioned that we need to order more GEF brochures. Dr Largent suggested to add to brochure 1) list of grants and 2) tear off card for people to send in donations. Don Walton also reminded that we are still looking for a grant writer. Stacy is still working on someone as an advisor. Jeff Meador suggested Toni B at United Way would be a great resource for grants.
Ø Meeting Adjourned at 2:30
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - October 25, 2012
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Granbury ISD Education Foundation was held on October 25, 2012 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organization’s bylaws. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. in the General Granbury Training Room of the Granbury Independent School District Administration Annex Building, with President Barbara Townsend presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, James Hodges, Nin Hulett, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Barbara Townsend, Jan Van Dorn, and Don Walton.
The following board members were absence:
Kathryne Bosco, Cindy Gilbert, Joey Grisham, Jerry Tidwell, Barbara Wallace.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Lisa Gossard presented the minutes from the September Board Meeting for approval and/or changes. There were two changes that needed to be made to the minutes: 1) David Orcutt will no longer have check signing authority, and 2) strike Unfinished/New Business from the minutes. Carey Gentry made the motion to approve the minutes with changes and Don Walton seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Dr. Largent shared the 2020 Strategic Planning process and the timeline. On Monday, October 29th, there will be two Summit Meetings. The first one will be 10:00-12:00 at the Bridge Street Cafeteria. The second meeting will be 7:00-9:00 at the GHS Cafeteria. The final plan will be presented to the school board in April or May. The GEF board members are welcome to staff the welcome table to promote the foundation work. Barbara Townsend and Kelly Garner will attend the morning meeting and Stacy Mitchell, Bob Lowrey and Lisa Gossard will attend the evening meeting.
●Barbara Townsend shared two board member resignations; Jerry Tidwell and Barbara Wallace. She asked that recommendations for new board members be sent to her as soon as possible. There was discussion on asking Jerry Tidwell to recommend possible new board members from the Hood County News staff.
●Carey Gentry shared the July and August financial statements. Our current balance is $5000.00 in our account and $3000.00 in endowment account. Carey made a motion to approve the financial report and Bob Lowrey seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Carey also led discussion on checks we have received that are restricted donations from First Financial and Hood County News. Carey made a motion to approve the checks and Don Walton seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Patti Caraway and Stacy Mitchell shared the 2013 Timeline for Grants. The only change made to the timeline was to change the date of Proposed Grants presented to the GISD school board to April 8.
●Bob Lowrey shared the Shared Relationship Descriptions for board members to determine future donors. Bob asked that board members identify their relationship to all listed in the packet and return to him. If board members add potential names, then please list your relationship to those names as well. The packets potential donors should be completed in mid-December. Don Walton presented a sample donor piece and fundraiser ideas. There was discussion on possible events that could be done at Pecan Plantation and DeCordova to educate the citizens on the school district and its accomplishments.
●There was no unfinished or new business for discussion.
Meeting adjourned at 2:41 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - September 27, 2012
Members In attendance: Barbara Townsend, Carey Gentry, Patty Caraway, Barbara Wallace, James Hodges, Kathryne Bosco, Bob Lowrey, Cindy Gilbert, Don Walton, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Stacy Mitchell, James Largent
Others in Attendance: Jeff Meador
Ø Barbara T. presented the minutes from the August meeting and they were accepted with minor amendments.
Ø Motion to approve – Bob L.
Ø 2nd – Don Walton
Ø Motion passed
Ø Barbara T. moved to approve the following candidates as VP’s:
o Finance & Govt. – Carey G.
o Programs – Patty C. and Stacy M.
o Marketing & Dev. – Kathryne B. and Bob L.
Ø Carey G. stated the following:
o The review audit is complete and there is a little over $5,000 in the account.
o Finance Committee began a reserve fund and moved $3,000 into it.
o Currently about $2,300 in the operating fund
o Hired Accountant, Justin Bowden & Assoc
o Received tax return from accountant
Ø Barbara T. – President’s Report
o Rachel’s Challenge would be at 6:30 at the High School. Please try to attend
o One board member needs to try and attend each Board to Board seminar
o Lauri Cromwell advised about Pass-through funds which would allow for moneys dedicated to other local projects to be donated to and pass through the GEF to be distributed as giving above and beyond grants as restrictive funds.
Ø Don W. moved to allow Pass-through funds
Ø Barbara W. Seconded the motion
Ø Motion passed
Ø Dr. Largent introduced Granbury ISD 2020 to help develop a vision for the District.
Ø Patti C. announced that the Programs Committee will use last year’s timeline with modified dates.
o Online Question/Answer will be designed
o Committee will be willing to visit any campus that requests it.
Ø Bob L. mentioned that a shopping tournament would not be a good fit at this time.
o Asked that everyone get their contacts to him so he can compile a donor list
o Asked that board members notify the Finance Committee how much they will personally be donating this year.
o Suggested that we continue to try to raise community awareness of the GEF.
o Recommended that our goal this year should be $100,000
Ø Katheryne B. suggested we recruit student/alumni clubs (NHS, Key, etc.) to assist with making fundraising calls.
o She is trying to determine the best way to recognize donor.
o She is working on the Spring Fundraiser
Ø James L announced that four district employees are contributing $50/mo. each to the Employee Giving Campaign.
o Suggested it would be helpful if there was a perforated tab on the brochure to tear off and designate the amount each employee wishes to donate
Ø Barbara T. requested the board submit names for consideration to become new board members.
Ø David Orcutt is stepping down from the board but offered to continue advising the Finance and Governance Committee.
Ø The bylaws state that David Orcutt will no longer have check signing authority.
Ø Meeting adjourned at 3:02 PM
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - August 23, 2012
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
August 23, 2012
A retreat of the Granbury ISD Education Board Meeting was held on August 23, 2012 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organization’s bylaws. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. at the Luminant’s Somervell Training Center, with President Barbara Townsend presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Kathryne Bosco, Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Carey Gentry, Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, James Hodges, James Largent, Bob Lowrey, Stacy Mitchell, Jerry Tidwell, Barbara Townsend, Jan Van Dorn, Barbara Wallace, and Don Walton.
The following board members were absence:
Joey Grisham, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Nin Hulett, and David Orcutt.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Lisa Gossard presented the minutes from the July Board Meeting for approval and/or changes. Bob Lowrey made the motion to approve the minutes as presented and Don Walton seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Barbara Townsend voiced her appreciation for the work done at the retreat in July. The board packet included committee assignments, board roster, and the donor funding model discussed at the retreat.
●Dr. Largent introduced himself and commented on the excitement he has heard from teachers on the GEF grants. Each of the board members introduced themselves as well.
●Patti Caraway shared the program committee report. The mints for the teachers and the presentation on August 14th went very well. Stacy Mitchell and Patti are co-chairing the committee this year. The next meeting agenda will be to plan the timeline for the year.
●Bob Lowrey reported on behalf of the Development Committee. Marilyn Luton has resigned from the board and therefore will not be serving on the Development Committee. Committee discussion has included developing a more formal approach to fundraising. This includes committed Board Members sending their pledge to a member of the Finance and Governance committee. The pledge can be paid any time in the 2012-2013 school year. Secondly, we need to complete Founding Donor campaign by having each board member submit 3 individual or business names to the Development Committee via Bob’s e-mail. Board members need to be prepared to help with potential donor initial meetings. The committee will be preparing a potential donor packet. The GEF Funding Donor model will be used in planning committee work and priorities. A timeline will be discussed with a possible spring launch. The Development Committee will work closely with the Marketing and Events Committee.
Bob met with Sylvia Hicks and Vicky Young from Event One about a possible fundraising event called a Shopping Tournament. Teams of 4 complete with shopping to earn points. It would be competitive shopping for a cause. The event would be on April 13, 2013 from 10:00-5:00 around the square. The foundation would receive the entry fee and a percentage of items sold. The event would also include an awards dinner. Bob has asked for Event One staff to put together a model that would raise $20,000 for our consideration. Bob is going to do additional research on how other education foundations have benefitted from this type of event.
●Carey Gentry announced that our audit is almost completed. Results should be able to be shared at our September board meeting. He believes we will have approximately $3000.00 in the bank following the audit. Carey made the suggestion that we need a professional bookkeeper. He thought it was possible to have someone who could meet our financial needs for $100.00 per month. Barbara Townsend stated that she would like to have someone that could be committed for 3-5 years. A motion was made by Don Walton to allocate $2000.00 for a bookkeeper for the 2012-2013 school year. Jan Van Dorn seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Kathryne Bosco reported for the Marketing and Event committee. Their primary discussion topic has been a Sponsor package. There will need to be discussion with the Development Committee concerning a spring event and sponsorship opportunities. She has been working on drafting a newsletter and there was discussion on distribution possibilities. A new picture of the Board of Directors is needed. We will take a new photo at the September 27th board meeting. Bob Lowrey suggested that the board consider a chamber membership as part of educating the community about the foundation. Kelly Garner organized board members attending Meet the Teacher events at the schools as a chance to promote the foundation. Discussion was held concerning the combination of the Development and Marketing and Event committees. A motion was made by Patti Caraway to combine the two committees. Bob Lowrey seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Barbara Townsend discussed the election of the board president and secretary. The board felt it was a priority to have Barbara continue as president for a second year for continuity. We will need a president elect to work with Barbara this year so he/she is in position for next year. Lisa Gossard will continue as secretary for a second year as well. A motion was made by Patti Caraway to approve Barbara Townsend and Lisa Gossard for president and secretary. Jan Van Dorn seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Barbara will work on communicating with the board on the nomination of a president elect.
●Barbara Townsend followed up the discussion in our previous board meeting concerning the Hall of Fame alumni plaques and school district requested funds. Laurie Cromwell stated that is a practice that other foundations participate in with the school district. There was discussion concerning how it would affect our gifts and donors. Barbara will ask Laurie to see if there is documentation on how the process happens.
Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - July 26, 2012
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
July 26, 2012
A retreat of the Granbury ISD Education Foundation was held on July 26, 2012 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organization’s bylaws. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. at the Luminant’s Somervell Training Center, with President Barbara Townsend presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Kathryne Bosco, Patti Caraway, Kelly Garner, Cindy Gilbert, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Nin Hulett, Bob Lowrey, Marilyn Luton, Stacy Mitchell, David Orcutt, Barbara Townsend, Jan Van Dorn, and Don Walton.
The following board members were absence:
Carey Gentry, Joey Grisham, James Largent, Jerry Tidwell, and Barbara Wallace.
Others in attendance:
Jeff Meador
●Barbara Townsend introduced the five nominees for the board. Marilyn Luton, Don Walton, Kelly Garner, Cindy Gilbert, and Nin Hulett were all nominated to be accepted as board members. The board voted unanimously to accept the five nominees as new board members.
●Barbara Townsend led discussion on the positive things that happened in our first year and the opportunities that our board has in the second year. The positive things were the following: 1)Academic Recognition Banquet, 2)Prize Party Bus, 3)the grant process including the review, evaluation, and education of teachers, 4)the teacher appreciation gifts, 5)HEB’s generosity with food donations, and the 6)LGMC’s consistent assistance with printing. The opportunities for the board are the following: 1)Early training for the teachers, scheduled for August 14th, on the grant process, 2)working with the leadership teams at GHS to encourage more secondary grant applications, 3) GEF board financial participation promoted by assigning a specific board member to board giving, including a letter that goes to all of our board members, 4) Raise the recognition level of GEF including the Founding Member Program, develop a publicity plan with the Hood County News, and advertise, 5) Fundraising opportunities including having clear information, training for volunteers/board members on making “the ask”, develop a donor presentation kit, determine the best time for our campaign, study the feasibility of an endowment program, follow up with potential donors following events, solicit GISD vendors, establish a GISD employee donation plan for March 2013 including payroll deduction opportunity, have a GEF presence at the Homecoming Reception for alumni, 6) Teacher appreciation gift for August 14th presentation, 7) establish a link to the GHS Alumni Association including the possibility of an endorsement by Dana Vollmer, 8) produce a newsletter that would be distributed to donors, alumni association, and school district staff.
●The board discussed how we can be more effective in 2012-2013. The suggestions included doing a better job with fundraising, developing a more visible community presence; revisit the service organizations to discuss our first year successes. The following were suggestions for increasing awareness: attend the Homecoming Reception, connect with the Alumni Association, join the Chamber, connect with Leadership Granbury, be visible on the city channel – Channel 27, have a kick-off to our fundraising campaign, and a golf tournament that could include a Silent Auction. Our theme of the 2012-2013 year will be Raise Awareness to Raise Funds.
●The board determined the funding goals for the 2012-2013 year will be $50,000 with the overall budget being $64,050. The planned fundraising goal will be $54,050 through individual, business, and vendor donors. An additional $10,000 goal through a special event will be planned. The projection for grant applications is 60 submitted and 30 accepted. Kathryne Bosco will rework the Annual Sponsor Packages form by August 2, 2013. We will extend our Founding Donor opportunity through May 1, 2013.
●Barbara Townsend distributed the tentative timeline for our year and additions were made. The final version will be distributed at our August 23rd meeting or by e-mail prior to the meeting.
●Committee assignments were discussed for 2012-2013. The new committee list will be distributed at our August 23rd meeting or by e-mail prior to the meeting.
●Barbara Townsend led discussion on the nomination of a new president and secretary. Nominations will be taken by Barbara prior to the August 23rd meeting.
●Barbara Townsend will be sending via e-mail an updated Board Roster, newsletter, and a request for President and Secretary nominations.
●Jeff Meador discussed the Hall of Fame Alumni of the Year plaque funds and school district requested funds from local businesses to funnel through the foundation for tax deduction purposes. The board will be solicit recommendations from Laurie Cromwell and Molly Wilsher.
Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - June 27, 2012
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
June 27, 2012
Carey Gentry proposed that we accept the bid from Willsher & Associates of $2000.00 to perform our audit and prepare the 990 tax form.
The action was approved via e-mail by the board on June 27, 2012.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - June 11, 2012
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
June 11, 2012
The following motions were made, seconded, and approved via e-mail through the Granbury Education Foundation board.
Jan Caldwell Hulett made a motion to accept the amendment to the Policies and Guidelines for accepting donations. Patti Caraway seconded the motion. The board voted via e-mail to approve.
Jan Caldwell Hulett made a motion to accept the April Income Statement and the April Income Details and Balance Sheet. Patti Caraway seconded the motion. The board voted via e-mail to approve.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - April 27, 2012
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
April 27, 2012
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Granbury ISD Education Foundation was held on April 27, 2012 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organization’s bylaws. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. in the General Granbury Training Room of the Granbury Independent School District Administration Annex Building, with President Barbara Townsend presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Kathryne Bosco, Patti Caraway, Lisa Gossard, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, James Hodges, Jan Caldwell Hulett, Mark Jackson, Bob Lowrey, Ron Mayfield, Stacy Mitchell, Lee Overstreet, Jerry Tidwell, Barbara Townsend, Jan VanDorn, and Barbara Wallace.
The following board members were absence:
Donna Dickinson, Carey Gentry, Aaron Grant, Joey Grisham, David Orcutt, Mike Scott.
Others in attendance:
Laurie Cromwell, Jeff Meador
●Corrections to the minutes of the March 29, 2012 meeting were: Bob Lowrey was in attendance, the spelling of Caraway and Lowrey need to be corrected throughout the minutes. The Rachel’s Challenge grant request is for five elementary schools not all the elementary schools in the school district. Bob Lowrey made the motion to approve the minutes and Jan Van Dorn seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
●Barbara Townsend thanked the board for all the hard work. She reminded the board that we need to continue to educate community members and local businesses on the mission of the GEF as well as continuing to seek donations.
●Ron Mayfield presented for discussion the Memorandum of Understanding between the GEF and GISD. Bob Lowrey made the motion to approve the document and James Hodges seconded the motion. The motion was approved. The Memorandum of Understanding will be presented to the school board for approval at the May 21st meeting.
●Laurie Cromwell discussed the information that she will present at the May meeting including information for an Employee Giving Campaign as well as next steps to help prepare a plan for next year.
●Mark Jackson presented the Donor List for approval of donations made to the foundation. It was noted that we have received some donations that did not appear but the list will be updated prior to our May meeting. James Hodges made the motion to approve the donations and Ron Mayfield seconded the motion. The donations were approved. Laurie discussed that she will work with Carey Gentry to change the By-Laws to approve restricted cash donations versus each unrestricted cash donation. They will bring the changes to the board for approval. Our assets were $27,780.55 and our liabilities were $1736.50. Our balance is $26,044.05 as of March 31, 2012. Lee Overstreet made a motion to accept the finance report, which was seconded by Jan VanDorn. The finance report was approved by the board. Mark presented the insurance information for Directors and Officers Liability, Crime and General Liability. The annual cost will be $1589.00. There was discussion concerning research with other insurance companies’ costs and what other school district foundations pay for their insurance. Bob Lowrey made a motion to approve the purchase of the insurance and Lee Overstreet seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Stacy Mitchell abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest concerning ownership of the insurance company providing the policy.
●Patti Caraway discussed the Prize Party on May 16th. The bus will leave the administration parking lot at 9:00 a.m. Balloons, big checks, and noise makers are prepared for the presentations. The letters to go home with the children whose teachers are awarded grants have been taken care of as well as the grant denial letters. We will be awarding $20,000 for nine grants. The committee will be delivering appreciation recognition on Friday, May 4 or Monday, May 7 to each school.
●Barbara Townsend discussed presentations that are going to be done on behalf of the foundation at the Optimist Club (May 1) and the Rotary Club (May 17). The Founding Partners opportunity for donors of $500.00 or more will be available until August 31, 2012. There was discussion of an article in the Hood County News on the foundation and the Founding Partners program. The Marketing and Events Committee will work on the article. Barbara Wallace presented the idea of yard signs to promote the foundation as well as to recognize the Founding Partners. James Hodges is going to discuss with Donna Dickinson on the process to follow up with pledges that haven’t paid.
●Bob Lowrey discussed the Academic Recognition Banquet which will be Friday, May 11th at 6:30 p.m. at the Conference Center. Dinner will be provided by Hammonds Barbeque for $10.95 per plate. There will be a $7.00 charge per table for linens. The projected attendance is 150-200 and we will be honoring 25 students and 25 teachers. The tickets will be $25.00 per person. Dixie Lee Hedgecox will be is coordinating the brochure and will need the information and photos by Monday, May 7th.
●There was no unfinished or new business.
Meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - March 29, 2012
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
March 29, 2012
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Granbury ISD Education Foundation was held March 29, 2012 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organizations bylaws. The meeting was convened at 1:30 in the General Granbury Training Room of the Granbury Independent School District with President Barbara Townsend presiding.
The following members were in attendance:
Jerry Tidwell, James Hodges, Stacy Mitchell, Barbara Wallace, Mike Scott, Ron Mayfield, Mark Jackson, Carey Gentry, Jan Van Dorn, Patti Caraway, Katherine Bosco, Lee Overstreet, Bob Lowrey and Dixie Lee Hedgecock.
The following members were absent:
Lisa Gossard, Donna Dickinson, Joey Grisham, Jan Caldwell-Huelett , and David Orcutt.
Others in attendance:
Laurie Cromwell and Carol Howard
· Corrections to the minutes of the February 23, 2012 meeting were: Patti Caraway did attend and only Stacy Mitchell and David Orcutt were absent. Others listed as absent are not board members. Gentry made the motion to approve and Mayfield gave the second. The motion was approved.
· There is a Conference Center contract for the May 11, 2012 Academic banquet.
· Barbara Townsend attended the Board 2 Board seminar in Tyler and recommends that at least one member attend each future seminar. Stacy Mitchell will attend the next Board 2 Board seminar. April 11-13 is the National School Education Foundation meeting in Frisco, Texas. Laurie Cromwell stated that it is “Like Board 2 Board on steroids”. She further added that the Texas Pioneer Foundation will pay for every board member to attend.
· Townsend recognized the Events committee for the kick-off event. Mayfield shared the Memorandum of Understanding between the ISD and the Foundation. Cromwell stated that the GEF is “right on track and is very proud of the accomplishments of the board.” She also shared a list of private charities in the area (Hood Co) that are listed and who have a educational connection.
· Cromwell demonstrated the web browser application “Join Me”. This is a software program that allows a group of people to participate online together and view the same computer documents together as a group.
· Marketing and Events committee gave appreciation to Katherine and Jan’s work for the event and thanked HEB and LGMC for providing the food for the event. Attendance was disappointing but an effort will be made to reach out to invitees who were unable to attend due to conflicting events. One on one campaign will start. A discussion was held with regard to the short timeline for the Founding GEF contributors. Overstreet stated that going to all service clubs to solicit their membership as a founding contributor would be helpful.
· P. Caraway gave the Program Committee update. There were 25 grants submitted and the committee recommends that we fund 11 of those grants now, with a possible addition of 2 more if we have funds available after the push. The total amount for all 13 would be $28, 995.00 That amount needs to be presented to the GISD board on April 2nd at the regularly scheduled meeting due to the next GISD board meeting is on May 21st which is after the grant award prize party. Carola Bradley will schedule and reserve the actual time for the bus.
· The Marketing and Program committee will meet in the next two weeks to work on the Academic Recognition Banquet. A discussion was held with regard to the number of seniors and their honoree to be recognized. Average price for such an event is $5000.00 to $6000.00. Lowrey made the motion with Wallace as the second to select the “Top 25 Seniors” .
· The Rachel’s Challenge grant was for all elementary schools. Recognition of the GEF’s contribution to the grant will be sent out in the year-end report card.
· GEF video link is now on the HC News website.
· Gentry, gave the GEF income statement. More has been collected in March. There is $52,000 pledged with $30,000 in actual collections. Operating Expenses need $5000 set back with $22,000 available for grants and the banquet. Lowrey suggested that table sponsors should fund the banquet and prices for table sponsorship. Cromwell suggested to start with $20,000 and change the amount to $28,000 if the money came in by the April 24th GEF meeting. Motion was made by Overstreet and a second by Hodges, all approved.
· HEB gave the check for $10,000 to the foundation.
· Donor Directed Funds are allowed by GEF bylaws but needs to be approved by the board to ensure that it can be utilized in the manner of the donor’s wishes. Overstreet made the motion and Scott seconded that a CTE Donor Directed Fund be accepted. Motion passed.
· The GEF Founders timeline was pushed until August 31, 2012. Motion was made by Overstreet and a second by Scott. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 3:06.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - February 23, 2012
February 23, 2012
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Granbury ISD Education Foundation was held on February 23, 2012 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organization’s bylaws. The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. in the General Granbury Training Room of the Granbury Independent School District Administration Annex Building, with President Barbara Townsend presiding.
The following board members were in attendance:
Kathryne Bosco, Patti Caraway, Donna Dickinson, Carey Gentry, Lisa Gossard, Joey Grisham, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, James Hodges, Jan Caldwell Hulett, Mark Jackson, Bob Lowrey, Ron Mayfield, Lee Overstreet, Mike Scott, Jerry Tidwell, Barbara Townsend, Jan VanDorn, and Barbara Wallace.
The following board members were absence:
Annette Beadle, John Mark Davis, Melinda Fortner, Aaron Grant, Carol Howard, Dick Keyt, Stacy Mitchell, Steve Mitchem, David Orcutt, and Cheryl Troxel.
Others in attendance:
Laurie Cromwell
●Barbara Townsend introduced Jan VanDorn as a possible member of the board. It was moved by Ron Mayfield and seconded by Donna Dickinson to add Jan as a member. She was approved by the board as a member.
●Lisa Gossard presented the minutes from the January meeting. It was moved by Carey Gentry and seconded by Bob Lowrey to accept the minutes from the January 26, 2012 meeting. The motion was approved.
●Barbara Townsend discussed the Signature Event which will be at the conference center on May 11, 2012. The event will highlight academic and teaching excellence. Lake Granbury Medical Center and HEB will coordinate the food. Students who are academically qualified and are seniors in high school will be invited as well as the teacher who made an impact on them. Each student will be able to invite parents or guardians. The teacher will be able to invite a guest. Counselors will help facilitate the process of choosing the students. There will need to be a picture of the student and the teacher for the program. Businesses will buy tables to help subsidize event. The Program and Development committees will share responsibility for this event.
●Ron Mayfield gave an update for the school district. The STAR? Tests will begin next month. The end of course tests will not be included in the GPA of students for this year. It is a requirement that students have to pass the tests to graduate. Weatherford College is going to offer courses that are higher level for GHS students to take advantage of during their high school careers.
●Laurie Cromwell made a presentation – “From Fear to Fearless” – for the board on how to ask for donations.
●Carey Gentry, Vice-President of Finance & Governance, presented the finance report ending January 31, 2012. Our assets were &17,500 and our liabilities were $11,169.45. Our balance is $6330.55 at the end of the month. Lee Overstreet made a motion to accept the finance report, which was seconded by Ron Mayfield. The finance report was approved by the board. There is not an insurance report this month. The board ratified the commitment and contract with Foundation Innovation from the GISD school board dated July 25, 2011. A motion was made by Mark Jackson and seconded by Carey Gentry. The motion was approved by the board.
●Donna Dickinson, Vice-President of Development, discussed the progress made by the Development Committee. March 1 through May 1 will be the Spring Campaign and October 1 through December 31 will be the Fall Campaign. There will be a letter sent out prior to March 22, 2012 to potential donors. Each board member needs to submit a prospect list to Barbara Townsend, Laurie Cromwell, or Donna by March 1, 2012. Please include a phone number for each of the prospects on your list. The goal is $100,000 for the Spring Campaign. There was discussion of a future employee campaign with the ISD staff. There will be donor cards at the March 22 event. Our prospect database will be complete by March 2, 2012. The letter will be in the mail by March 8, 2012.
●The Marketing and Events Vice-President, Bob Lowrey discussed the Kick-Off Event on March 22nd. Set up for the event will begin at 3:00 and he asked that all board members in attendance assist with the cleanup. The event will be at Bentwater from 5:30-7:00 p.m. The room holds 100 people and the food is being provided by Lake Granbury Medical Center and HEB. The wine is being provided by Durant Auto Group and the tea from Chicken Express. The formal program which will include a presentation on the GEF will be from 6:00-6:30. Barbara Townsend would like for the board to be at 100% of donations pledged by March 8th so that she can announce the commitment at the event. Board members can give their donations to Carey Gentry and notify Donna Dickinson. The checks can be made payable to GEF. Jan Caldwell requested a request for funds on GEF letterhead.
●The program committee has begun the application process for grant requests. Patti Caraway, Vice-President of Programs, discussed the two workshop sessions that were held for teachers to become more familiar with the grant application process. The committee appreciates HEB providing snacks for the teachers. The grants are due March 2nd and the Grant Review Committee will meet on March 6th. The committee will present the funds to the school board on April 2nd. The prize party to deliver the news to the grant recipients will be announced at our next board meeting.
●New Business: Barbara Townsend thanked Jerry Tidwell for coming to the board meeting. There was a motion for Jerry to join the board. The motion was approved.
Meeting adjourned at 3:09 pm.
GEF Board of Directors Meeting - November 17, 2011
Granbury ISD Education Foundation
November 17, 2011
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Granbury ISD Education Foundation was held on November 17, 2011 after duly notifying the Board of Directors as stated in the organization’s bylaws. The meeting was convened at 2:00 p.m. in the General Granbury Training Room of the Granbury Independent School District Administration Annex Building, with Superintendent Ron Mayfield presiding in Barbara Townsend’s absence.
The following board members were in attendance:
Kathryne Bosco, Patti Caraway, Carey Gentry, Lisa Gossard, Joey Grisham, James Hodges, Jan Caldwell Hulett, Mark Jackson, Bob Lowrey, Ron Mayfield, Stacy Mitchell, Lee Overstreet, Mike Scott, and Barbara Wallace.
The following board members were absence:
Annette Beadle, John Mark Davis, Donna Dickinson, Melinda Fortner, Aaron Grant, Dixie Lee Hedgecock, Carol Howard, Dick Keyt, Steve Mitchem, David Orcutt, Barbara Townsend, and Cheryl Troxel.
Others in attendance:
Laurie Cromwell
●We have 18 current board members and Laurie Cromwell stated that we would like to have an additional 8-10 board members. The original committee working on recruiting board members will follow up with the original list. Lee Overstreet stated that he had received declines from three potential board members from the original list. There was a suggestion that Jerry Tidwell with the Hood County News be invited to join the board. Mike Scott introduced Joey Grisham, the director of the Lake Granbury Area Economic Development Center, as a potential board member. Mark Jackson made a motion to approve Joey Grisham as a new board member; Bob Lowry seconded the motion; motion approved. Laurie Cromwell will send out the original potential board member list to the board.
●It was moved by Carey Gentry and seconded by Lee Overstreet to accept the minutes from the October 20, 2011 meeting. The motion was approved.
●There was not a President’s report.
●Ron Mayfield gave an update for the school district. The partnership with Weatherford College is going well and the college has had an accreditation visit. The school district is beginning the STAR standardized testing this school year. The education requirements are being shifted down. For example what has been taught in the 3rd grade will now be taught in the 2nd grade. The school district has been in the process of eliminating 170 positions due to the budget shortfall. There are 30 additional positions that will need to be eliminated to reach the 170. The school district continues to perform well in athletics as well as in the fine arts programs.
●Laurie Cromwell discussed the approved bylaws that were included for the board member notebooks. The board is now an approved 501C-3. The information was forwarded to the Pioneer Foundation to move ahead with approval of a $15,000 grant.
●Barbara Townsend is continuing to work on recruiting a VP of Development. Laurie discussed the timelines for each committee. Carey Gentry, the chair of the Finance and Governance committee, discussed the pros and cons of using the same address and phone number as the school district. The Finance and Governance committee will discuss this at their meeting in addition to fund management and policies. The Development committee will discuss the annual campaign and its timeline and the kick-off event. In addition each board member will need to complete the Donor Prospect Information Form and return to Laurie. Bob Lowry, the chair of the Marketing and Events committee, would like to have December be the month to “market” the Education Foundation at service clubs, community groups, and city and county governments. A Speakers Bureau made of board members to speak to groups was suggested. A logo was chosen at the board meeting. Printed materials, a printing company, and website options will be discussed at their meeting. The Program Committee needs to meet prior to the January board meeting. Laurie will send Patti Caraway, the chair, a sample timeline for the committee.
●Mark Jackson confirmed the grant of $2500.00 for the foundation.
●The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.